Chapter 158 Potato Harvest
The few people brought back by Harvey are now completely accustomed to the life in Ash Town. The spellcasters followed Hamid to study the spar, and the knights trained with Matthew and also acted as actual combat trainers.

These people, although they have encountered some things, they are disabled, but they have a lot of experience, and they will not strictly abide by the teachings of knights. For them, victory is the final result.

Matthew also taught them some combat skills about knights, which greatly improved their strength.

However, it is impossible for them to follow the training all the time, and they still have to have their own affairs.

The Ashes caravan has already demonstrated a certain strength in the surrounding area, which naturally attracted the attention of some towns, and this protection must be improved again.

"Well, next time the caravan will bring them along." Carliss hesitated and said, "Master, I heard some bad news recently about the city of Olis."

"what news?"

"It seems that there is a situation where dark believers are rampant."

"Raging, you should know the meaning of this word, that's Olis City!" Lynn said in a serious tone.

"I also heard that many refugees disappeared. It is said that they were captured by the dark believers. These dark believers don't know what to use them for. Could it be an evil sacrifice?" Karis was a little worried.

However, his worry was not that great, because his family members were also taken to Ashes Town.

"Just ask her!" Lynn pointed to Harlem who came in from the outside.

"What's wrong?" Harlem looked puzzled.

"Things about the Dark Cultists" Lynn repeated Carliss' words.

After hearing this, Harlem frowned, "I haven't heard any plans related to Olis City. Although we are divided into different factions, we all have the same idea for these kingdoms that openly rebelled against the church. That is to support and grow, it will only help, be neutral, and will never destroy their stable development."

"That's interesting. Last time you said you were betrayed, could it be that they did something that even you didn't know?" Lynn asked.

Harlem's face darkened, "I need to investigate this matter. There must be no problems in the Kingdom of Kais, otherwise our efforts will be in vain."

She put the potion in her hand on the table and said, "These are three potions with different effects, recovery potion, stone skin potion and magic recovery potion."

"It was made so quickly." Lynn picked up the potion and looked at it.

"They are all primary potions, but their effects are better than those sold on the market, because they don't contain any moisture," Haring explained.

"What do you mean?"

"Pharmaceuticals are expensive things with excellent effects. Generally speaking, the potions produced will be provided to the royal family, followed by nobles and free people. The big nobles have great wealth, so they can naturally afford them, but some small Nobles don't have so much money.

Therefore, merchants will divide one potion into two parts and add water to it. In this way, they can be sold at a lower price. As for the effect weakening, they don’t care about it. After adding water layer by layer, the effect of the potion is getting worse and worse. It's getting cheaper and cheaper, but more people are buying it. "

There was sarcasm in Harlem's tone, "These businessmen don't have any beliefs at all in order to make money, and the teachings of the God of Commerce do not allow them to do so."

"What about the cost price and sales price?"

"The materials are not valuable, and the cost is only a few silver coins, but this kind of primary medicine can be sold for more than two gold coins. As for the higher-level medicines and those with special effects, the price is even higher, so some When measuring the strength of a royal family, it also depends on the number of high-level potions."

Lynn shook his head, "No matter how many high-level potions there are, can there be many low-level potions, and the royal family will definitely not use these potions for ordinary people. Sufficient low-level potions can often play a better role , How long does the potion last?"

"If it was before, the time would be shorter, but there are two springs and winters. If you use the magic seal, the time will be longer. Now the glass container you made can be preserved for three springs and winters."

"How long does it take you to make the potion?"

Harlem also understood what Lynn meant, "For me, as long as I have enough materials, I can make potions in batches, but I won't stay in the workshop to make them for you, but"

A look of hesitation appeared on Harlem's face, he didn't know whether to say it or not.

Lynn saw her difficulty, "If you find it difficult, there is no need to force yourself. I am very grateful that you helped me make the potion."

"Do you believe in God?" Harlem said suddenly.

Lynn knew that her question should have something to do with what she wanted to say, and he didn't know whether to believe it or not, so he simply said, "I don't have any beliefs, not even a shallow believer."

"I'll think about it." Harlem left directly.

Karis looked puzzled, not understanding what they meant.

"Is there anything else?"

"Yes, sir, the potatoes are ready to be harvested, Levin and the others are waiting for you to go there." Karis replied.

"Oh, let's go and have a look inside the ground."

Agricultural area, potato fields.

There are already a large number of serfs waiting here, and Levin stands at the front, and after his natural magic these days, the growth of potatoes has been accelerated.

When Lynn came here, he saw that the whole field was completely covered with green.

Levine said: "My lord, I can feel the potatoes are ripe."

"Okay, let's dig potatoes!"

Following Lin En's order, the serfs took farm tools and tore apart the potatoes. The soil was dug up, revealing round potatoes, quite large in size.

The serfs were all shocked. They were the ones who planted the potatoes at the beginning. They were obviously just a small piece, so how could they grow like this.

Levin said with a sigh: "My lord, just relying on these potatoes, you don't have to worry about the food problem."

He had inquired with the serf before, and he knew that potatoes grow from potato cubes. One potato can be cut into at least five or six pieces, and one piece can produce more than a dozen large potatoes, or even more.

One becomes ten, ten becomes hundreds, so many potatoes are planted, and the quantity is simply unimaginable.

Moreover, he can feel that these potatoes can continue to be planted.

"You can't eat potatoes all the time, besides, if they germinate, they will be poisonous." Lin En's tone was brisk, and he was in a good mood.

In the afternoon, after the serfs had been busy all day, a large number of potatoes were packed into bags and stored.

A portion of the potatoes went to the serfs, as they were entitled to.

In the courtyard of the castle, there is a fire with potatoes and beef stewed on it. The soup is constantly boiling and the fragrance is overflowing.

Lynn used a wooden stick to get the potato out of the ashes, peeled off the skin, and took a bite. Compared with the baked potatoes he had eaten before, the taste was better.

"Try all of you too."

Carliss, Levine, Hamid and others all took potatoes and ate them.

"It's delicious, I didn't expect this potato to taste like this." Karis was surprised.

Harlem ate the potatoes in small mouthfuls, not knowing what he was thinking.

Levin finished eating a potato and said: "This kind of food has a strong sense of satiety, and you will feel full after eating one."

He immediately thought of the importance of potatoes. Sowing is easy, the yield is huge, and they can be planted multiple times a year. Let alone the people in Ash Town, even if there are several times more, they don't have to worry about food at all.

There are several races among the half-orcs that have a lot of food, which makes their life very difficult, and they can only go hungry. Over time, the number of ethnic groups continues to decrease. If they can get enough food, they can not only eat enough, but also help the lord to do things .

Levin said suddenly, "My lord, do you know half-bear and half-elephant?"

"I heard that the number is very small, and basically there is no trace of them." Lynn said, which he asked from Hamid.

"Well, their two races are very strong, and they are responsible for the combat power among the half-orcs, but because of the lack of food, the number is constantly decreasing, and now there are only a few hundred. I happen to know a half-bear man, and they are located about halfway from here. It's not too far, I wonder if I can bring them here."

(End of this chapter)

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