Chapter 152 Weapon Crafting
Lynn shook his head slightly, "It takes a few days to see a person's character and know the development ideas of a place, especially for half-orcs like you who have traveled to the mainland. Is it worth choosing.

I value capable people, and I will arrange them in positions that suit them. Over the past few days, you have already understood what you should know, and you have a relatively clear understanding of Ash Town. in a hurry.

Of course, if you feel anxious, you can continue to learn more. "

Lynn gave him a choice without any coercion, but this choice is different, and Levin's choice will determine his future position.

Levin asked seriously: "Before I answer, I want to ask you a question. If the orcs settle here in the future, and there is a situation of blood awakening, which attracts the enemy to chase and kill, will you care?"

"My people can only be dealt with by me. No matter who dares to do things that endanger the people, I will make him pay in blood!" Lin En made his own promise.

Levin stood up, facing Lynn, chanting words, and little elements gathered in his hands.

He took out the dagger, cut a wound on his hands, blood dripped, but formed a magic circle full of cumbersome patterns on the ground.

"In the name of the half-orc Levin, I swear allegiance to Lord Lynn Olis. The oath will not be broken, and the blood oath will last forever. If it is violated, the blood will collapse."

The magic circle glowed with dazzling blood, then turned into a mark and disappeared into Levin's forehead.

"You are!" Lynn was surprised.

"The half-orc's blood oath, as long as you can keep us safe, we will always be loyal to you." Levin explained.

Lin En understood that the premise of allegiance was that he did those things, which was not a problem, since he was supposed to protect his subjects.

"Since this is the case, the next thing is easy to say. I hope you will be in charge of crops and livestock, continue to expand the scale, and store food. I will establish the Ministry of Agriculture. At present, you are the minister of the Ministry of Agriculture."

Although Levine didn't know what the Ministry of Agriculture was, he could understand that this department was definitely not simple. No matter what race they were, the importance of food was self-evident.

"Thank you for your attention, I will do my best."

"Okay, you have become a part of Ashes Town, then I will take you to see a project that is currently focused on research."

He can feel the power of the oath, and Levine is also a spellcaster, so he should be able to provide some ideas.

The two came to the factory area, one area was blocked by a towering wall, and the sound of explosions could be heard from time to time.

Entering inside, the continuous blast furnace is running, and a raging fire is burning inside.

When the flame in a blast furnace was extinguished, someone cleaned out the ashes and residue inside, and then found tiny crystals from it, and carefully placed them in the container.

The temperature here is very high, and you can feel the magic gathering.

Levin was surprised, "Fire runes?"

"That's right, a flame rune is added to each blast furnace."

He entered the house, and Hamid was studying the spar and arranging it.

Seeing Lynn coming, Hamid said, "You just happened to come. Your idea gave me an idea. I used spar to set up a magic circle. Would you like to see its power?"


Hamid took the spar to the special test area, which is a place surrounded by open space. There are a lot of potholes on the ground here, and experiments are obviously often carried out.

He arranged the spars neatly one by one, then injected magic power into each spar, and left quickly.

Just a few seconds later, the magic circle was formed, but the spar inside became unstable.


The sound of an explosion sounded.

The sound was deafening, and a large pit four to five meters wide and three meters wide appeared on the spot, and some soil melted due to the high temperature.

Levin was shocked, why those crystals have such a powerful force.

Hamid walked over and said: "This is just a primary magic circle, and the effect is not great, but the magic crystals arranged in the magic circle are replaced by spars, and the explosion power is enough to match the third-level attack magic.

In fact, if the number of crystals is more, the power will increase, but I dare not experiment, the increase in the number means that the instability is stronger, and maybe there will be an explosion before I stay away. "

"Can it be injected remotely, or delayed?" Lynn asked.

"Yes, but the magic power will be lost once the distance is long. Ordinary spellcasters want to detonate the spar, the distance should not be too far. As for the delay, it is currently being studied." Hamid replied.

"In addition, the launch spar you mentioned earlier also has a model, but there are big problems."

"what is the problem?"

Hamid produced a handful of odd-looking objects with a metal casing and a wooden handle.

This is the pistol that Lynn asked Keir to build, but because gunpowder has no effect, he chose this spar.

At the beginning, the pistol that Kiel built was too bulky, even for a knight to hold it. Later, changes were made, the volume was reduced, and a wooden handle was added.

Hamid put a spar into it, then pointed the pistol at the distance, he pulled the wrench, a sound sounded, the spar was ejected, and exploded in the distance.

He gave Lynn the pistol and spar again, and Lynn shot the gun, watched the explosion in the distance, and understood the problem.

"Range and accuracy, right?"

"Well, the thing called the pistol you mentioned has too short a range and can only use small crystals. If it is bigger, the aftermath of the explosion will hurt the user. The accuracy is very poor, not even as good as An assassin's dagger is thrown with precision."

Hamid shook his hand again, "It's too bulky. After firing, there is still a force backward, which makes my hands hurt. I can shoot up to three times in a row, and I have to rest. In addition, the barrel can't bear too much." shots, after experiments, it will be deformed up to eight times."

"It seems that the problem is not small." Lynn groped his chin, thinking.

The appearance of crystals replaced gunpowder and even bullets, which made Lynn think of making guns, but at present, the conventional pistol shape does not seem to be suitable.

Moreover, what a pistol needs is convenience, speed, filling, and accuracy, and this pistol does not account for any of it.

Perhaps the only benefit is being able to shoot it.

Levin said thoughtfully, "I have a question, why do you want this model?"

"Do you have any ideas?" Lynn asked.

Levine replied, "Among the Orcs."

Hamid was startled, and looked at the other party, but he didn't expect that the lord even found the half-orc.

Levin didn't seem to notice his expression, and continued: "We have a weapon called the Thorn Arrow, which uses the spikes of the Thorn Beast, and the tip will be smeared with poison. The weapon is equipped with arrow slots, as long as enough spikes Put it inside, aim at the enemy, press the button on the back, and the spike will bounce to the arrow port, and then shoot out."

Lynn and Hamid looked at each other, both of them had puzzled expressions on their faces, and they didn't understand what he meant at all.

"Can you draw it?" Lynn asked.


Hamid found a pen and paper, and Levine thought about it from time to time, and then drew a few strokes.

A strange-looking weapon appeared on the paper. Lynn looked at it and thought for a while.

This stabbing arrow is a bit like a combination of a crossbow and a revolver. The buckle that Levin said is a wrench. Every time you pull it, you are holding the bullet (spine) and then pulling the trigger to shoot.

There is a relatively large quiver on the left side of the thorn arrow, which is filled with spikes. When the wrench is turned, the spikes fall into it. After the spikes are used up, they can be filled directly. Compared with the revolver, it is larger in volume, but There are far more spikes than the revolver can hold.

Hamid said: "Just now...he was right, do we have to use this look?"

Lynn looked at the pistol, "It's not necessary to use this shape, but I think it fits people's habits. Do you have any other ideas?"

He made the shape of the pistol subconsciously, entirely because of the previous idea, thinking that spar can replace bullets, so it is better to use a pistol, but it seems that this is not the case now.

To put it bluntly, he was still influenced by conventional thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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