Medieval Reiki Revival

Chapter 117 Exploring the Lair

Chapter 117 Exploring the Lair
After Ivan saw these people disappear, he jumped to check.

The sewer should have been built hundreds of years ago, with a simple shape, but it was covered with blue mud.

Sewage gurgles in the depression, and there are sloping dams on both sides.

"Strange, there is no trace at all."

"Hello, my lord."

While searching, a familiar shout came from behind.

Oliver waved his arms, and ran along the trail at a fast pace. Old Fagin beside him was out of breath and almost passed out.

The two finally came to the sewer.

Ivan released his mental power and tried to investigate from another angle.

"it's here."

He soon discovered that the arches at the top of the dam were hollowed out.

The arch looks huge, but it is actually only made up of three stone slabs.

The top layer, the front and the back.

The whole body is covered with mud as camouflage.

The two sides of the arch are connected to the underground passage, and the passage is still four or five meters down.

Ivan withdrew his mental power, those people should have drilled in from the inside, and then entered the ground from the passages on both sides.

Seeing him frowning and thinking, Oliver thought Ivan wanted to go in.

So he dissuaded: "There were a lot of zombies before. If you go in alone, you can't beat them with four hands. How can you beat them too much?"

Ivan glanced at him, but he didn't want to go in.

"How did you come here?"

This is something he cares about.

Old Fagin pointed to the blushing Oliver and said, "It's not because this kid was worried that you would suffer alone, so he brought me here."

"It depends on you?" Ivan was a little suspicious.

"Of course we don't have the ability to help you fight, but we do know another place leading to the underground building." Oliver said confidently.

"That's very useful information."

Ivan touched his chin: "But even if you don't tell me, I'll guess it soon."

"It's near the Le Mans Cathedral."

This time it was Oliver's turn to be shocked, and the cute little face suddenly became dramatic.

"How do you know?"

Ivan pointed to the ground. The soil fell from the soles of the zombies. That kind of reddish-brown soil is rare in the entire Le Mans.

"Some of it is reasoning, some of it is speculation."

"In this day and age, some big events may have nothing to do with religion, but in the end it will involve religion."

Oliver blinked his big eyes.For a moment, his face was a bit delicate. Although he didn't understand, he always felt that he was not aware of it.

"But although it didn't help me, thank you for your reminder."

After Ivan left them, he returned to the hotel to get back the horseshoe, and found a secret passage in Le Mans Cathedral through his spiritual power.

Compared with other churches, the flower windows of Le Mans church are very beautiful.

Sunlight shines in through the flower windows, and the whole room is warm and soft under the pink decoration, as beautiful as an angel.

From the outside, the building's proportions are a bit odd, with the massive chancel and transept not fitting well into the low and visually understated nave.

Ordinary people will only think it is the style of Christian architecture.

No one thought that there was an underground secret passage hidden under the building.

After confirming that there was no one there, Ivan opened the entrance to the secret passage.

"If the information I learned before is correct, this church is under the control of General Blanche. Could it be that he made these zombies?"

He thought about it, and decided to go in and take a look.

"If General Blanche is also a jellyfish body, things will be troublesome."

The inside of the secret passage is very dark, and ordinary people have to lean on the wall to move.

The soil at the entrance of the cave is very wet, obviously many people have been here recently.

Ivan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he immediately released his mental power, and the entire dark tunnel soon became like daylight.

Not only that, the mental power can even penetrate the wall and check the situation of the nearby passages.

With this ability, Ivan avoided several waves of men in black coming and going.

"They're all human."

"Under the black robes are all military uniforms."

"Unless the jellyfish body learns to find the second devil, there can't be so many people here."

He kept going.

Estimated to walk 500 meters of the road.

The road ahead is getting wider and brighter.

Ivan was worried that he would be discovered by them as soon as he entered, so he knocked out a black-robed man and changed his clothes to his body, so that his entry did not attract anyone's attention.

At the end of the tunnel is a huge platform.

It was brightly lit and hot.

The huge smelting was suspended on the boom, and the pale and strong man pulled it hard, and the dark red metal turned into liquid, flowing from the pipe into the sand mold that had already been cast.

He walked all the way, carefully dodging the crowd.

Solidified metal solution can be seen everywhere on the ground, and unknown minerals are piled inside the rammed earth wall, some are red, some are green, but more are blue scorodite.

The man in black is in charge of overseeing the work.

Shirtless men work to deliver materials.

And the person who smelted... actually?

Ivan's eyes widened. The people in charge of smelting were not blacksmiths, but alchemists in strange costumes.

Stranger still, he also found Kepler among these people.

"Move quickly, move quickly."

The man in black yelled at the workers, and the whip in his hand was about to fall from time to time.

The workers endured the torment of the supervisors. They tried their best to pull the rope, but they retreated again and again due to physical reasons, until finally the exhausted workers fainted on the ground.

"You handle it."


The men in black began to carry the fainted man.

The other men in black looked on coldly, only the laborer Tusihu looked at him sadly.

They knew that if they were taken away by these people, they would basically never come back.

The hourglass on the high platform has reached the end.

"It's time, rest for an hour."

The laborers were led into an earth-rammed enclosure, and special people delivered food to them, so that they would not starve to death, but they would not be too full.

Although alchemy is also monitored, it is more free.

They can walk a little distance under the supervision of the man in black.

The room and board conditions are also better.

Kepler walked with some suffocation. He felt the eyes of men in black everywhere, so he could only walk along the wall as much as possible, hoping that he could temporarily escape this kind of surveillance.

But escape is impossible.

The topography of the secret road is complex.

There were many people in black coming in and out.

Unless someone can see through, it is impossible to escape successfully.

Those men in black also knew this, and were not worried about Kepler's escape, but just hoped that he would not be a moth, and would be at ease to smelt the metal needed for the ceremony for their boss.

Kepler passed by a path, and immediately covered his mouth with a pair of big hands.


He wanted to struggle, but he didn't expect a familiar voice to come from beside his ear.

"Don't talk, it's me."

Ivan took off his hood, and Kepler looked at him in surprise: "Mr. Wizard, why are you here?"

"Hush your voice, how did you get caught here."

Kepler sighed: "Don't mention it. I was walking well on the main road. Suddenly, a group of people rushed over and took me away. They specially arrested the alchemists in the city to refine arsenic and tin."

"It seems that they are eyeing your identity."

Ivan is thoughtful, and Kepler is dressed like a poor alchemist.

"Yes, and I also discovered a secret in the city."

"What secret."

Kepler grabbed his arm, with a serious face: "The arrangement of all the white crosses is not disorderly, they are combined according to the sine function."

Ivan learned about astrology from him.

In this era, the geocentric theory was a long-standing consensus among intellectuals and theologians, and an advanced theory for the ancient Egyptians and Greeks.

In order to observe the starry sky, Hipparchus of ancient Greece introduced a 360-degree circle into astronomy.

He was the first to divide latitude and longitude, and invented the chord table to assist calculations.

Later, occultism brought astronomy under its command, and even invented a large number of unwarranted myth systems, linking constellations and personal destiny. Using functions to hold mysterious rituals is just a kind of rational alchemy.

Kepler gritted his teeth: "I should have figured it out earlier. In this small rural area, there must still be believers in this kind of superstitious witchcraft."

"Excuse me, didn't I talk about you again?"

Kepler made simple gestures with his fingers: "According to the ancient alchemy handbook, the scope of the ritual is related to the power obtained. Those men in black used the metal we smelted as blood and the cross painted on the wall as bone. Successfully put the entire city under the ritual bag."

His eyes were bloodshot: "The sine function mostly refers to sacrifices and life witchcraft."

"That person may want to sacrifice an entire city to gain some kind of terrible power."

"He is also a wizard, Lord Ivan, please."

"Stop him now!"

Ivan was silent, he thought of something.

Something that happened in the lab.

In addition, there is one more point.

Ivan looked into his eyes and replied very firmly: "Maybe there really is witchcraft in this world, but I'm sure no one will use it except me."

 I was caught at work recently
(End of this chapter)

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