Chapter 15


In Drumman's mansion, the fat governor was squinting his eyes and leaning on the bench quietly waiting for news from his subordinates, while the two maids beside him carefully fanned him.

The long summer has not yet passed, and Reese is in the south, so it is really hot these days.

He is also a fat man, and he will continue to sweat even if he lies in the shade.

"My lord, my lord..."

The subordinates sent out by Drumman ran in in a panic, panting heavily while speaking.

"Speak slowly." Drumman cursed angrily.

"Outside, it's rumored that the King of Targaryen and Governor Tweek ambushed the pirates together."


Druman was so angry that he burst into rage.

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Yes, and Governor Tweek specially sent a fleet to sea this morning."

Drumman couldn't sit still when he heard the news.

It was obvious that the two grandsons were planning to play him to death. If they stayed in Reese, there would be only one dead end.

"Quick, hurry up and pack your things, and leave immediately after loading the boat! Take those 100 Unsullied."

In times of crisis, Druman does not believe in any mercenaries or ordinary slave soldiers, he only believes in the Unsullied who will never betray.

But after a while, Druman seemed to realize something, and quickly stopped the servant:
"Wait, pack up your things first, don't move now, wait until the evening! And bring those bed slaves newly bought from Yunkai."


In the morning, the sun shines on the sea again.

The crisp sea breeze also blew away the bloody smell on the pirate ship.

"Your Majesty, I have seen Reese's flag." The captain reminded in time.

"Then speed up and row faster!"

Three of the five pirate ships Aegon directly destroyed yesterday, leaving behind two merchant ships that came to pursue Druman.

The 20 pirate sailors were also divided into [-] teams, all commanded by sailors recruited by Aegon from Rhys and former mercenaries. They did not carry weapons, but only shackles.

In order to prevent these people from rebelling, Aegon assigned 100 Unsullied to each ship.

The figure of the merchant ship in the distance was getting closer and closer, and soon Aegon and the others caught up with Drewman.

"Ready to take over the ship!"

Aegon commanded the troops without haste, preparing to let the Unsullied aboard.

On the other hand, Belwas was standing aside, eager to try.

He is especially interested in fighting.

But what Aegon and the others didn't expect was that someone had already brought Druman's body to the deck. A dagger was stabbed in the right eye of the body, and there was a man's body lying beside his body.

"Your Majesty, we beg forgiveness!"

Druman's servant knelt on the ground and brought up the whip that controlled the Unsullied, and a young woman was tied to the mast.

Aegon raised his hand to let these people stand up, and after some questioning, he found out the ins and outs.

The young woman above was a bed slave bought from Yunkai. As a result, Drewman was stabbed to death with a dagger last night just as she was about to enjoy her first night.

The other man was Druman's supervisor, and just as he found Druman lying in a pool of blood in the morning, he grabbed the woman hiding under the bed and tied her to the mast to sacrifice to the sea god.

Just when Aegon and the others came over, these servants who were afraid of death saw that Aegon's two pirate ships were still flying the flag of Rees, thinking that Rees's pursuers were coming, so they killed the steward together and prepared to surrender.

Aegon didn't expect it to be so simple, he took down Druman's property and the 100 Unsullied without any effort.

"I forgive your crimes, and you will all be free citizens after arriving in Slaver's Bay, and you will also get a settlement fee."

After much deliberation, Aegon still didn't intend to give these people too much honor. After all, these few were not the ones who killed Druman, and these Druman's servants immediately kowtowed after hearing the news.

"Put her down too!" Aegon pointed to the girl tied up on the mast.

Speaking of which, I have to thank her, otherwise, if Druman survived, there might be a bloody battle between the Unsullied on both sides.

Hearing Aegon's order, several people who were lying on the ground just now quickly climbed up and untied the rope.

When the girl was brought in front of Aegon, Aegon lifted her chin with his hands and realized that she was still a beautiful woman of mixed race. She had a slightly wheat-colored skin and very skinny cheeks. Extremely aggressive, with a pair of amber eyes that look very charming.

No wonder Druman didn't forget to take this thorny rose with him when he ran away.

"What's your name?"

The girl didn't answer, but directly spit at Aegon, but Aegon dodged it.

Aegon's face was somewhat sullen:

"It's kind of interesting. You have to know that if I hadn't come, you might have been buried in the belly of the fish, and you would even have to endure unimaginable torture before you died. Is this how you treat your benefactor?"

The girl lowered her head and was silent for a moment when she heard this, before murmuring: "Rislin!"

"Very good, Raisin, you will be my maid from now on, and it happens that no one is pouring wine for me right now!"

Aegon made a decision with a clap of his big hand, but this time the subordinates who followed Aegon hurriedly tried to stop him, but Aegon waved his hand directly.

"I've made a decision, now it's up to you to agree or not?" Aegon asked with a smile, staring at Raistlin's amber eyes.

"What if I don't want to?"

Aegon laughed: "Then there is no other way. It is a capital crime for a slave to murder his master. He can only sacrifice you to the sea god."

Raiselin on the opposite side said very angrily: "But you forgave them just now?"

"That butler is not their master!"

Raiselin was stunned speechless, and nodded slowly after a while.

"Very good, you can stand up now, and then go change your clothes, and then take me to see Druman's treasure!"

The servants hurriedly led Aegon, and after counting, Aegon was also shocked by Druman's treasure.

The money that this guy took away was worth 20 gold dragons, and he probably took away all the money that could be moved from the family.

Who knows how many people this guy has partnered with those pirates!
It's a pity that his real estate can't be taken away, and the group of pirates, Aegon, can't search it, and the golden gold has slipped away from his hands.

Aegon was very excited to see the jewels in the cabin. The ironborn's motto was still good.

Strong is better than hard work!
If I have a chance in the future, I must form a pirate army.

(End of this chapter)

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