Chapter 32 Pet Flame Tiger

There was admiration and envy in Karis' tone, which man would not want to have such a strong fighting power, even if he was old, no exception.

"I heard that the nobleman would have at least four women to accompany him every night, ten women at the peak, from dusk to dawn."

Lynn: "."

He was a little moved, "It's so powerful, is it really the reason for eating this stuff?"

Karis shook his head, "Probably not, this kind of thing is just a kind of auxiliary. Many nobles buy combat weapons of ordinary creatures, at most they only have a little effect, and they need to be eaten frequently. If they don't eat for a few days, It won't work, but the combat weapons of Warcraft are more effective, among which tiger Warcraft, donkey Warcraft, horse Warcraft, etc. are better.

It is said that some people have eaten dragon monsters, which is a great tonic, but I don't know if it is true or not, anyway, I have never seen a dragon. "

Carlisle paused for a moment, then continued: "These are all foreign objects, and they all depend on the combat capability of personal weapons. That nobleman once flaunted that his weapon was comparable to a dagger."

"Oh!" Lynn said in a flat tone, "That's still a bit worse than me. My weapon is comparable to a knight's gun."

Karis couldn't help but looked down at himself, and sighed in his heart, he was old, old, and he might not even be as good as a spoon.

Lin En was thinking about how to preserve these two things. He said that snake gall could improve eyesight and remove most of the snake's venom, but he didn't dare to eat it directly. After all, it was a monster. There are no seeds of life.

After thinking about it, he can only temporarily put them in the jar and seal them. Now that the temperature is relatively low, he doesn't have to worry about them rotting in a short period of time. He can sell them when he goes to the Earl.

Karis suddenly said: "Master, what we encountered today is top secret. Why don't you get rid of those serfs? What if they tell you? The flesh and fur of monsters are fine. The most valuable ones are monster crystals." Nuclei, and that Warcraft cub."

Creatures like monsters are afraid even by nobles, but correspondingly, they are also very attractive. Everything on monsters can be sold for a lot of money.

Lin En waved his hand, "No need, the number of serfs is not large, if they are all hanged, who will work for us, besides, they dare not say it."

Karis doesn't quite understand why the young master has such great confidence, but the young master has already said so, and he doesn't need to say more.

"Go out if you have nothing else to do. By the way, let Ellie heat some goat milk and bring it over." Lynn said.

Carliss leaves the study.

After a while, Ellie brought the goat milk over.

Lin En came to the tiger cub with the goat's milk and put the goat's milk in front of it.

As if smelling the scent, the tiger cub crawled forward along the smell, and lay down on the plate, licking the goat's milk non-stop.

The goat's milk was quickly consumed, and the tiger cub's body gradually gained strength. He let out a milky cry, slowly opened his eyes, and saw Lin En at a glance.

Lin En came back with it in his arms. The tiger cub had already remembered his smell, and now he was the first person to see him again. He had already regarded him as his own parents, and ran over staggeringly and crookedly.

Lynn wanted this kind of effect. He remembered that there was imprinting behavior among animals, and wanted to see if there were similar behaviors in Warcraft. So far, it seems that he did it right.

He just didn't expect it to be so fast. He still thought that he would need to feed it for a few days before opening his eyes.

A few lines of words suddenly appeared on the panel in front of him, which made Lin En stunned.

"The lord gets the flaming tiger cub and opens the pet panel."

On the side of Lynn's personal information is a gray mall button, next to the mall lights up, and the word pet appears.

He clicks the pet button, and a simple page appears.

Pet: Blazing Tiger (juvenile)

Host: Lynn

Ability: Flamethrower

Hobbies: meat, dairy

Current Status: Hungry
This is an unexpected harvest. With the pet panel, Lynn can learn more about pets.

He went downstairs to ask Allie to warm up some more goat milk.

The tiger cub gulped down the goat's milk, and his stomach swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye. After drinking up enough goat's milk for an adult's meal, his stomach was as round as a ball.

After eating and drinking enough, the tiger cub burped, tilted his head, and fell asleep.

Seeing its cute appearance, Lin En couldn't help laughing. After all, it's a cub, and it sleeps as soon as it says it does.

He covered the tiger cub so it wouldn't freeze.

As if feeling the warmth, the tiger cub turned over and made a "Zizi" posture.

Lin En was sitting at the desk, playing with two crystal nuclei in his hands, which were the crystal nuclei of the snake-shaped monster and the flame tiger monster.

The crystal nucleus of the Raging Flame Tiger is larger, and the whole body is light red, and it feels a little hot to the touch.

He put down the crystal nucleus and held the short horn. The short horn on the head of the snake monster does not know what effect it has, but it is not an ordinary thing anyway.

Looking back on what happened today, Lynn has to say that he made the right choice.

The tasks issued by the system to itself have not been forced from the beginning, and even if they are not completed, there will be no punishment. It is entirely up to him whether to do it or not, with a high degree of freedom.

Like this kind of staged task, he is even given a choice, whether to do it or not to do it.

If you do the task, you may encounter accidents. If you don't do it, there is no danger, but there is no gain at all.

If Lynn chose to back down this time, not only would he not be able to obtain the crystal nucleus, snake gall and fur, but he would not be able to obtain the Flame Tiger cub.

The value of the Warcraft cub far exceeds the crystal nucleus, because it represents growth, and it will be the best assistant for Lynn when he grows up.

Lynn set his sights on the second staged task, exploring Raff's secrets. There has been no progress yet, but he believes that the final task rewards will definitely be very rich.

He took out the continuous bow and crossbow. When he was in the cave, the crossbow hit the monster within a short distance and caused a lot of damage to the monster. Just seconds.

Fortunately, there is only one crossbow bolt left. Lynn is going to ask Farr to help him make some crossbow bolts. Fortunately, the method of making crossbow bolts is not difficult, and it should be possible to make them with Farr's technology.

Lynn yawned. Too many things happened today, which made him feel tired. He lay down on the bed and soon fell into a deep sleep.

In the sunset forest, a convoy guarded by many knights is driving on the road.

"Prince, due to the heavy rain, the traces were washed away, and we did not find the Flame Tiger."

"Keep looking."


(End of this chapter)

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