savior epic

Chapter 3 Death Soul Sickness

Chapter 3 Death Soul Sickness

"I can't promise you." Chen Yi said slowly.

A holy, pure voice rang in my ears.

The expression on Baron Artest's face froze for a moment, panic welled up in every strand of his hair, and he tried his best to make a pious and humble gesture.

"Why so. My lord, please forgive my ungodliness, but I only pretend to convert, but I still serve you wholeheartedly."

However, there was no response for a long time.

Baron Artest was very anxious, if he hadn't needed to maintain absolute humility before the gods, he would have already paced like an ant in a hot pot.

Catching his expression, Chen Yi immediately organized the mysterious and mysterious language.

After a long time, the divine voice entered my ears.

"I am not because you are ungodly, but because you are not good."

Baron Artest's hair stood up when he heard this.

"If you are kind, why should my people suffer and be oppressed by followers of false gods!" Chen Yi slightly raised her voice.

"What should I do? My lord, please give your humble servant some guidance." Baron Artest was even more humble.

The gods responded.

"Give goodness, only goodness."

"Pious or not, it has nothing to do with me."

After a while, Baron Artest could no longer smell the strong smell of honey, and his eyelids lightened, and he opened his eyes tremblingly.

"Shi Shan." He couldn't help murmuring.

Soon Baron Artest thought of something.

On the day of mourning for pagans, there are often true believers who are framed and persecuted. As the ruler of the town, he will not be unclear about this.

It's just that the pagans in his hands often donated a large amount of money, so he turned a blind eye to it.

"Is that so, Lord, I will find my way back."

Seeing Baron Artest's comprehension, Chen Yi withdrew her gaze, shifted her perspective, and looked at the entire Easter Town again.

He was satisfied with his manifestation.

Closing the eyes of Baron Artest is not only deliberately creating a sense of sacredness, but also related to the bell tower of suffering.

Because of its top layer, there is a true Arabic motto engraved on it.

[Gods and men cannot meet or know each other. 】

Such a plain sentence, after reading it for a long time, you will suddenly feel the weight of thousands of years.

Chen Yi is not a death-defying character, and has been strictly adhering to it in the past few years.

Staring at the town of resurrection, Chen Yi thought of something, and immediately mobilized the clouds and mists to create an identical phantom.

"Let's deduce the future ten years later."

If she was only able to tamper with every person and thing in Resurrection Town at will, Chen Yi would not think that she had any kind of divine power, at best she was more powerful than a baron.

But I can deduce the future of the town and get a glimpse of the future.

The lights of the two bell towers were all extinguished.

The phantom of the whole town started to run quickly, and time passed quickly.

Chen Yi feels like the five-time speed of Wang Guofeng, Xu Ying interprets life, old age, sickness, death, and human entanglement in the town of resurrection in a very short period of time.

"An ancient witchcraft manuscript falls into the hands of the only wizard in town: Lucius."

"An ancient prophecy of unknown origin has finally been deciphered, only the first half: the baron will die of faith."

With the same start as before, Chen Yi thought to herself.

That magical manuscript that came from nowhere. It appears in almost every deduction.

And this time it appeared in the hands of Lucius.

"The Baron fell ill with a cold a year later. Because of his piety, he insisted on using a true Christian doctor in private. In the end, under the service of the two holy methods of diarrhea therapy and bloodletting therapy, his soul returned to the sky."

"His child came to the throne, and Ronald, who was naturally stupid, choked to death on food."

"The wizard Lucius took over the Resurrection Town and imposed heavy taxes on the true believers in the town. The fanatical pagan nobles forced the townspeople on a large scale, and even converted the serfs under his command. It was only five years since the baron passed away."

Chen Yi glanced at the panorama and quickly filtered the information in her mind.

"Another day of mourning, when a serf uprising led by true Christian squires broke out, and the simple slogans of 'No false gods' and 'Bring back our priests' were deafening. The pagan rule was overthrown, the wizard Lucius was hanged, The evil eyes were gouged out and eaten by wild dogs, and the blood of the heretics flooded the streets and alleys, regardless of women and children."

"After the rule of the true believers lasted for two years, the army of truth, which intends to restore the Holy Land, set foot on this land and was warmly welcomed by the true believers. However, the army of truth levied taxes and finally ransacked the place."

"The movement to restore the Holy Land failed. The Truth Army left the land and took everything away, leaving only the endless plague. The skinny townspeople were starving. At first it was domestic dogs, horses, bark. Then the infected people Corpses, cooking the bones of family members Weihan, and finally... even Yi Zi cannibalism has become the lightest crime. The entire Easter Town has gone mad!"

"After slowing down, the heretics re-focused on Resurrection Town, and when the cavalry wielding spears crushed the low town walls, the true believers who slaughtered the heretics in the past doubled their blood debt."

"On that day, ten years later, the town of Resurrection was set ablaze. The fire raged for nine days."

Even after countless times of deduction, Chen Yi couldn't help but feel suffocated.

"Is it the end of the destruction of the entire Easter Town?"

Basically, whenever Resurrection Town is tampered with, Chen Yi will try to deduce the ending of Resurrection Town ten years later.

Every tampering, no matter how small, causes a change in the ending.

It seems to be the butterfly effect.

But without exception, this lonely town in the past will soon turn into the dust of history after only a short-lived flash in the pan, leaving only the traces of madness and terror.

Either blood flowed into rivers, burned to the ground, or collapsed in mountain torrents. Before that, they must be immersed in purgatory on earth, and finally destroyed by heaven and earth.

"Maybe. Only the correct butterfly effect will lead to the result I want." Chen Yi said to herself.

There are still ten years to come slowly.

Chen Yi couldn't help feeling frustrated
For five years, I have been trying to change Resurrection Town, but each time the ending is not much different.

At this time, an idea suddenly came to my mind.

"Perhaps. The changes in Resurrection Town do not lie in every change I make, but in external things? Is there something that is doomed to the destruction of Resurrection Town, and no matter how hard I try, I can't change the ending?"

Thinking of this possibility, Chen Yi gasped.

In this bizarre world, anything seems possible.

Baron Artest stayed up all night.

He was immersed in the joy and panic of being watched by God.

Not even in the mood to swallow breakfast, Baron Artest ordered his servants to serve him to go out early.

After getting dressed and leaving the castle, the baron got on his horse and rushed from the castle to the outside of the prison in just two quarters of an hour.

"Master Baron, why did you come here suddenly?" The guard who watched the night was taken aback.

"Where is Monsieur the Warden?" asked the baron.

Seeing the baron's menacing approach, the jailer didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly said: "The warden sorted out the contract all night, and there are many true believers who violated the precepts on the day of mourning."

"Take me to him." The baron's tone was beyond doubt.

Under the guidance of the jailer, Baron Artest stepped into the underground prison. After a while, the warden came out of the warden's room in a panic, with no time to take care of his clothes.

"What do you want to order, Lord Baron?" The prison warden thought that Baron Artest was in a hurry to collect the taxes for the mourning day, so he moved out the locked cash box, "All the collected taxes are here, and the Reed silver coins inside are here. They were all marked."

"Mr. Warden, I am here to pardon these true believers, not to collect ill-gotten gains." Baron Artest said every word, "All those who break the precepts in the cell will be set free. You sort it out Burn the contract on me now."

The warden thought he had heard wrong, and rubbed his head.

"And it will take a long time for you to return the Reed portion that you have already collected. Throw all of them into the river, and let the river return the money to the true believers."

The warden felt that Baron Artest was going crazy.

As soon as the sun rose, Chen Yicao ate dry pies and went out.

There is a river running through the whole town in Resurrection Town, named Honey River.

He waited early in the lower reaches of the Mi River under the sun that was covering half of his head.

Hundreds of silver reeds that fell into the turbulent river quickly flowed to the gentle downstream.

Chen Yi is at the bottom of the river, and the water is only up to the thigh.

Carrying the dry water from the collected silver reeds, she put them into the bag. She came early enough, and within a short period of time, Chen Yi searched for 46 reeds, which was almost one and a half gold coins of Rona.

Hedwig's three-month materials are available.

Touching the heavy burden bag, 46 silver reeds, almost equal to two months' salary of a carpenter in the city, Chen Yi felt satisfied.

Soon, Chen Yi saw someone coming downstream, and realized that all the townspeople had noticed this matter.

Squires, doctors, pagans in charge, muleteers, even serfs and greedy priests gathered on both sides of the honey river, took off their clothes and jumped into the water, eager to snatch the silver coins that flowed down the river.

Chen Yi is not greedy, the upper and middle reaches should have been occupied by others, there will be no more silver coins here, so she stood up and left.

"It's time to go to the Magic Academy, there is class today."

He's an introductory apprentice at the town's magic academy.

The dean is the only wizard in town: Lucius, a pagan, and a puppet master.

Walking on the empty street, Chen Yi turned left and right, and tall old buildings fell into her eyes.

It was rebuilt from an old church, with a small dome. The whole has a Romanesque style of opening and closing. Three pointed and round towers stand in all directions. They do not match the old church, but magic towers, casting a gloomy atmosphere. shadow.

It is said to be an academy, but there are only thirty or so apprentices, and there are more than nine hundred people in Resurrection Town, and among them there are very few who are qualified to study magic.

What's more, in the concept of true believers, witchcraft is always taboo and unclean.

Chen Yi is the only true believer in the academy.

The reason why he joined the Academy of Magic is actually very simple.

Chen Yi wants to learn about occultism and explore the mysteries hidden in Qianzhu Yunhai.

Why did it come to itself, why did it choose itself.

In addition, the School of Magic does not charge any tuition fees, because paganism, like true religion, advocates that knowledge is priceless.

Chen Yi came to the school, which was originally the hall of the church. The icon was moved aside, a crystal ball was placed on the stone table, and the shrine was replaced with a dark stone slab, with traces of charcoal pencils still remaining.

People from the school came early.

The apprentices sat down on their own. Beginning apprentices sat next to the full-time apprentices intentionally or unintentionally, and the apprentices who really couldn't fit into the circle and whose families were poor scattered to the other side.

No matter what, no one was willing to join a true believer, so Chen Yi sat alone in the back seat.

In the eyes of true believers, pagans are certainly unclean, but in the eyes of pagans, why not true believers?
The wizard Lucius, he came to the stage from the side door, with a long and gray beard, sunken eye sockets under the wizard hat, old and twisted wrinkles, the old man's back was bent, not bent backwards, but forwards, with the entire abdomen in front , but the chest is tilted backward. It is not difficult to guess how twisted its spine is.

"Today, let's talk about the taboos of magic." Lucius' voice was hoarse, dry, and his face was thin. Even though he had seen it many times, Chen Yi couldn't help but shrink his pupils slightly when he caught sight of the countless thick yellow tumor marks on the hem of his clothes. Nausea welled up.

Tall icons cast oppressive shadows.

"To study magic, one must seek knowledge. However, knowledge also has taboos."

Soul sickness.

Lucius wrote obscure words on the slate, and it was platinum script used to chant magic.

Chen Yi stared at the term she had never heard before, feeling dizzy for no reason.

Above the Sea of ​​Thousand Pillars of Clouds, he faintly felt something surging.

"The dead souls are revived from the ancient bloodlines, tyrannical, evil, and paranoid. The older the bloodlines, the more they suffer from them. Countless people regard it as the curse of the bloodlines. When the dead soul disease spreads, pale A torrent of color will pour down! All due to the search for the taboo of the gods!"

Aside from his hoarse and piercing voice, Lucius' bloodshot eyes trembled strangely, and there was a dark shadow surging in the tumor mark under his sleeve.

Chen Yi tensed up involuntarily, and glanced at the others, but those heretics sat there as if nothing had happened.

Goosebumps appeared on his skin. Don't these heretics feel that way?

Lucius ruthlessly swept at everyone, and when he landed on Chen Yi, his heart suddenly became inexplicably angry.

"Chen Yi! Where did I just talk?!"

Chen Yi was stunned, stood up, and slowly said: "The dead soul disease that was revived from the ancient blood due to the search for taboos."

Abnormal is abnormal. Wizards and these heretics
"Okay, we must remember the taboo of always fearing God!" Lucius paused, and said slowly: "It's like the sky is higher than the earth. God's words are always higher than people."

As soon as the words fell, the treacherous words on the slate seemed to drill into her mind, and Chen Yi couldn't help staring at it.

Over time, the brain felt dizzy from ischemia, as if squatting for a long time.

Patting her head hard, Chen Yi tried to take a deep breath
Slowly, after the dizziness passed, Chen Yi raised her head.

Everything is normal, Chen Yi looked at the obscure word again, her mind was calm.

When his eyes fell on Lucius, although the ugly old man's tone was serious, it was completely different from before.

"Sit down and listen carefully to the class later."

Chen Yi sat down slowly, breathing hard.

Did you see hallucinations just now?
After the weird dizziness, Chen Yi touched her forehead, feeling an unspeakable exhaustion.

Soon it was time for self-study, Chen Yi stood up, ready to go home first, the college rules have always been lax.

The pagans in a circle chat with each other, or read books alone, borrow notes, or arrange the folds of their robes. The slightly bustling voices echo in front of the icon, creating a sacred and soothing atmosphere.

Chen Yi, who was sitting alone at the table, did not disturb anyone, he tried his best to get up gently without making too much noise.

Chen Yi straightened her sleeves and walked outside.

The moment his figure disappeared outside the door.

Beside the stone slab and in front of the holy statue, the entire academy twisted their heads in unison, staring out the door stiffly and dully.

The one whose back was facing the door originally bent his spine in an inhuman posture, his head hung upside down, and he was stagnant in mid-air.

Chatting, borrowing notes, organizing clothes. Their bodies are still doing their own thing.

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(End of this chapter)

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