Chapter 80
Darcy began to miss the time when he was farming. Although he was very tired and had no time to rest, he bent over, raised his legs, and even took advantage of others not to pay attention. After a whole day, he was not so tired. , at least within his tolerance range.

But now, he obviously didn't do anything, but just stood here, he felt that all the strength in his body was exhausted, his legs were shaking constantly, his body seemed to be out of control, and he even gave out a kind of broken bones sound.

Darcy wondered if his bones were broken.

The sweat on his face never stopped, it was flowing, his clothes were already soaked, many shadows appeared in front of his eyes, his mind was buzzing, he felt that he was going to die.

What kind of training is this? Could it be a new method of torture for nobles?

Not only him, but everyone present.

All the serfs were trembling. From Lynn's point of view, it was as if a clockwork had been installed, and they couldn't stop at all.

Even the two knights who stood at the front were no exception.

Jack and Miles didn't understand the purpose of the lord's actions at all. In their view, this was just a waste of time. Knight training should be practicing how to use a sword and how to fight, not just standing here.

At first they thought it was just standing, who wouldn't know that, but now, they are sweating and trembling, completely lost the calmness they had before, but those serfs are still insisting, if they give up, it will be an explanation for themselves Not even serfs.

The pride in their hearts made them persevere.

Time passed again, Lynn looked up at the sun and said, "You can rest now."

Before he could finish his words, he heard the sound of a large group of people falling to the ground.

The serfs sat down on the ground, crying, as if they had been wronged so much.

They didn't want to move at all, and their legs seemed to be useless.

Jack and Miles weren't so exaggerated, but they also walked with a limp.

The servants came over pushing a cart with a wooden vat on it. As the lid was opened, the fragrance came out from inside, enveloping the surroundings in an instant.

The serfs smelled the aroma and stared straight at the vat. They knew that it contained meat porridge.

Perhaps it was the meat porridge that inspired their potential. These serfs, who could not even stand up, managed to stand up and rushed towards the cart with crazy expressions on their faces.

Those who were too tired to really stand up crawled with the support of their hands.

At this moment, a figure stood in front of them.

Lin En looked at these crazy serfs, and a knightly aura appeared on his body, instantly suppressing them.

"Queuing up, anyone who jumps in the line and makes trouble, cancel the supply of meat porridge." Lin En's voice was serious and cold, without any emotion.

The serfs immediately calmed down from their madness and started queuing up. However, there were many people rushing over, and no one wanted to let anyone else go. They were in a stalemate for a while.

Lin En stood in front of the barrel and said, "If you keep going like this, no one will be able to drink meat porridge."

Karis spoke in a bad tone, "My lord, these disobedient serfs should be hanged."

The serfs trembled in their hearts. They wanted to drink meat porridge while being afraid, but they still remained motionless.

At this moment, a young man came over and asked curiously: "What are you doing, aren't you queuing for dinner? Come here."

Some serfs quickly lined up behind him, and the others followed closely in a line. As for those who were stalemate, they fell behind.

Lynn left here, standing aside and watching them line up for porridge.

"I remember the young man's name was Darcy?"

Karis nodded, "Yes, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

Darcy was holding the bowl, looking at the meat porridge inside, the aroma kept attracting him, he couldn't bear it anymore, took a sip, and before he swallowed it, he drank it in big gulps.

The meat porridge didn't just have some meat porridge in it. Darcy also found a few pieces of meat, which surprised him at the same time. He didn't expect that the lord said he was providing meat porridge, but there was actually meat.

He finished the meat porridge and licked the bowl clean. There was food in his stomach, which warmed his body and seemed to give him strength.

It would be even better if I could have another bowl of meat porridge.

This is the idea in his heart, so firm and faithful.

Following the Lord Lord's order, they stood up again, standing according to the Lord's request.

After drinking the meat porridge, what every serf thought was to drink it again, and this idea was firmly rooted in their minds.

It's just that because of being too tired before, too many serfs didn't persevere.

Darcy was one of them. Seeing others drinking meat porridge there, he swore in his heart that he must have it next time.

The training time was not long, and the serfs went back to work in the afternoon, probably because of the meat porridge, their working speed improved a lot.

Inside the castle.

The tiger cub was drinking milk, and Lin En rubbed its head. He didn't know if it was because of the different physique of the monster. He felt that the tiger cub was growing a little faster, and now his body had swelled a lot.

He pushed the parchment in front of him forward and said, "Just follow this requirement to train those serfs."

Jack picked up the parchment, and Miles leaned over to read it.

When they saw the above requirements, they had puzzled and puzzled expressions on their faces, as if hesitating to speak.

Lynn didn't even look at their expressions, and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

"My lord, isn't this request a little bit?" Jack hesitated again and again, but still didn't say it.

"Outrageous and useless." Lynn said it for them.

"Don't dare, I shouldn't have any doubts about your thoughts." Jack immediately apologized.

As knight retinues, they are not qualified to question the lord.

"No need to do this, no matter who sees these requirements, they will think so." Lynn was not angry, "It's like Knight Hans taught you training. Before that, do you know the content of the training? You are the only ones who have learned it. to discover its usefulness.”

Jack is confused.

Miles' eyes lit up, "Could it be that this is also a training method to become a knight?"

Jack also understood, yes, the lord must have his own unique way to become a knight.

Lynn: "."

The two of them seemed to have misunderstood it, but Lynn didn't correct it, anyway, as long as it could work.

(End of this chapter)

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