savior epic

Chapter 12 The old past

Chapter 12 The old past

Chen Yi had observed the interior of the magic tower on the Kingdom of God beforehand. There was no such thing as an anti-theft magic circle, and there were no taboos. She raised a lamp and stepped into the tower. There were actually only two floors in the tall tower. The sail arch structure, one by one bookshelves lined up beside the wall, Chen Yi quickly glanced at the titles of the books.

Of course, it is impossible to sweep all the books in three or four quarters of an hour. Chen Yi has already selected the books that she wants to pass along.

They are: "Before and After the Blessing", which records the advanced knowledge of spirit-calling magic and the time of rotation of various angels, angels, and spirit envoys; and "Goldsmith and Witch of All Gods", which records alchemy formulas and consumption rules, "Days Under the Tree at Dusk in Three Colors", which describes the life of an apprentice in the mountains in the west, these three books are not necessarily the most valuable among them, but they are the most suitable for me at the moment.

Picking up all the above books into her bosom, Chen Yi realized that she still had some hands left, and scanned them once.

There are two books on the desk, one is half-opened and I don't know what to write about "Old Years" and the other is "Spiritual Night" whose title seems to record spiritual rules.He took both of them with him.

Holding the five books in her arms, Chen Yi had an intuition, and then regretted it again.

"It's a pity we can't steal them all."

Before the guards arrived at the college, Chen Yi trotted home with the books in her arms, and walked into the house with her feet heavy.

Hedwig is still sleeping, the door of her room is ajar, and she can hear slight snoring, although it is a memory projection, but other than being untouchable, her schedule, preferences and so on are no different from ordinary people.

Chen Yi piled the books on the table, lit the rush lamp again, and opened the windows not facing the street, so that the stench would dissipate without being checked for the curfew.

Let's take a look at what those two books are about.

Chen Yi opened "Spiritual Night".

"I am a true believer and a wizard. I was not born a true believer, because I was baptized at the age of six, but I was born with the ability to see spirits."

This page is probably the preface. A good preface can often let people know what the author is going to write. Chen Yi read it completely. This book is probably the autobiography compiled by the author. At the same time, it describes the spiritual world and the celestial kingdom on the other side. happy.

"Well, the spirit world is a bit far away from me." Chen Yi said to herself.

For an apprentice, it is still too early to touch the spiritual world.

Chen Yi moved away from "Spiritual Night" and turned to the "Old Years Past".

Of course, Chen Yi did not take "Old Years of the Past" in so many books, because the book cover is not written in Yawen or Platinum script, but the real Arabic script that is often used in writing scriptures in the real religion.

Literate true believers are almost familiar with the use of real Arabic, and Chen Yi is no exception. Coupled with the talent of linguistics in her previous life, it is not a problem to read books in real Arabic.

The Zhen'Ah language is the universal language used in the books of most of the Zhenjiao countries. According to Chen Yi's comparative observation, this language is a kind of ideogram, which is highly developed and complex. It has broken away from the pictographic category and is an inflectional language.In linguistics, generally speaking, ancient Chinese, old English, German, etc. are regarded as inflectional languages, and their affixes often express multiple meanings.

Take Chinese as an example: "Khan" and "Jiang" both have the radical "氵", but they describe different things.

Even though True Arabic is a commonly used language in most of the books of the True Religion countries, for wizards who are widely persecuted in the True Religion world, books about occultism, using pagan languages ​​and reciting magic are the most common. Yes, Chen Yi has seen all the magic books written in real Arabic, and can count on one hand.

It is much smoother to read real Arabic than Biawin or the incomprehensible Platinum script.

Chen Yi opened the title page, but the page where the author's name is usually written was blank, and another page was turned, and the name was also missing, probably because the author withdrew the name to avoid unnecessary trouble.

"Eternal life is a long wonder."

The first sentence of the opening sentence caught Chen Yi's gaze.

"When I wrote this sentence, I had to quote a poem in Elvish to match it, but my poor stubbornness didn't allow me to write a sentence that wasn't original."

"【Therefore I crown the moon, and the stars listen to the sentence.】"

“[Before raising the sword to conquer the darkness, since then I have had a good time talking with loneliness.]”

Turning over a few pages, Chen Yi quickly read ten lines at a glance, which has always been a habit.

Soon, he figured out what the writing was about.

The author of "Old Years" is probably a woman, with slender brushstrokes and tireless and complicated narratives, ranging from the appearance of the city to the small living customs or architectural styles. The old school is particular about this, which Chen Yi usually only sees in scriptures.

She is writing a city, from the perspective of a nun, a city that has appeared in a few lines in the scriptures. At first, Chen Yi was puzzled, but after turning a few pages, she knew that she was writing about the ancient holy city. The wizard said that the city was submerged in the pale shower due to the search for the taboo of the gods.

This discovery surprised him.

The blessed city, the court of the gods, the blessed place, the saints of all capitals, the place of all mercy.That's how she described it.

Her writing style is as follows:

"This is a place favored by the Lord God who is the savior from heaven, the lord of destiny, who is born three times and perishes three times."

"Whenever I write this sentence several times, I can always think of climbing to the top of the church tower when I was young, overlooking a corner of the city, the thick snow on the eaves of the monastery, and the winter sun above my head. I sweated, but the cold wind As soon as it blows, the hot sweat sticks to the face coldly, and the change is so fast that people can't expect it."

Turning over two more pages, Chen Yi saw a crude illustration with huge horned vertical eyes.

The accompanying text below: "Forgive me for not being able to draw it realistically. I can only use this crude brushwork that is not polite and upbringing. If it is too vivid, the papyrus will not be able to bear its weight, even though it is just a small dog. Dead Souls (in my eyes, of course)."

Chen Yi realized that this thing was exactly what the wizard Lucius planned to summon tonight.

Then she wrote the first word of its real name: Rao.

"Rao." Chen Yi couldn't help murmuring in the real Arabic language, suddenly, the scalp felt like being stung lightly by something, almost imperceptible.

He continued to read: "It is a small family member who guards the Soul Bridge, probably, it is similar to a jailer or a coachman. It can guide the dead souls back to the present world. It may be due to its contribution to the destruction of the Holy Capital. too I found out after my mother died."

"If a genius with a very high spirituality could call out the first two words of its real name softly, it would be able to get a response from it. It's just possible, like me."

"Readers who have read this may wish to try it. This is just a joke. People who can read this book will not be a rookie in occultism, right? Forgive the sense of humor I forced to write. Everyone knows, take the risk Recklessly reciting your real name is never a good thing. (If there are apprentices who are overwhelmed, please close the book and put it in your memory as soon as possible.)”

After reading this, Chen Yi was startled, and then she twitched her lips and smiled.

"I'm just a rookie who can't control himself." He laughed at himself.

Maybe I can try to recite it above the Sea of ​​Thousand Pillars of Clouds?
Muran had an idea, Chen Yi hurriedly flipped through a few pages and closed the book. After reading all the warnings, she thought about it for a while. At that time, she clearly felt Rao's fear, and there should be no fear of life or danger. A matter of the kingdom of God.

It just so happens that I want to go back and do a deduction. The lights in the bell tower are enough to deduce it before reciting the real name, and deduce it after reciting the real name. In this way, even if it is not foolproof, it can be said to be cautious.

(End of this chapter)

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