Chapter 27 Warcraft Footprints
The place where the spices are produced has been listed as a forbidden area. Except for those allowed by the lord, other people can enter and leave at will and hang themselves directly.

Lynn followed Karis, and the serfs immediately stepped aside.

There is a palm-sized footprint on the ground, about three or four villages deep, and looks like four claws.

Carliss whispered fearfully: "This must be the footprint of a monster. There have always been monsters in the Sunset Forest. The mayor of Ashes Town was bitten to death by monsters before."

The serfs were also trembling. In front of the monsters, they had no power to resist at all.

Especially since they had seen Warcraft before, the reason why they survived was because the Warcraft did not attack.

Lin En's face was solemn. He had never seen a monster, but he had heard of it. He knew it when he was in the castle. Life.

This is an alternative way of gaining fame, and is highly sought after by most knights.

However, there are also some knights who don't care about this. The danger of fighting monsters is too high. If you don't pay attention, you will be injured or even die. Most of them are noble knights. They already have rights and wealth, so there is no need to take risks.

Knights may die in the face of monsters, let alone ordinary people.

Lynn looked at the footprints, he wasn't sure if they were the footprints of a monster or an ordinary beast.

Regardless, this is a reminder.

The development during this period was somewhat smooth, which made Lin En feel a little relaxed.

The reality once again made him vigilant. No matter what the development is, it needs a strong strength to be stable, and now it's just a small fight. Lynn didn't make a complete change in order not to attract attention.

If things from that world are brought here, it will definitely trigger technological innovation.

Thinking of this, Lynn stood up, "This footprint should be left by a wild beast. You don't need to be overly afraid. You can still pick spices, but you must pay attention to safety and be more careful when you come in."

Lynn told Old Tom a few more words. He had often been in and out of the forest before, and he was more familiar with the periphery. He was an old hand. Let him bring the serfs with him, at least the safety would be higher.

After speaking, Lynn took another deep look at the Sunset Forest. There are abundant resources in this forest, but there are also dangers. If they can be mined, there will be a lot of harvest.

They left the land of spices.

The vast forest, the vast sea of ​​trees.

Horse-drawn carriages were driving on the weed-covered road, and dozens of knights lined up on both sides. They were wearing fine armor and helmets, and they were very handsome when they sat on their horses.

There was a roaring sound from the front, and a monster several meters long appeared, blocking the way.

The monster's fur was fiery red, and it exuded a terrifying aura. It was a third-level flame tiger. It opened its mouth, and a huge fireball condensed and flew towards the convoy.

A knight left the team, swiped the long sword in his hand, and cut off the fireball directly.

The wind gathered on the blade of the sword, and the knight faced the flaming tiger head-on.

Not long after, the complete tiger skin was peeled off, the knight joined the team again, and the carriage continued on.

After several days of drying, the fennel has almost dried, and the earliest batches are stored in bags.

Since the serfs discovered the footprints, they never found another footprint, let alone the haunting of monsters, and the serfs finally felt relieved. explore outside.

In addition to mint, the serfs also found some special plants, such as strange leaves, red fruits, but very swollen rhizomes, like slender leaves, but small white fruits at the root.

Once these kinds of plants were discovered, they told the lord, but the lord was very happy and asked them to bring the plants back.

In addition to gradually exploring outwards, the serfs also cut down trees under the order of the lord, the branches were kept for fire, and the trunks were used to build houses.

For a long time, the houses where the serfs lived were extremely dilapidated, not sheltered from wind and rain, or built with wood and stones casually, unlike the houses of free people, which were not comfortable to live in.

The lord planned an area for them to build a house in this area.

Being able to have a new residence, the enthusiasm of the serfs has been greatly improved. They go out early and return late every day without the supervision of old Tom.

Obvious changes have also taken place in Ashes Town, and Ava's hanging is an unforgettable event for every townsman.

In the past, some people were used to spilling dirt on the street casually, thinking that even the lord would not be too strict, so there was something sneaky at night. When Ava was hanged, they knew that the lord was seriously.

The death of one person let the townspeople fully know that the orders of the lord cannot be disobeyed.

There is no more dirt on the streets, it becomes very clean, and even the air is fresh.

At first, the townspeople were not used to it, but as they gradually got used to it, another problem arose.

Where should the dirt go?

The lord has stipulated a place, but the distance is a bit far, and they can't run so far back and forth every day.

"Hmph, if these free people dare to say so much, they should be hanged." Karis said dissatisfied.

Farr, the carpenter on the side, lowered his head and didn't dare to respond. The townspeople knew that he was a little familiar with the lord, so they hoped that he could come over to help and talk to the lord.

He couldn't hold back the townspeople's request, and their family also had the same distress, so he came here.

Lynn isn't surprised by the complaints from townspeople, who have built public restrooms to go along with the stricter sewage orders.

At that time, he didn't give an order to do this kind of thing at the first time, because he knew that the townspeople didn't have much recognition for public toilets, so they wouldn't go there to a large extent.

It's different now. They don't need to go too far to deal with the dirt, and they don't even need to deal with it themselves. This is a great thing, and they will definitely go there on their own initiative.

Lynn said: "Go back and tell the townspeople that you plan to build public toilets all over the town, and they will go to the toilet to solve their own problems in the future."

Farr didn't stay long, left the castle, and told the townspeople what the lord had said.

The townspeople don't quite understand the concept of public toilets, but as long as they can solve the problem, that's fine.

For a while, they didn't have any ink marks, and they started construction immediately, and even offered to help, without asking for money, which is called a positive.

In just one day, more than a dozen toilets were built.

(End of this chapter)

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