Chapter 72 The Expensive Sachet

The morning light fell on Ashes Town, and the warm spring breeze blew, bringing vitality to the people.

Early in the morning, the sound of working could be heard in the territory.

A group of serfs were divided into two parts, and they were used to cut down trees and cultivate land, but due to the lack of farm tools, the speed was very slow.

The big tree that had been chopped down for a long time fell towards the ground, and the heavy sound was so pleasant to the serf's ears.

The rest of the serfs cut off the branches above the trees, while Old Tom stood up straight and looked towards the sunset forest.

Since the lord announced that the monsters and wild beasts around the town of Ashes had been driven away, they no longer had to worry about the sound of attracting monsters when cutting trees.

The trees are felled by them, and then processed by professionals, waiting to be used to build houses.

Old Tom turned his head and looked at the large farmland. The green wheat seedlings were growing vigorously, and he could smell a sweet smell when he approached. It was conceivable that when the harvest season came, they would harvest enough food crops.

The field called potatoes was also covered with greenery. The growth rate of potatoes was much faster than what Old Tom thought. Only a few days later, the leaf buds were layered on top of each other.

The lord is simply the incarnation of the gods, and he came here to save them.

Especially when he heard from Little Tom that the lord actually allowed him to learn to read and write with Butler Carliss, which was an unbelievable thing for Old Tom.

Serfs did not have the right to study. If they dared to read and write privately and were known by the nobles, they would be hanged directly.

Thinking of what the adults said before to give little Tom the status of a freeman, Old Tom couldn't help but smile.

Thank you Lord Lord!

He said silently.


In the castle, Lynn sneezed.

Karis on the side immediately became worried, "Master, are you feeling unwell?"

Lynn rubbed his nose and waved his hands, "No, after becoming a knight, my physical fitness has been improved, and I won't get sick easily. Maybe someone is talking about me."

"Huh?" Carlis didn't understand.

"It's okay, how is the goods ready?"

"It's already installed." Karis patted his chest again, "That thing is here too, there will be absolutely no problem."

"Where are the tailors?"

"Wait outside."

Lynn walked out, and before he opened the door, he heard gossip from outside.

"Oh, Nezel, you've done a lot."

"It's amazing. I only sewed two, but you actually sewed six."

"You don't think that she is a sissy, of course she is amazing."

The door opened, and the sound stopped immediately. The tailors all lowered their heads, holding the sewn cloth bags in their hands.

Lynn glanced at them, "Take out the things you made."

The tailors held out their hands, with small cloth bags on their palms.

Lin En went to check one by one, and found that the bags were of different sizes, and the stitches were dense or sparse. Some bags were wrinkled, and a layer of linen was folded and sewn together, making the appearance even more ugly.

There are also some cloth bags that look okay on the outside, but they are paired with some ugly embroidery, which ruins the whole.

Lynn stopped, and gave a light sigh in his heart.

He did not expect that the cloth bags sewed by a man are small and exquisite, each one is the same size, the stitches are dense, even and neat, and there are different embroidery patterns on them.

"What's your name?" Lynn asked.

"My lord, my name is Nezel Incarcerated." Startled, Nezel replied immediately.

His voice is relatively weak, his figure is slender, and he looks like an honest person. No wonder he is called a sissy by those people.

Lin En didn't expect that the nickname sissy, which has a contemptuous meaning, exists no matter in the world.

"You did a good job." Lynn praised, "How many bags of this kind can you make at most in one day?"

Nezel didn't expect to be praised by the lord, and he was still in a state of confusion.

Karis scolded, "My lord is asking you."

It was only then that Nezel realized, "Up to eight can be made, but there is no light when making at night, which may cause deviations in sewing."

Lynn nodded slightly, "That is to say, six a day is the best, okay, Karis, you give him a silver coin, and I will buy all these cloth bags."

Nezel shook his head again and again, "My lord, no need, these things are only a few copper coins"

"It's worth the money, so don't say anything. From now on, you will make six and send them here every day." Lynn waved his hand, "Okay, you all go back."

The rest of the tailors were very envious when they heard that Nezel sold these things for a silver coin. They also wanted to sell them to the lord, but they dared not speak, so they had to leave the castle.

On the way back to town.

"Sissy, you are really amazing, even the lord likes the things you make."

"What a sissy, you can compare with women like us."

The tailors were jealous and scolded fiercely.

Nezel didn't refute anything, and fled quickly with the money.

Carliss watched as the master opened the cloth bag, added fennel, mint, and dried petals that the maid had dried by the window before, and tied it up.

"Smell, what do you think?" Lynn handed over the cloth bag.

Carliss took it and smelled it, "It's quite fragrant, but what is it used for?"

"Last time you told me that many rich women don't buy fennel to eat, but use it as a spice. I got an inspiration. It is impossible for them to hold the spice in their pockets, so they must put it in their pockets. There may be many accidents in the future, it is better to make it into a sachet and wear it, and it will also have an aesthetic effect." Lin En explained.

Sachets were worn by both men and women in ancient times, and perfumes are used instead in modern times, but perfumes here are not so popular.

Carliss suddenly realized that although the word sachet was a bit difficult to understand, the meaning was quite clear.

"A sachet is priced at five silver coins, let's sell these six first."

"Ah, it's so expensive, will no one buy it?"

"Don't underestimate the purchasing power of women, just sell them. By the way, today I will go with you to sell things." Lynn said.

In Lin En's view, no matter where women are, as long as they have money, they will definitely consume for their own beauty, especially when they are surrounded by dirt, don't like to take a bath, and smell very strong on their body, the scent of the sachet The importance is reflected.

"My lord, when are we going to leave?"

Jack and Miles are already at the ready beside the carriage.

"Let's go now!" Lynn did not take the carriage, but chose to ride a horse.

(End of this chapter)

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