Game of Thrones: Holy Sword of Light

Chapter 73 The Taught Tommen

Chapter 73 The Taught Tommen
King's Landing.

Jon the Golden-eyed Raven appeared at the window of Cersei's house.

"It's you!"

Seeing the golden-eyed crow Jon, Cersei suddenly changed color, she gritted her teeth and said angrily: "How dare you appear here!"

"Why not!? I'm still the Minister of Finance!"

said Jon the Golden-Eyed Raven.

"You must put Joffrey back!" Cersei said again. Although she was a little short-sighted, she was sure that Jon would not dare to do anything to Joffrey and the others.

"You don't even want to call me darling!?"

Jon the Golden-Eyed Crow was full of grievances.


Cersei swore.

Jon the Golden-Eyed Crow trotted up and down, and sighed, "Did you forget that in the woods that day, you were..."

"roll roll roll!"

Cersei was furious, she gritted her teeth, but she couldn't help thinking about that night...

"Cough, let's talk business."

"Your Lannister family is about to go to war with Stannis. I know you don't need money, but we have a new type of military ration called biscuits. Your father should be very interested."

"In addition, the leather armor in the northern border is very good. For the sake of that night, I can give you a discount."

Jon the Golden-eyed Crow grinned, showing his white teeth.

"Don't rush to refuse. In addition to rations, armor, and weapons, we, Pastor Guangming, will become the exclusive field medical team on both sides."

"You just fight, our priest Guangming is responsible for saving lives and healing the wounded, how about it!?"

Cersei was very angry, but now she whispered: "Why should I promise you!?"

"You don't have to agree to me, then all of us on Guangming Island will support Stannis!"

"Besides, the three Joffrey brothers and sisters are still in my hands..."

"You don't want the secret that they weren't Robert's own being revealed..."

"Get lost, you bloody crow!"

"Oh, when I was in the woods, I told people not to stop, but now I don't love you anymore, so you call me a damned crow!?"

"When we meet next time, I'll kill you!"

said the golden-eyed crow, croaking angrily, and he flapped his wings and flew up.

But at the moment of lift-off, a bottle of perfume was thrown out.

It just happened to fall in the middle of Cersei's Opie. She was angry and anxious, and she reached out to take out the original and was about to throw it away. Suddenly, she smelled that the perfume smelled very unique, which was something she had never seen before...

"For you, remember to miss me! Croak!"

Jon the Golden-Eyed Crow flapped his wings and flew away.


After Stannis declared war, soldiers and horses were being mobilized here. Tywin Lannister asked his younger brother Kevan Lannister to take 2 people to King's Landing first, and he himself followed.

The team of the Lannister family, all in leather armor, has 5000 cavalry, including about 500 heavily armored knights.

Heavy armored cavalry is the father of infantry in this era.

Even though they only have five hundred heavy armored cavalry, they are enough to sweep three or four thousand infantry.

Tywin was leading his army on the road when suddenly, a golden-eyed crow fell from the sky and landed directly on Tywin's horse's head.

"Jon Wright..."

Tywin didn't panic, on the contrary, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I finally saw your witchcraft... Your witchcraft reminds me of Duke Brin the Blood Raven who was said to have a thousand eyes a hundred years ago. Deng..."

"Oh, Brynden is my son."

Jon the Golden-Eyed Raven is no nonsense either.

He raised the bird's head and coughed: "Quack, Duke Tywin, I'm here to discuss a deal with you, I believe you will be very interested."

"Go ahead."

Tywin is a person who speaks calmly and is good at grasping the key points.

"One is military rations, the other is about field hospitals, and the other is weapons and armor, especially leather armor..."

Jon repeats what he told Cersei.

Tywin's emerald green eyes flickered.

The corner of his mouth curled into a smile.

"If I say no, will you support Stannis?"

Jon the Golden-Eyed Crow nodded in surprise.


Talking to smart people is easy.

"Jon Wright, do you know..."

"Lannister, you must pay your debts."

Jon the Golden-eyed Crow croaked.

"Do you know the language of my Jon Wright family?"

"The night will come, but the light... will last forever!"


Guangming Island.

Tyrion visited the workshop manufacturing here with great interest.

Now, soap has also begun to be mass-produced.

Bronn the Soldier followed Tyrion, he picked up a piece of soap and sniffed it: "It smells really good."

"Does King's Landing have such a thing?"

asked Bronn.

Tyrion shook his head.

"Soap is now banned from King's Landing."

Tyrion's complexion is not very good-looking. Although it is true, King's Landing still has soap and soap. In fact, there are a large number of handicraft workshops in the Seven Kingdoms, which produce other soaps. However, Guangming Island has become industrialized.

The so-called industrialization is to be able to mass-produce in batches.

Small workshops elsewhere in the Seven Kingdoms.

It was quickly overwhelmed by the powerful productivity of Guangming Island.

And, Cersei that idiot.

She banned the products of Guangming Island from entering King's Landing.

Therefore, the common people in King's Landing must buy smuggled products, or more expensive products.

There are two such consequences.

The common people of King's Landing will run out.

Secondly, the common people who can't run away from King's Landing will rise up and make trouble.

Either way, it's not a good thing!

He took a deep breath and continued to visit various factories on Guangming Island. Now the factories on Guangming Island are very large, the staff dormitories are clean and tidy, and there are staff canteens and public toilets.

I have to say that Guangming Island is indeed a blessed place.

There are freshwater rivers here.

And there is rain.

A full 10,000+ people eat and drink on the island, and Jon is actually neat and tidy, but now they have begun to transfer industries, Winterfell, White Harbor, Bear Island, Iron Islands, Jon is consciously moving Different industries are placed in different places.

The fishery resources of Bai Harbor are very developed.

They have already started to make canned fish. This kind of canned fish is very simple to make. It is steamed at high temperature, filled with salt and sealed in clay pots.

The selling price is low, relying on the Guangming Supply and Marketing Cooperative, almost all over the northern border.

Tyrion pondered carefully, can this industrial model be placed in King's Landing or the West Territory?
The answer is of course impossible.

First of all, the nobles in King's Landing and the Western Region are torn apart. Even the Lannister family cannot achieve such a strong appeal in the Western Region. No wonder some people say that Jon Wright is the holy son sent by the King of Light...

"My lord, the cafeteria here seems to be pretty good."

Bronn pointed to the canteen on Guangming Island with great interest.

The cafeteria here relies on work points to make meals, and they can also give money, but most people have bright coupons. When Tyrion took out the silver deer to buy meals, the aunt at the meal window was quite surprised: " Sir, are you still using money outside?"

Tyrion froze.

"You Guangming Island don't need money?"

The Dafan aunt shook her head: "My lord, Guangming Island has not used cash for a long time, and we all use Guangming Coupons."

"Can you eat tea eggs outside?"

Auntie Dafan pointed to the tea eggs boiled in soy sauce. Soy sauce is also a small invention of Jon after he came to this world. This is a small step for Jon, but for the entire continent of Westeros, it is A big step.

"It smells so good!"

Bronn and Tyrion couldn't help swallowing.

"This is a selection of great auk eggs from the northern border, boiled with soy sauce, and we can eat them every day on Guangming Island."

Aunt said proudly.

"We still have pickles and ice cream here, and we eat ice cream for free every day. As long as you are a resident of Guangming Island, these side dishes are free of charge."

"If you have time, you can also try the latest drink, which is said to be called Coke!"


Tyrion's eyes widened again in surprise, he had never heard of this thing.

"Yes, it's caramel fried with honey, and then blended with sugar water. After adding ice cubes, it tastes very good. It will become a bright commodity that sells as well as ice cream in the future!"

Dafan aunt said proudly.

Tyrion hummed silently. He and Bronn bought two tea eggs and ate them. Then they went to the self-service area next to them to look for various side dishes, and they found Coke.

Although there is no carbon dioxide.

But the taste of this water is already very close to cola.

Caramelized with honey and malt syrup, and served over ice, this drink has a fascinating taste, even sweeter than fruit wine and mead.

Tyrion instantly fell in love with the smell.

What surprised Tyrion even more was the islander culture of Guangming Island.

Those savages, free people outside the Great Wall, all lined up to pick up their meals. No one jumped in line, and no one dared to cross at will. They all held a small pottery tablet with their names on it. Everyone can eat enough, but food waste is not allowed.

The food in the cafeteria is very rich.

Stewed seal meat, whale meat, pickled auk, bacon, fried auk eggs, beef with potatoes, shark with potatoes, rabbit with potatoes, all kinds of meat are countless, but there are fewer vegetables.

Tyrion swallowed the tea eggs casually: "Come on, let's meet Jon Wright."

Bronn was savoring the taste of tea eggs with soy sauce. Hearing this, he cautiously swallowed the tea eggs in a few mouthfuls and followed.

Jon is inspecting the fertile land opened up in the middle of Guangming Island and inspecting the greenhouse base.

There are giants and mammoths, it is very easy to open up fertile land here, and it is imminent to build a greenhouse base.

Because the giants are vegetarians.

There is also a practical problem.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and there is no shortage of meat in the northern border.

But there is a lack of green plants and green vegetables here.

The best things to grow are of course parsley, potatoes, and carrots, followed by spinach. There are many thousand-year-old bird droppings, seal droppings, and mammoth droppings. There is no shortage of fertilizers, so the greenhouse base is very wide, 100 Multiple greenhouses covered with seal skins.

Inside, a magic circle is made of obsidian to keep the temperature.

With the blessing of magic and technology, the vegetable production here is not bad, especially the potato production, which is enough to supply the entire Guangming Island, and there is still enough to brew vodka.

When Tyrion arrives.

Jon is taking Joffrey, Tommen, Myrcella and others, working on the field in the field.

"Guys, do you see that?"

Jon pointed to the potatoes on the ground.

"Who knows that every piece of Chinese food is hard work."

"Little Qiao, you will be the king in the future..."

Jon would have spoken to Joffrey again.

But Joffrey ignored him at all.

Tommen, on the other hand, listened very carefully.

Jon smiled and said, "Tomen, what will you do when you become king?"

"Mr. Jon!"

Tommen blushed immediately, and said seriously: "I, I want to distribute land to farmers who don't have land."

"Well, not bad, not bad, have you finished reading the Theory of Illuminati?"

"It's over, Mr. Jon!"

This scene was completely watched by Tyrion.

He shook his head, broken, Tommen and Myrcella were taught broken!

(End of this chapter)

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