Game of Thrones: Holy Sword of Light

Chapter 57 Conquering Khal Drogo

Chapter 57 Conquering Khal Drogo (updated from yesterday's update)
Biting cold.

In the endless wasteland.

A baby is delivered.

The Night King wearing the Frost Crown had a stern expression on his face. He walked up slowly and gently stroked the baby's face. In an instant, the baby's eyes turned blue, deep and empty...

The cold wind danced wildly around him.

Soon, he turned into a strange ghost, tall and white, with cold and lifeless eyes, his mouth opened, and there were bursts of silent sound waves...

Far across the narrow sea.

The Dothraki have just plundered a city, and they are robbing property, strong women, tearing all kinds of goods, and the strongest Khal of the Dothraki, Khal Drogo, is riding past sternly on horseback.

He is slender and strong, with bulging muscles.

The eyes are rebellious.

A head of long hair, casually tied.

As the most powerful khal of the Dothraki, Khal Drogo has absolute force. He also has [-] cavalry under his command. If the other khals of the entire Dothraki are called to join, there will be [-] cavalry!
This is a powerful force throughout the world.

And beside him, the red-robed girl Melisandre followed him closely.

The red-robed woman is still beautiful and cold.

"Kayo, killing doesn't bring you strength."

she said to Khal Drogo.

Khal Drogo sneered, and his bloodrider sneered.

But the red-robed woman pointed to the front, a temple.

There is a priestess there. She seems to have mastered some kind of magic. She is smashing scorpions and unknown flesh and blood with a clay pot in her hand. Rack cavalry.

The cursed Dothraki cavalry were originally five big and three thick, with a strong body.

Unexpectedly, after being cursed by the priestess, she had difficulty breathing in an instant, covered her neck and bled, and fell to the ground and died.

The priestess herself was bleeding all over her face, and bright red blood flowed from her nose, but she still ate scorpions and unknown flesh and blood, chanting words.

Around her, a dozen Dothraki horsemen fell.

For a time, no one dared to approach.

After the arrival of the red comet, magic revived.

Magic is enhanced for all, wizards and witches alike.

"Faith makes you stronger, Khal Drogo."

The red-robed woman smiled lightly.

At this time, Khal Drogo also saw the shaggy-haired priestess. He dismounted, waved away the crowd, and walked towards the priestess. The priestess also noticed Khal Drogo.

"Go to hell!"

The priestess muttered, and stuffed the scorpion's flesh into her mouth, and then black blood flowed from her nose and eye sockets, her eyes widened, and she cursed loudly at Khal Drogo.

Khal Drogo didn't care at first, and sneered defiantly.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly stopped.

Then he couldn't breathe, his heart was beating violently, and he slowly covered his neck.

His bloodrider tried to go up and kill the witch, but was also cursed and fell.

at this time.

"The Lord of Light is everywhere..."

Melisandra, the red-robed woman, held Khal Drogo, and his cursed symptoms were instantly relieved.

She walked forward, and the symptoms of the bloodriders disappeared. The terrified priestess stared at Melisandre in amazement, and cursed loudly. Black and red blood and scorpion stumps flowed from her mouth, but Melisandre Just stared at her lightly.

"Flame is the subordinate of the Lord of Light..."

She waved lightly.

The witch burst out with flames all over her body in an instant. She screamed terribly, and then she was burned to rotten flesh under the surprised eyes of everyone...

Melisandre turned around.

"Khal Drogo, the Lord of Light will be with you..."


Guangming Island, Wolong Reef.

This is where Daenerys and Viserys lived, and Jon came here to chat with the two siblings.

"How are you doing, Viserys?"

Jon asked.

"I have learned about the monarchy, the independence of the three powers, and the constitutional monarchy," said Viserys.

It's hard not to notice his handsome appearance.

"Is the regicide dead?"

he asked.

Jon nodded.

Daenerys was also surprised: "Is he really dead?"

"Dead, the richest and most powerful person in the Seven Kingdoms is actually Lord Jon!"

Yaou also followed.

The Iron Bank has been secretly subsidizing Aorio and the Golden Group to help Daenerys and her brother and sister return to the country, and Daenerys's trip to Pentos was also deliberately arranged by the Iron Bank.

They even got three dragon eggs from the Crow's Eye.

Today, I came to give these three dragon eggs to Daenerys and Viserys.


Daenerys looked at Jon. Today, Jon is tall and strong, with a handsome face, slightly golden eyes, and a unique temperament.

It's impossible not to be attracted to him.

Even overshadowed Viserys and Daenerys.

"Yes, our Iron Bank will fully support Lord Jon. Last month, the product dividends of our Iron Bank and Guangming Island reached [-] gold dragons. Vodka is also very popular on the other side of the Narrow Sea, followed by that of Guangming Island. It's a beer, not the same as ale, and it sells like mad across the Narrow Sea."

"The biscuits on Guangming Island are also sold well in the Seven Kingdoms, and many places in the Narrow Sea have begun to lay them out. This month, we have started buying houses in Pentos and the Free City State, and laying out Guangming stores. It won't be long before our annual turnover can reach Break through 100 million golden dragons!"

Yaou said excitedly.

Now he finally knew why Jon wanted to poach him.

Because Guangming Island is really not short of money.

If it weren't for the bottomless pit of the White Walkers, a dozen or 20 golden dragons would be poured in every month. In fact, Guangming Island has already achieved profitability, and it is a terrifying profit.

They also earn more than the Iron Throne.

"Not enough, we have less than two hundred warships."

Jon shook his head.

During this time, the casting of artillery also made progress.

Using the lost wax method to cast, finally came up with the most basic artillery. Now Jon can say without exaggeration that Guangming Island will soon become the richest and most powerful military force in the Seven Kingdoms. Because of the lost wax method, Not only cannons can be cast, but revolvers can also be cast.

He is now consciously hoarding artillery and guns in batches, and when the two hundred warships are equipped with artillery, that is when Guangming Island begins to traverse the world.

"Why are you obsessed with military power?"

Yaou asked.

Daenerys and Viserys looked at Jon.

Jon said seriously: "Because, the truth is only on the edge of the sword..."

"Whether it's against the ghosts or against the enemy, it's the same..."


King's Landing.

After Jon voluntarily resigned from the Hand of the King, the conflict between Stannis and Renly, and the Lannister family became deeper and deeper.

Stannis was indeed a good man.

But he is not an idiot. After he became the regent, he couldn't wait to take over the tax collection and treasury of King's Landing, but found that...

"Why does the treasury owe so much money to the Iron Throne!"

"Why are the tax collectors in King's Landing red robes of the Lannisters!?"

Stannis growled.

Renly sneered, but said nothing.

And Cersei, who was sitting in the first seat, said mercilessly: "Our Lannister family lent 56 golden dragons to the Iron Throne!"

"Can't you donate 30 golden dragons to the Iron Throne like Jon Wright!"

Stannis roared again.

This is too moral to kidnap people.

Cersei was also merciless: "Why?"

"Not a penny of our Lannister family's money is for nothing!"

Stannis was furious and threw the table away.

Renly looked at Cersei with a smile. He had his own ideas, because the Lannister family couldn’t eat enough taxes from King’s Landing, and he was happy to see Cersei and Stannis argue, or even fight, In that case, he will benefit from...

(End of this chapter)

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