savior epic

Chapter 42 The Bard

Chapter 42 The Bard
After more than ten days in a row, as the market approaches, there will be more pilgrims, travelers, and merchants passing through the town of resurrection.This is the general knowledge of Easter Town.

Chen Yi and Hedwig stood by the window, the former straightened his clothes, and saw a stranger driving a dog pass by the house.

A tight double-breasted long coat tied with a belt, a high and funny collar, a bright red hood with shoulders and tassels, a yellow and dark complexion, one can recognize the Shanbu people from the southern archipelago at a glance, and dark blue cheeks , is the trace of oil paint applied for a long time.

There is a flute in his belt; a bag containing yarn balls, with a few yarns exposed; two leather drums are hung on his waist; pointed boots with wide feet but tight mouth; he is carrying an old lute; bard.

This is probably the earliest foreigner in this period.Chen Yi thought to herself.

The minstrel turned his head and noticed the two people by the window, the corners of their mouths were raised at sixty degrees, exactly, showing a quick and attentive smile, with the unique stiffness of an artist.

Hedwig was startled by this weird smile, and stepped back.

The minstrel hooked his mouth, didn't look back, and didn't stop until he disappeared into the alley.

At this time, Hedwig looked out of the window again, and the bard had already left.

"It's so weird." Hedwig muttered.

Looking at his direction, he was heading towards the settlement of heretics.

Chen Yi frowned.

"Maybe he's just a nervous artist, they're all like that." Chen Yi said.

Arrange the coat on her body, try to dress as decently as possible, it's cold, Chen Yi buttoned up her shawl.There are three shawls at home, one made of wool, one made of cloth, with some silk embroidered on the side, and one made of elk skin, which is also the most valuable among the shawls.

Saying goodbye to Hedwig, Chen Yi went out.

Passing through the empty wooden shackles in Fuxing Town, the straw carts were placed under the stage, it rained last night, the dirt road covered with car marks, horseshoes, and shoe prints, uneven, smelly rainwater accumulated in mud pits everywhere inside.

It's afternoon now, Chen Yi is going to the prison to sit in the warden's room, and sort out the documents by the way.

Turning around the corner of a longhouse, there are women feeding chickens under a three-meter-high pigeon cage. The fence is not high, only as high as a six-year-old child.

Coincidentally, Chen Yi caught sight of the bard from afar.

The latter stopped a guard and asked him questions in broken Yavin.

After a while, he went to the west side of the town, which is the settlement of the rich pagans.

Chen Yi watched him go away.

Walking to the prison gate, Chen Yi saw a familiar figure wearing a blue-green turban.

Grandma Amy hunched over, saw Chen Yi, and rushed to meet her.

She took out a package from her bosom, and pushed it firmly into Chen Yi's hands.

"Here you are, kid."

"What's wrong, Grandma Amy." Chen Yi took the package and looked at it suspiciously.

"Child, there are dry pies and a wooden icon here." Grandma Amy lowered her eyes, and she said slowly: "You can eat dry pies tonight, and grandma wants you to return the wooden icon to Father Christopher."

"Father Christopher?" Chen Yi didn't refuse, after all, Grandma Amy has always been helpful to her family.

"Yes, that is a good priest who can perform miracles. My husband—may he rest in peace. He wandered to the Holy Land and almost starved to death. Father Christopher rescued him and gave him a wooden icon. He Before I passed away, I was told to return the wooden statue, but I never had the chance to go to the Holy Land, and I dragged my two children with me at that time.
Little Chenyi, I originally wanted to go in to visit, but the pagans did not allow me to go in.

I entrust you to return the wooden statue to him, and wish him well for me by the way. "Grandma Amy talked a lot.

"Okay, I see, Grandma Amy."

Chen Yi carries the package into the prison.

Pushing away the people in the warden's room, Xisen came up to meet him, and seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

"Mr. Clerk, someone is coming to visit tonight."

"Visiting?" Chen Yi was puzzled, thinking of what Grandma Amy said just now, "Isn't it forbidden to visit?"

Xi Sen explained: "Yes, the captain who brought the people here said that no visits are allowed, but the ones who visited were Isha and a leader who sent someone to deliver the captain's letter."

"I see. What are they visiting here for?" Chen Yi asked.

"I don't know about this, I just want to tell you something." Xisen spread his hands, "So we patrol earlier tonight and count the number of people earlier."

Pagan settlement in Resurrection Town.

It was about to fall into the night, in front of a three-story stone mansion waiting for a small garden.

The little girl under the door frame, with a silk belt and an embroidered coat buttoned neatly, stared at the obedient little black dog with her big watery eyes.

The minstrel drove the little dog at his feet, and beside the little girl stood a servant of the True Church. His long pullover was of better quality than ordinary civilians. He was the steward of the mansion.

"Ode, right? My master invited you in to perform. Three copper dills are not considered rewards." The steward said.

As the market approached, there would be more bards passing through the town of Resurrection, and his master happened to like to watch the tricks of strangers and listen to some widely circulated epics.

Unfortunately, when the steward was buying the ingredients for tonight, he met this entertainer named Ode, so he called the mansion.

"What a cute girl." Ode gave the girl a sixty-degree smile.

The girl shrank back, but she couldn't bear the little black dog.

"Be respectful, she is my master's daughter." The steward reminded.

The little black dog moved its limbs and crawled to the girl's feet. It licked her leather shoes with its thin tongue. The girl squatted down and touched the little black dog's head with a charming smile. The latter swept her palm with his tongue intelligently.

Ode blew the dog whistle, and the little black dog quickly ran to his feet.

Several people entered the mansion.

In the warm fireplace of the living room, a lady wearing a bonnet and a rich middle-aged Yawen man sat cross-legged on a cushion, and a little boy sat between them, curiously scanning the minstrel coming in from the door.

The little girl jumped into her mother's arms in a few steps, and Ode saluted them.

"Honorable Sir and Madam, I am Ode. May the King of Kings protect you."

"Hello Ode, may you also be sheltered." The middle-aged Yawen man straightened his bloated body, "I am Abdul Farad."

Then Abdul introduced the names of all the family members one by one, including the manager, and the latter couldn't help puffing out his chest a little.

Ode saluted one by one.

"Sir, what are you going to perform?"

The little boy asked curiously. He watched Ode open the cloth bag in his belt, took out oil paint from it to smear his cheeks, and put the ball of wool on the ground.

"Don't be rude, Fadi." The lady pulled the little boy to her side and smiled apologetically at Ode.

After wiping off the pale background of half of his face, the smell of lead was strong, Oude's mouth was smeared with red mercury, and the corners of his slightly cracked eyes were drawn with iron gall ink.

"It's okay, Ma'am," Ode smiled stiffly, stuffed the ball of yarn into his hand, knelt down and patted the little black dog's head.

"I want to chop off the head, chop off the puppy's head, and then sew it on, this is my proudest performance!"

Looking at the obedient little black dog, the little girl exclaimed in fright
"How about I show you the trick first?"

The black dog stood up, opened its mouth and made a smiling face.

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