Chapter 3 The Cursed Land
The carriage stopped, and Lynn saw a large area of ​​farmland and scattered dilapidated houses in front of him.

This is the main crop planting place in Ash Town. Most of the crops are planted, harvested and transported from here. The serfs living in the houses are born for this.

Carliss said: "Master, the crops grown in Ashes Town are mainly wheat, soybeans and peas. Many years ago, the town would provide the castle with a batch of crops during the annual harvest season. Later, it became less and less until there was no more. According to The mayor reported that the place was attacked by monsters, the serfs were killed and injured, and the farmland was also polluted by monsters, making it difficult for crops to grow."

Lin En walked towards the farmland, it was the time for sowing, but the land was only cultivated briefly, and there was a strange smell in the air, which made him feel a little familiar.

Hearing the commotion outside, the serfs came out of the house, saw each other's clothes, and immediately knew that it was a nobleman coming, so they quickly knelt down, not daring to say anything.

Lynn asked, "Why aren't the seeds planted yet?"

The serfs did not look up, lest they would tarnish the honor of the nobility.

Karis scolded, "The lord is asking you something, just say it if you don't want to be hanged."

Only then did a thin, wrinkled old man raise his head and said in a trembling voice: "My lord, it's not that we don't plant, but that the seeds won't grow at all after being planted."

He knelt and crawled forward until he came to the farmland. He stretched out his cracked hands to dig the soil, and a large number of insects and unrotten straw were tossed out.

The bugs are constantly wriggling on the ground, and the number is so large that it is disgusting to look at.

"This land has been polluted by monsters, and there are a lot of insects. No matter what we plant, we can't survive." The old man explained.

Lin En frowned. He knew why the smell here was so familiar. He squatted down and reached out to dig the soil.

Karis quickly shouted: "Master, don't touch it, it's dirty"

Before he could finish speaking, Lin En had already dug up a small piece of soil, which was just a handful of soil, but there were at least dozens of worms.

Lin En threw away the bugs in his hands and understood the problem. This incident was very familiar to him. He had encountered similar situations when he planted land with his parents before.

Just when he was about to say how to deal with it, he heard a voice.

"My lord, why did you come to this polluted place?"

Raff, who was like a wine barrel, ran over panting, with a worried expression on his face, breathless and said: "You are a nobleman, don't be affected by this place."

"Why do you say that?" Lynn became interested.

Raff took a few breaths, "This field was previously polluted by monsters. Not only can crops not grow on it, but anyone who comes into contact with the land will be cursed and will suffer from strange diseases for no reason. There are already several serfs died."

The serfs kneeling on the ground nodded frantically.

Hearing this, Karis immediately became nervous, "Master, let's go back to the castle quickly, and let the adults take a look at it for you, this is a curse."

He not only cared about the young master, but also cared about himself. Cursing was the most terrifying kind of magic. He heard that people who were hit by it were extremely miserable and died in pain. He still wanted to go back to the castle.

Lin En was unmoved, but instead asked, "What kind of strange disease?"

Raff paused, and said hesitantly: "It seems that there are many weird lines on the body. I was afraid that it would be contagious, so I burned all these people. You should not touch the dirt."

He knelt down, "My lord, for the sake of your body, it is best to go back and have a look, I believe that with your identity, the curse will definitely be cleared."

"You mean this kind of texture?" Lynn pointed to a serf.

The others immediately looked over and found that there were red lines on his neck, which are usually not easy to be found, but because he was kneeling, it happened to be exposed.

The servants exclaimed, and Karis persuaded again.

When Raff saw it, he jumped up in fear, more agile than a rabbit.

Raff immediately realized that the lord was still there, and knelt down again.

The serfs were trembling. They wanted to escape, but they knew that any movement they made would be regarded as disrespect to the nobles. This was a crime to be hanged.

As for the serf Lin En pointed out, he was in a panic, his body was shaking like a sieve, and he didn't dare to speak, a smell permeated, and he was so scared that he peed.

Carliss frowned and said seriously: "If you do such a disrespectful thing in front of the nobles, you should be hanged on the gallows."

Lin En said, "It actually made him pee his pants in fright. Doesn't that prove the majesty of the nobility?"

Karis was at a loss for words and wanted to refute, but he didn't know what to say for a while, and he felt that this sentence seemed to be quite right.

Lynn looked at the serf, "I'll give you a chance to explain, just tell me, no matter what, I won't kill you."

The lord said so, and the serf said in a crying voice, "I just feel my neck is very itchy, and I don't know if it's a curse."

"This is a curse!" Raff said suddenly, with a terrified expression on his face, "My lord, I beg you to get out of here, and don't be tainted by the curse."

"Nonsense, do you know what it takes to distort the facts?" Lynn angrily scolded in vain.

Raff was taken aback immediately, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to hold it at his waist, as if realizing something, he lay down tightly on the ground, not daring to speak.

Lin En said: "The lines on his neck are obviously bloodstains from scratching, and he made such a move because of itching, but you said that he was contaminated with a curse, deceiving the nobles, you should be hanged!"

When they described the lines, Lin En really thought there was a curse here, and only after seeing the bloodstains on the serf's neck did he understand the root cause.

These serfs seldom take a bath, their bodies are covered with thick dirt and smell bad, and living next to the farmland, those bugs will inevitably enter their houses, which of course will cause their bodies to itch and scratch constantly It's not just the formation of weird lines.

Raff's head lowered, wishing there was a big hole in the ground for him to stick his head in.

Karis showed hesitation, as if he wanted to say something.

Lynn noticed his expression and said proactively, "Do you want to say that since it's not a curse, why are there so many bugs in this farmland?"

Karis nodded, "Master, the curse is an indescribable energy, we still have to be cautious."

"I don't care if there is a curse here or not, you guys immediately find firewood and burn this farmland in all directions, don't miss anything."

Lin En added a sentence, shouting impassionedly: "The flame burns the crime, in front of the noble nobles, there is no crime that can be done recklessly!"

(End of this chapter)

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