Chapter 78
Nezel is concentrating on making the pockets requested by the lord at home. He sews threads of different colors on them with his dexterous hands, and several pockets that have been made are placed on the table.

His wife Moya brought over the cooked soup, and said with concern: "Don't make it yet, just rest and eat something."

"It's just the last bit." Nezel shook his head.

Moya didn't urge him either, just sat next to him and watched until he finished making the pocket before saying, "Let's eat, you've been making this since you came back from Lord Lord, you must be tired already."

Nezel took a sip of the soup and looked at his wife, "I'm not tired. It's just six pockets. The adults gave me a silver coin. As long as I make six pockets a day, our family's life can be improved."

A look of guilt appeared on his face, "I'm really sorry, letting you follow me to Ashes Town, not only didn't let you live a good life, but you were afraid of monsters every day."

Moya stroked his cheek and shook his head slightly, "Don't talk about this, I have never regretted being your wife, and now that the lord has killed the monster, we don't have to be afraid."

Nezel still feels guilty.

He was different from other people since he was a child. He was very thin when he was young, and he could be blown down by a gust of wind. His parents told him every day, don't compare yourself with other children. Their family has no money, and it is not easy to support him.

He is a very sensible and honest kid who never causes trouble, but that doesn't mean others won't bully him.

Those physically strong children liked to laugh at him and beat him. Nezel cried and went home and told his parents, but he only got words from his parents not to provoke them, and they didn't even intend to help him get ahead.

Since then, Nezel has avoided the children and dared not play with others.

As he grew older, for some unknown reason, the voices of other children changed, but he didn't. He was still so immature and weak, which made everyone who heard his voice curious.

Until someone called him a sissy, and since then, this title has been with him.

Fortunately, he met someone who loved each other deeply. Moya didn't care about his voice, never laughed at him, and even followed him to the town of Ashes, but he didn't expect that so many things would happen in this town .

"What are you thinking about?" Moya's voice interrupted Nezel's recollection.

"No, I just think the soup is very delicious."

"Drink more if it tastes good."

Eating bad-tasting black bread, Nezel made up his mind to make more money so that his wife could live a better life.

There was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Moya asked.

When she opened the door, she was taken aback when she saw the person coming, and hurriedly saluted, "My lord!"

Lynn and Karis entered the house, and they were a little surprised by the environment inside.

Generally speaking, the place where they live is relatively dirty and messy, and they keep livestock in the house. There is nothing clean at all, but here is different.

Lynn nodded slightly. Judging from the sanitation at home, the couple lived a stable life.

Nezel didn't expect the lord to come over, so he said quickly: "I'm sorry, sir, we didn't know you would come here, there is something in the house."

Lynn waved his hand, "Your house is clean, and it's worth learning from others."

Nezel hurriedly said: "It's all thanks to my wife, by the way, her name is Moya."

Lynn once again sighed, marriage is indeed a choice, if you choose the right one, then there are infinite possibilities.

He took back his scattered thoughts and said, "I'm here this time because I have something to discuss with you."

At this time Moya moved the chair over, "My lord, I have already wiped it."

Lynn didn't care about this either, and sat down.

Nezel, on the other hand, fell into doubts, not knowing what the lord would have to discuss with him.

Lynn's eyes fell on the table, where there were several sewn pockets, "Do you know how much each of these pockets can be sold for after they are processed into sachets?"

"Five silver coins." Lynn said the price directly.

Nezel was so shocked that he couldn't speak. After a long time, he said in an unbelievable tone: "This."

"I can't believe it." Lynn replied for him, "That's the truth, I don't need to deceive you."

While Nezel was shocked, he didn't understand why the lord would tell him this.

Lynn seemed to have seen his thoughts, "The reason why I tell you this is firstly because it is sincere, and secondly because it is the premise of cooperation."

Nezel was even more puzzled. He had never heard of any noble lord who would say such a thing to a commoner. What kind of sincerity, what kind of cooperation, it was just a dream.

"Your craftsmanship is very good, but the amount of production in one day is too small. As you said, if you make it at night, the quality will drop, but what if more people make it?"

Moya understood, "You mean you want Nezel to cooperate with other tailors?"

Hearing this, Nezel lowered his head subconsciously, with a hint of disgust on his face.

"Yes, and no, I bought a group of serfs, and there are a few tailors among them. It would be a pity if these people were simply sent to farm. I hope their craftsmanship can be fully utilized. Let them come and follow you. Make these sachets, as for the other tailors in the town, there is no need to come here."

Lynn looked at him and continued, "I know that they may learn your craft when they come here, but I also think that if more people communicate and cooperate, maybe there will be more ideas."

Just when Lynn wanted to use some words to persuade, Nezel said, "My lord, I agree."

Lynn frowned, "Agreed so quickly?"

"My lord, you could have forced me to do this kind of thing, but you didn't do that. You respect my choice, and I have no reason to refuse."

There is another sentence that he didn't say, six pockets are one silver coin, so if you make more pockets, you can definitely make more money. Now he wants to make more money to improve his family's life.

As for the five silver coins in the sachet that Lord Lord said, it has nothing to do with him.

Lynn was surprised, and it happened that he didn't need to waste much time, "This matter is finalized, so let's talk about money. Since we have cooperated, it is not a one-time purchase business. I will tell you about the sachets sold in the future. Sixty-four points."

As soon as this sentence came out, not only Nezel and Moya were surprised, but even Karis was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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