Chapter 64 Spice Sales


Lin En was surprised. He didn't expect that the Earl's father would still remember him, and would send someone over after such a long time.

He dismounted from his horse and opened the carriage, which contained a lot of things. In addition, there was a man with a foul smell and disheveled hair.

"This is?" Lynn asked.

"He's the knight who came with you, uh"

The other party paused, not knowing what to say.

Lynn waved his hand, "I'll explain in detail after I'm done with the work, and now I give you a task to escort them to the town to make a deal."

Lynn drove the carriage back to the castle, followed by a servant.

After ordering the servants to remove the things from the carriage, Lynn felt strange. Could it be that a certain brother or sister developed a good economy in the territory, which led to the restoration of the earl's territory, so that they could have extra supplies to send over.

After a while, Biton, the servant, ran over, "Master, everything is put away, only that man is still in the carriage."

Lynn nodded, and he went over to have a look. Five bags of flour, ten bags of wheat, a lot of air-dried meat, two large pots of honey, one bag of coarse salt, one bag each of beet seeds, flax seeds, carrot seeds, etc.

Besides these, there were two lambs, two young cows, and three piggies.

These domestic animals have endured the bumps along the way, and now they have no energy at all, lying on the ground, without even the thought of moving.

There are more things than expected. Although it is not in line with the wealth of the nobles, for Lynn, he feels that this is already quite generous for the Earl.

"Go and feed these livestock some water and find fresh grass blades."

Beaton ran out.

Lynn looked at the carriage. There was still a lot of dirt inside, and the smell was quite unpleasant. The man was lying in it, his body was covered with dirt, and he didn't care at all.

"Here we are, come down!" Lynn said.

Men are indifferent.

Lynn himself would not try to get the man down, but let him pull the man out after Biton fed the livestock with blades of grass.

The man didn't resist either, and was pulled out by Biton, and sat down on the ground with blurred eyes, staring blankly ahead.

Beaton asked in a low voice, "Sir, why don't you throw him out?"

Lynn shook his head, "Go about your business and take care of those cubs."

He stared at each other, and Lynn could feel the weak energy emanating from the man. He was not an ordinary person, but a knight.

This made Lin En even more curious. Even the most down-and-out knight still maintains the dignity of a knight. Like him, he doesn't have the meaning of abandoning his self-esteem and completely degrading himself.

It seems that this person has a tragic experience. The other party does not speak, and Lin En will not force him to speak. He will ask after the caravan returns.

Under Beaton's care, the cubs regained some energy. They walked around the circle and looked there, as if they were adapting to life here.

The unkempt man was still sitting on the ground, without any thought of moving.

In the afternoon, the carriage entered the castle.

Karis came down from above, with a smile all over his face, and walked quickly towards the hall.

"Master, sir!" he shouted as he ran.

Lynn went downstairs, looked at his expression, and said with a smile: "It seems that things are selling well."

Carliss nodded frantically, "That's right, these sun-dried fennels have a strong flavor, and they are the best category among fennels. They are very popular. At the beginning, only a few freemen came to buy them. The quantity they bought Not much, after all, there is no need to buy so many spices."

Lynn naturally understood that they wanted flour and beer more than spices.

But this is also the limitation of ordinary towns. If you go to a big city, those nobles have a crazy demand for spices.

"Later, a few well-dressed free folk women came over and bought a lot of spices. I was a little curious, so I asked them why they bought so much, because no matter how rich the free folk are, they can't do it like a nobleman. There are dozens of servants in such a family, and the consumption of spices is particularly large.

They told me that these spices are not used for seasoning, but carried with them. "

"Oh?" Lynn felt a little interesting, "They think the fragrance of the spice smells good, so use it as a perfume."

As an aristocrat, Lin En has a certain understanding of aristocrats. These people are influenced by the so-called "humor theory" and believe that bathing will bring diseases to the body, leading to serious illness and death, so they instinctively reject bathing.

During the time he was in the earl's castle, he didn't see many people taking a bath. He once asked his servants to boil hot water to take a bath. After he was found out, he was regarded as having a mental problem.

Due to not taking a bath for a long time, the sweat, dirt, etc. on the body are mixed together, exuding a strong smell. Often several people are in a closed room, and outsiders may be fainted if they enter.

Therefore, when nobles build castles, they often build some important places such as halls and bedrooms wider, which not only shows the majesty, but also has a little smell.

In addition, the nobles used spices the most. Carrying some scented items with them could effectively cover their own smell.

Especially when they went out, the filth all over the streets made the air extremely stinky, and the fragrance emitted from their bodies also showed their status.

Perfume is an advanced version of spices. It is said that there are many kinds of perfumes, but the production method is very difficult, and they are only in the hands of some nobles with high status or rich families.

Lin En had seen perfume before, and the earl's wife spent a lot of gold coins to buy a bottle, which was packed in a crystal bottle, and she was not willing to use it unless it was an important occasion.

"Master, you are right." Carliss replied, "After going to other towns, I really understand why you want to prohibit random spilling of dirt, the smell is really bad, walking on the street, Stepping on dirt is a form of torture."

Lynn smiled, and was not surprised by what Carlis said. After getting used to clean streets, seeing streets full of dirt again would be unbearable. This is a habit, and it is a change in cognition.

"There were a lot of women buying spices, but a caravan appeared later, and the price they offered was not bad. I thought about it, if it was only sold to free people, it would not be sold out in a few days, so I agreed to sell it to They, the caravan bought all the remaining spices." Carliss said.

"What caravan?" Lynn asked.

(End of this chapter)

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