Medieval Reiki Revival

Chapter 123 Trivia Before Leaving

Chapter 123 Trivia Before Leaving
Like Molière's evaluation, this Brome is a liar who reads pirated books.

Ivan searched this base. Except for the alchemy materials of many different eras, there was not much value at all. The Sikkim mantra inscribed in the ground no longer glowed due to the effect of time, and turned back to original appearance.

"So he doesn't know witchcraft at all."

Ivan was still flipping through the handbook: "It should just be pure luck."

Molière asked: "How did he manage to turn the jellyfish into zombies?"

"According to the log in the manual, the murloc bone meal and murloc blood are fed alternately, and then the composite metal powder and acid are put into the stomach of the zombie to react, bit by bit giving the jellyfish body the characteristics of metal. "

They've all seen zombies.

Coming and going like the wind, the whole body is as hard as iron.

In the case of Ivan without a horseshoe, he can only draw with them.

And zombies of different colors have different characteristics.

The abilities of blue zombies are more balanced.

The brown zombie's defense is very strong, and the normal form of the horseshoe can only leave a little mark. Only by intensifying the energy core of the horseshoe with spiritual power can its head be destroyed.

Green zombies don't have that strong defense, but they are fast.

There is also a pair of sharp bone claws, which can split gold and crush stones.

Molière immediately thought of Mazarin's [-] jellyfish army. If they all turned into zombies in this way, human beings would have no chance of winning at all.

"Don't worry too much."

Ivan closed the notebook with a snap: "It may be because the characteristics of murlocs are different from those of jellyfish. Zombies also have a fatal weakness - they cannot see light. The regenerated cells on their bodies will spontaneously ignite quickly when exposed to ultraviolet rays." .”

With current technology, artificial ultraviolet light is basically not impossible.

But the next time this happens, Ivan can use his financial resources to purchase part of the lead sulfate to make a battery, and then electrify the mercury vapor in the glass.

When mercury vapor is excited by an energy source, the electrons in the mercury atoms are raised to several higher energy levels, and the energy is released in the form of photons, which appear in discrete bands in the form of ultraviolet and visible light.

Of course, the biggest problem is that there is no process to make tungsten.

This UV lamp will not last long.

Seeing that the two were still a little nervous, Ivan continued: "When I used the [weird fishbone] to make murlocs, I made very few murlocs. In addition to the corpses Brom encountered, the murlocs may have disappeared. Don't worry at all."

General Blanche breathed a sigh of relief: "In this case, let's go back directly."

"I'll stay here for now."

"what happened?"

Ivan didn't turn his head back: "These materials are quite interesting, I want to keep them and read them again."

"Okay, okay, you watch first, I have to go back and take a shower."

Molière reminded: "It's better to send someone to take over here, so as to have an account for the people."

General Blanche patted his head: "Almost forgot, this Brome is very harmful. He not only lied to me that he could refine the Philosopher's Stone, but now he also confused my head. When I go back, I will immediately send people come over."

Seeing that Ivan didn't reply, Molière signaled Blanche to take a step ahead.

Don't worry about the other men in black, Ivan has already solved everything before.

After Molière and Kepler met, they were a little unbelievable when they saw each other's distressed appearance.

In particular, it was extremely hot near Kepler's furnace, so he took off his shirt, revealing his rib-like upper body, and it was somewhat awkward for the two of them to meet now.

After exchanging pleasantries, they decided to go to General Blanche's house to have a rest first.

"It's great to be free."

"We can finally get out of this damn place."

The other alchemists cheered when they knew they could leave.

They were all captured by Brom and forced to smelt metal.

Not to mention suffering and suffering, there is no wages to take.

As long as there is the slightest reluctance on the face, it is a severe beating.

Ivan was still reading the book. He flipped through the book very fast. He only stopped to look at something interesting once in a while, and passed most of the rest.

After Brom mastered the security forces, he may have asked for these alchemy manuals in order to pursue power.

Some of these things come from the "Sheepskin Scroll" of the Roman era in the 2nd century, some are part of the folklore "Book of Roger Eyre", and some are pieced together by astronomy and geography.

The origin is so vast that it cannot even be verified.

Ivan read all of them, and they were basically bluffing nonsense.

The reason why he paused for a second or two was that he found that some of them were valuable for philosophical speculation, and the others were basically nonsense.

It's ridiculous to think about it.

This is a materialistic universe.

But human beings have spent thousands of years studying such illusory things as witchcraft.

Several disciplines have even been born for this purpose.

Demonic witchcraft, elven witchcraft, ritual witchcraft, cursed witchcraft.
Then some people also absorbed the essence of mathematics, astronomy, and medicine.

Even though most places are more fake than fake, some places are more real than real.

Ivan has been reading about the classification of ritual witchcraft, and he observed that there are several theories supported by historical "theologians" about the placement of sacrifices in rituals. The sine function theory that Kepler said before belongs to A very partial minority.

However, it is this minority that has something to do with the problems Ivan encountered.

Or as the old saying goes.

Mathematics is the foundation of all subjects.

Including witchcraft too.

News came from the city of Bam that Mazarin continued to expand his army.

The number of defense forces has ballooned from 3 to 7.

How many jellyfish bodies there are in these people will not be mentioned for the time being.

The problem now is that there are only 5000 people left in Blanche's security forces.

General Blanche stroked his beard in embarrassment: "Because after Brom took control of the Security Force, he has been eliminating dissidents and at the same time withholding military expenses, causing some of the army to leave."

Ivan said lightly: "It doesn't matter, I heard that you have an elite artillery regiment under your command."

"Are these people still there?"

General Blanche thought for a while: "These people all graduated from the military academy, and it is impossible for them to leave."

"Since the artillery is still there, don't worry. The jellyfish have never used muskets, and they don't know how to use cannons. They will be affected by high-intensity sound waves. When they go to the battlefield, all the jellyfish will rush over with their bare hands. I'm afraid you Are you worried that they will escape?"

"If that's the case, 5000 people are barely enough."

Ivan waved his hand: "What we want is containment, not direct defeat."


Ivan discussed with Molière and decided to let Mr. Molière stay to assist General Blanche.

In name it is an assistant, but in fact it is surveillance.

Prevent this guy from making any more troubles later.

For this reason, Evante left a steel bird for Molière.

The next day, they were ready to return.

Standing under the city gate, Ivan sighed a little, and suddenly took a breath of fresh air.

"Without the jellyfish body, Le Mans has finally become lively."

"The voices are louder and more popular."

Kepler nodded: "This is all thanks to you, Master Ivan. If the residents of Le Mans know that you saved them, they will definitely be grateful to you."

"It's too troublesome to be grateful, but just keep it in your heart."

A puff of smoke suddenly rose from the street not far away, and the sound of horseshoes could be heard endlessly.

The four-wheeled carriage rushed here, and finally stopped slowly,

General Blanche and Molière got out of the car and brought them some supplies.

"Hey, don't be in a hurry, we still have something for you."

"what is this?"

"Gorse honey and Breton shortbread."

General Blanche threw the burden to Kepler. He weighed it subconsciously and found that there was not only food in it, but also a considerable amount of gold.

General Blanche complained: "I haven't thanked you properly yet, why did you leave?"

"time does not wait."

Ivan is not suitable for this kind of greeting scene.

"I see. Anyway, there is another person who wants to see you."

"who is it?"

Here, two people got off the carriage.

One old man is old Fagin, and the other little loli is a bit hard to recognize.

The long black curls were draped over the shoulders softly, and the white skin was as smooth as suet.

She smiled shyly, with a pair of light rose-red dimples on her cheeks, like red apples.

It may be the first time to wear a skirt, and both hands are pinched in a somewhat restrained manner.

"We are here to thank you on behalf of the residents of Le Mans City, thank you."

Molière explained: "General Blanche reorganized the city council of Le Mans and publicized your deeds. Now everyone in Le Mans knows that they were saved by you."

Ivan opened his mouth and said nothing.

Oliver finally raised his head, pursing his lips in embarrassment: "Master Wizard, can I study with you?"

Ivan's expression was a bit complicated, as if he had said something.

But no one heard.

After he left, Kepler winked at Oliver and loudly said deliberately: "Master Wizard has a hospital in Fort Luz Pitt, you can drop by to see it later."

Ivan had a hospital in Fort Luz Pitt, and Don Serra must have said it.

Going back had to break his leg.

Hearing this, Oliver rekindled hope.

She summoned up her courage and shouted loudly: "My lord wizard, when I grow up, I will definitely go to Fort Luzfurt."

(End of this chapter)

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