Chapter 142 Unexpected visitor
Not long after they left, a knight came here, looked around, and then dug out the assassin's body from the soil.


He cursed and left here.

The knight came to a temporary camp and entered the middle tent.

"Where's the person?" Dolly, who was drinking, saw him and asked.

"Escaped, and the assassin sent to monitor was killed. I checked his injuries and killed him with one blow, and he was still using a knight sword. The assassin didn't have time to react."

Dolly slammed the wine glass on the table with a gloomy expression, "It seems that a high-ranking knight made the move. It's really strange. Why does the other party know that Roland is here, and what is the purpose of taking him away?"

"Did someone discover Lord Viscount's plan?"

"You go down."

The knight leaves.

An old man sitting on the other side said, "Roland is an important point in the plan. If he disappears, it will have a great impact on the plan."

Dolly shook his head, "It's not a big problem. I made a magic imprint on Roland. Only legends can find and erase him. No matter where he is, as long as the mark is still there, he can be found. Now we are in the stage of collecting materials , let him stay outside first, and bring him back when all the materials are collected."

The old man was puzzled, "Aren't you afraid that Roland will die, or that the other party has found a way to erase the mark?"

"Mage Zago, don't worry, we still have other means. What you need to do now is to set up the magic circle as soon as possible."

"I know, I have to say that your plan is really crazy, you dare to reach out to the elemental field."

"But you also agreed, after all, the plan is really realized, and you can get huge benefits from it." Dolly laughed.

Zago didn't speak. After hearing the viscount's plan, he was frightened by the other party, but Dolly was right. After success, he might become a legend because of it, and he is also a legendary mage who has mastered multiple elements.

"Damn it, let the dark cultists run away."

"The other party can't escape. He must still be in the Great Sunset Forest. The Bishop has already set up the Holy Light Circle. Unless he goes deep into the forest, he will definitely be found."

"He definitely doesn't dare to go deep into the Sunset Forest. There are extremely powerful monsters in it, even the bishop is afraid."

"I didn't expect there to be a town in the forest. It just so happens that tracking the dark cultists is very tiring during this time, so let's go and rest."

"Strange, what are they doing, paving the way?"

"What is this and why is it on the road?"

On the road leading to the town of Ashes, two priests in white robes looked curiously.

When the serfs who paved the road saw them, they knelt down and saluted, and then got up to work again.

This scene made Falco frowned slightly, showing displeasure, and scolded: "Who told you to get up!"

The serfs were taken aback and knelt down again.

"Damn lowly serf!"

For some reason, Falco felt that these people had no fear of him, unlike serfs in other places.

"There's something wrong with the serfs here." Horace on the side was puzzled.

He actually felt a kind of vitality in these serfs. Their eyes were no longer numb, but full of hope for life.

This is not a good thing, serfs are serfs, they don't need any hope.

"You also discovered that these serfs are not so scared when they look at us," Falco said.

"This is the territory of the Kingdom of Kais, which lacks faith. They don't have any respect for the church, so they must know what faith is."

A whip appeared in Horace's hand, and he whipped the serf.

The serfs cried out in misery.

Horace and Falco both laughed at their voices.

"Okay, let's go find the lord here."

When the two left, the serfs behind them looked at them full of resentment. Their actions not only did not frighten these serfs, but aroused hatred.

A serf struggled to stand up, and staggered towards the town.

"Who is the lord here, come out for me."

A voice blessed by magic resounded in Ashes Town.

Lynn, who was practicing with Matthew, heard the voice and looked in the direction of the voice.

Matthew said: "Who is so arrogant!"

The two went over and found that there were already many people around here, some of them were kneeling on the ground and praying constantly.

The people around moved away one after another, and Lynn and Matthew also saw the two priests inside.

Lin En's face was expressionless, but he was puzzled in his heart.

Before completing the task to reward the unexpected visitor, he was always curious about who it would be, but he didn't expect it to be someone from the church.

Lin En had no contact with members of the church, because the kingdom of Kais had a problem with the church, and it was not allowed to build churches in the kingdom, and there were restrictions on other noble territories.

The entire Kais Kingdom is in a state of shallow faith, and royal power is more important and prominent than divine power.

It really surprised him that people from the church would come here.

Seeing each other's holy robes and the patterns on them, they are members of the Holy Light Church.

For some reason, seeing them, Lynn remembered the words in the mage's tower diary.

"You are the lord here?" Falco looked at the other party with a superior attitude, "Hurry up and arrange a place for us to rest, and bring out the best food here. In addition, there are beautiful women."

Lynn asked, "Are you from the church?"

"That's right, we are the clergy of the Church of the Holy Light, don't hesitate, hurry up and do it." Horace scolded.

Their words, tone, and expressions didn't put Lynn in their eyes at all. Even if the other party was a nobleman, it didn't matter, the clergy had a higher status than the nobles.

"Are you all members of the Holy Light Church?" Lynn was surprised.

He has always held a neutral attitude towards the church, and will not contact or prevent other people in the town from believing in it, but he never expected that the other party would be so vile.

The teachings of the Holy Light Church should not be like this.

Matthew said: "The members in a church are complicated, and if there are too many people, such things will exist."

The woods were big, and there were all kinds of birds, and Lynn got tangible certification from them.

Horace was annoyed, "Did I hear what I told you, hurry up and do it."

"My lord, they beat us with whips." A serf ran towards us and shouted.

The onlookers looked at him, there were scars on his body, and he was still dripping blood.

The serf knelt on the ground, pointed at the two priests, "That's them!"

(End of this chapter)

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