Blood of the True Dragon

Chapter 35 Support

Chapter 35 Support
The pirates who attacked first shot a wave of arrows towards the top of the city, but the arrows basically lost their strength when they were thrown to the top of the city.

When he got closer, the spears of the Unsullied on the opposite side poured down like rain.

The pirate soldiers rushing forward fell down one after another.

"Let the Unsullied and the shields stand in front, and use the battering ram!"

Haveli continued to direct towards the soldiers behind him.

As a result, hundreds of Unsullied on the pirate side raised their shields above their heads to form a shield formation, and rushed towards the gate of Astapor with their battering rams bravely.

The pirates held up their shields to resist the spears dropped by the defenders from above, and covered the team holding the long ladder.

Joanna's face changed instantly when she saw that the other party had started to crash into the city gate. She immediately handed over the command of the city to Commander Unsullied, and then quickly ran down the city wall.

The battering ram kept hitting the wooden city gate, and every time it hit, the fear in the hearts of the free folk soldiers inside increased.

Joanna also knew that she couldn't rely on these people, so she quickly called in hundreds of Unsullied and prepared to meet the enemy.

The ladder on the city wall has been set up, and the stones and oil barrels on it are constantly being thrown down.

Pirate soldiers were constantly shot down, but there were still powerful pirates holding their shields and rushing upwards.

And some vigilant pirate soldiers quickly avoided after seeing the oil drum thrown down.

Then a flaming arrow was thrown from the top of the city wall, instantly igniting the black kerosene.

The soldiers who were stained were immediately swallowed by the flames, screaming crazily.

The city is like hell.

But the attack did not stop. After Haveli hacked and killed several retreating soldiers, the pirates continued their second wave of attack until the first pirate soldier rushed to the city wall, and the battle broke out on the city wall.

Haveli also became proud when he saw this.

If there is no accident, he will definitely be able to capture Astapor today, and then become the king of Astapor.

The defenders on the top of the city and the pirates fell into a fierce battle, and the two sides kept fighting for the position on the wall.

The pirates were killed and attacked again, leaving more and more corpses.

Joanna in the city also clenched her hands uneasily.

"My lord, why don't you stay behind first?"

Joanna shook her head directly: "No, give me a spear too. If the city breaks down, I won't be able to survive hiding behind."

Before the words were finished, the gate of the city had been hammered open, and the Unsullied from both sides fought together.

Haveli laughed wildly when he saw this scene, and directly led the remaining troops to attack the city gate.

But the resistance of the Unsullied in the city is still very tenacious, and people in their battle formation continue to die, but these people can still fight until the last moment.

Just as the battle at the gate of the city was in full swing, an Unsullied troop from outside the gate also rushed over.

Missandei's brother Missanlo led a group of Unsullied towards the port.

And Aegon took Belwas and Gray Worm to kill the city gate.

The two teams of Unsullied blocked the pirate soldiers in the middle.

Belwas rushed to the front, his stout body looked like a giant bear, but his flexibility surprised the pirate soldiers.

More and more soldiers died under his scimitar, and the pirate's troops were thrown into chaos in an instant.

And the pirate king who was fighting fiercely at the gate of the city was also notified by his subordinates that the other party had come to support him.

"Why don't you retreat? Our troops don't have the advantage now!" the commander suggested.

"What did you say?" Haveli snapped angrily.

"It's just right that the Targaryen king is back. He definitely brought back all the jewels. I can take this place by killing him!"

Having said that, Haveli led the troops to meet Aegon.

The pressure at the gate of the city was instantly relieved, and Joanna was also relieved to hear the sound of fighting outside.

The fierce Pirate King quickly rushed to Aegon's side.

But it was Belwas who met him.

Aegon seldom fights directly with these fierce generals, more often he lets his subordinates fight. He is not experienced enough.

There are brave generals, and there are old generals, but there are fewer old and brave generals.

Aegon has always used Rhaegar's death to warn himself that he must always have a heart to save his life. Unless he waits for his swordsmanship to reach a higher level, otherwise he will not fight against these people.

Havely was so lazy that Aegon yelled angrily when he didn't fight him.

Angry, he raised his knife fiercely and slashed towards Belwas. The two knives kept colliding, sputtering sparks.

And Gray Worm brandished his spear to face the pirate next to him, so that Belwas could face the giant pirate king alone.

Belwas's body is extremely flexible, and he is constantly looking for opportunities to kill the opponent with a single blow.

Until Gray Worm also raised his spear and stabbed at the pirate king.

Taking advantage of the time when the opponent raised his knife to block, Belwas bent down and cut off the opponent's left foot, then rowed behind the Pirate King, and slashed at the opponent's head.

When the pirates saw Haveli being hacked to death, they were in a panic, and ran towards the back port frantically under the leadership of the remaining pirate commanders.

But Missanluo's Unsullied had already captured the pier and captured some warships.

The Unsullied of the three parties besieged the group of pirates together.

The pirates kept attacking the troops at the dock, but after several failed attempts, they finally surrendered.

The Unsullied controlled the surrendered pirates one after another.

"Who are you leading?"

The pirates pushed out the two high-ranking commanders under Haveli.

"Your names?" Aegon said coldly.

"Harland, Henry!"

Harland has a long scar on his face, while Henry wears an eye patch over his left eye.

"Very well, I, Aegon VI Targaryen, give you the chance to surrender..."

Before Aegon could finish his sentence, Harland spat on the ground: "Hey, kill me, I'll be happier this way!"

And Henry on the side also snorted coldly, expressing his disdain for Aegon.

Aegon didn't expect the pirates on the Basilisk Islands to be so rebellious, but he quickly calmed down.

"It's easy to kill you, but no one helps me train the navy anymore, but if you want to die, I will give you a chance.

Astapor's Pride Square still has the heads of hundreds of slaveholders stuck in it, and I don't mind a few hundred more.

Well, let’s get down to business, I said that I will give you a chance, but I don’t need two commanders for an army, so you two choose one to die! "

Aegon said as he asked for two bottles of potion to be taken out.

"The bottle on the left is for the strangler. If you drink it, you will die in pain. The bottle on the right is safe water. You two can choose for yourself.

Or you can die together, and I will choose another commander from among them! "

Hearing this, the two of them instantly became subtle.

Henry still turned his head away, but Harland snatched the bottle of potion representing clear water and drank it down in one gulp.

"Harland, you bastard, coward!" Henry was furious.

"You can't blame me, you've heard it all, even if we die, there will still be others who will continue to be elected. So what's the point of resisting?"

But Aegon smiled ghostly: "Good job, but I seem to have misremembered the bottle."

(End of this chapter)

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