Chapter 23 It's All Money
After being happy, Lynn also calmed himself down and said, "Old Tom, you go back and call all the serfs over to pick spices, without any ink stains."

Old Tom left in a hurry to inform the serf.

"The rest of you, go around and see if there are any other spices."

After a pause, Lynn realized that these serfs had never seen them before, and added, "If you find any special plants, come and tell me."

The serfs dispersed towards the surroundings one after another.

Karis kept picking up fennel on the ground. He already had a handful in his hand, and even wrapped it in his clothes, regardless of etiquette.

It's all money!
Lin En looked at his appearance and couldn't help laughing: "Wait until the serfs come back with the containers to pick them up, otherwise you can take as much with just your hands."

Karis thought about it for a while, but he didn't throw away the spices, he just held them, because it made him feel like he was holding money.

"Master, we just need to sell these spices, and we can buy whatever we want with the money we earn. We can even talk to the Earl about hiring knights. After all, your safety needs knights to protect you." Reese said.

"There is no nobleman who doesn't have a knight by his side, and I don't know what the Earl thought at that time. Why didn't you let the knight follow you when you were sent to such a remote and backward place? He is not afraid of accidents." Carliss muttered.

Lin En was also very puzzled. It stands to reason that no matter whether the nobles are training their descendants or really look down on a certain child, they will give them some help. Superficially passable.

Because nobles value face the most, if you can't even help future generations, it can only mean that your family is over, and other nobles will not even cooperate with you.

Not to mention anything else, just take Lin En as an example, if his soul is not an adult, he upholds the principle of dog after coming to Ashes Town, and he does things more enlightenedly, and solves the land curse problem in a short time, allowing a group of serfs He was overwhelmed, and later he was relaxed in dealing with Ava's affairs, which shocked the free people.

Otherwise, that dandy noble boy from before would not be able to survive here.

Not to mention, there were many dangers along the way, and it was pure luck to reach Ashes Town safely.

But even now, Lin En doesn't dare to make too much of a big deal. Before he has no strength, he won't do things that are too public.

I don't know what the other noble children are like now. It's not clear whether they are dead or alive.

"My lord, there are unknown plants here."

The serf's voice interrupted Lin En's thinking, he didn't think about these things any more, and hurried over.

Not far from the star anise tree is a low emerald green plant with veined leaves and purple flowers blooming.

Karis' eyes widened, "This is mint!"

"Oh my god, master, there's still mint here." Carliss spoke in a hurry, and he couldn't calm down at all.

Lin En was also a little surprised. He didn't expect to find mint besides fennel. Both are spices, and they have a good status in the lives of nobles.

Lin En picked a piece, and a smell of peppermint appeared, rushing straight into his mind through his nasal cavity, making his mind much clearer.

There are not a lot of mints, as long as they are well protected, it will be enough to stabilize the supply and bring wealth to Lynn.

Big gain!
Lin En thought in his heart, it really deserves to be a task that requires a person to be hanged.

Not long after, Old Tom rushed over with the serfs, holding containers in their hands, and they were divided into two parts under Lynn's command.

Some pick up fennel on the ground, while the other climbs trees to pick it.

"Pay attention to picking the cracked fruits, and don't move the rest!" Lynn said.

Even Karis didn't have a shelf. After putting the fennel he had been holding into the container, he squatted down and excitedly picked it up.

Until the afternoon, the serfs came out of the woods, and the containers were already filled with fennel. The mint is special, and generally speaking, fresh leaves are used, and not many are picked.

There was a smile on everyone's face.

The serfs put fennel in the castle.

Lin En said: "I have worked hard for you today, and I will continue to pick tomorrow. Like the mushroom area, it is listed as the land owned by the lord, and no one else is allowed to enter casually.

Send the picked spices to the castle, as much as you can pick, and you don't have to limit it like the arrowhead mushroom. "

After the serfs got the order, they left here.

Inside the house, a large amount of fennel is placed, and the fragrance permeates.

Ellie and Nisha all squatted next to Spice, staring straight at them.

Karis stood behind them, her eyes still on the spices.

Seeing this scene, Lynn couldn't help laughing and said, "Don't watch, go back and rest first, you'll still be busy tomorrow."

Ellie left after a few maids greeted her good night, while Karis was reluctant to part with her, "I don't know how much these spices can sell for."

Lynn returned to his room. Compared with Caris, he calmed down quickly after the excitement at the beginning.

Wanting to sell spices is not an ordinary thing, either to the surrounding towns, or to big cities, the latter has a greater demand for spices, no matter how much they can sell.

However, how to get there is a problem. The most common way is to use horse-drawn carriages to transport, and some people push the carts to travel around the surrounding villages and towns.

No matter what kind, you need to be equipped with knights, otherwise you may encounter monsters, refugees, robbers, etc. on the road, and you will lose your life instead of earning money.

If you send a large amount of spices to the city to sell, you will be targeted by some people, and the money and goods will be lost in the end.

Why no one dared to provoke the nobles, to put it bluntly, is that they have knights to protect them.

Lynn wanted to sell these spices only if there were knights around him. Before that, he would not consider it, otherwise it would be too dangerous.

Another point is to tell the earl that there are a lot of spices here. Generally speaking, nobles will not snatch things from their sons, and at most they will share and cooperate.

But Lin En always felt that something was wrong with the earl, and he didn't care about the lives of his sons at all.

What if he told him and kicked himself out directly.

No matter what it is, Lynn is going to wait until he completes the first task and obtains the seed of life. After all, repairing the castle is almost completed.

After thinking a lot, Lynn yawned sleepily, lay down on the bed, missed the cotton quilt, and fell asleep like that.

(End of this chapter)

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