Medieval Reiki Revival

Chapter 146 Glorious Revolution

The Earl Mirabeau of the court was in distress. The diplomats of Espania had reached an agreement with Louis XVI. They were going to open dozens of ports and cancel the industrial restrictions on España. Make a guarantee on tariffs.

The Espanian waiter promised that if Louis XVI was willing to fully develop it, he would get a lot of [-] gold coins per year, which was enough to solve the construction problem of the palace.

Count Mirabeau sighed.

Estonia is small in size, but has a strong industrial strength.

Don't look at Louis XVI now getting a lot of money, but the whole country may lose more economic benefits due to the invasion of Espania's industrial products.

More importantly, this has gradually made the royal family out of control.

Rich people have weight in their words.

Some Louis XVI can hire people they like as guard officers at any time.

He doesn't even need to report the financial reach.

Because this is the royal family's money, not the state's taxes.

Of course, Mirabeau was not such a visionary.

He knows how to do business and understands the basics of how business works.

But his knowledge was still limited by the times. Mirabeau didn't know about the steam engine that was about to be born in this world, nor did he know that a device for pumping water could become the cornerstone of the change of the times.

Mirabeau just instinctively thought that it would be bad for others to take away Francitt's wealth.

In addition, the wealthy royal family will pose a threat to the status of Count Mirabeau.

He and the revolutionary army system behind him don't like it.

They tried many ways to try to break the agreement.

But the ports are all along the coast, and their navy can't beat the Espanians.

And without the cooperation of the king, it would be difficult for Earl Mirabeau to organize an army to fight.

So the revolutionary army can only watch the king go his own way.

Some veteran nobles who had been standing behind Count Mirabeau saw that he was not in the limelight recently, and all ran to the king's back to flatter him. This made Louis XVI very happy, and he had already sent someone to find the best architect. up.

The Royal Palace is too old and many places smell of shit.

Sometimes when passing through the corridor, the servants have to hold their breath to pass.

The feeling of stepping on shit that people in later generations have always sought after can be enjoyed by people today without spending money.

"The king's power, left unchecked, can cause great damage."

"Everyone is a part of the country. If we want everyone to be equal, we must sign a contract and elect a master to control it, thus forming a country."

"But the premise is that the ruler must treat everyone and everything fairly and justly, otherwise the original intention of getting out of the natural state will be lost. Therefore, Hobbes' idea mainly means that Hobbes tells the way of survival, so that people can A heart of benevolence."

The above passage is said by Thomas Hobbes in "The Contract".

During this time Francite's trade with España increased, and Mirabeau acquired enough books to understand the changes in España's government, many of which produced great ideas for himself.

Compared with Locke, Thomas Hobbes believes that human nature is evil.

He felt that power should be given to a group.

For example, parliament.

The more Mirabeau thought about it, the more reasonable he felt: "We should limit the king's rights, set up a parliament just like the Espanian government, and then choose the way to govern in the future by voting."

"In this way, everyone's opinions can be considered, especially those businessmen who have made good friends with the revolutionary army."

"They will be against the king and with us."

"Many places in Franchite are governed by local aristocracy. The royal palace can choose powerful local aristocrats and influential businessmen to let them understand politics and express their opinions. This way, I have sufficient reasons to interfere with the kingdom's behavior."

What a beautiful argument.

The faces of those who shouted the divine right of kings were swollen.

Mirabeau will not prevent the spread of these books.

Instead, promote it as much as possible.

He secretly thought that if there are Franchites who can write similar books, it means that many people in Franchite have already converged with my thoughts, and then the matter of restricting the kingship will be very promising.

In addition, Mirabeau also inquired about a lot of political changes in Estonia.

He was curious why the kingdom's development strategy changed from the original immigration trade to commodity dumping.

According to some sources.

King William of Estonia died after the economic crisis.

William is a somewhat greedy king.

Very tolerant towards subordinates and citizens.

It's just bad luck and encountered an economic crisis.

King William's successor is James, who has no brains.

Originally, he was a Catholic, and he was opposed by many people in Estonia, and when he came to power, he conducted a bloody trial on those Liberal Party members who did not support him. Although the Liberal Party was hit hard, its status was reversed. has seen an increase.

James had a chance to consolidate his rule, but his subsequent behavior was extremely unwise.

On the one hand, he attempted to strengthen the royal power and strengthen the rule.

We know that Estonia is more democratic than other regions.

And there have been many dictatorial monarchs in history.

So Espanians don't like him.

On the other hand, he was worried that the state religion would threaten his status, so he appointed Catholics as court ministers. This was not only due to his religious beliefs, but also because Catholic thinking was more suitable for an autocratic monarchy.

With his support, and limited by the adversity of the economy at the time.

The Catholic Church has publicly resumed its activities.

State religionists were marginalized.

In the end, the Torch Party who originally supported King James couldn't stand it anymore.

They had supported James in the legitimacy of the succession to the throne, but King James apparently forgot that the Espanian parties cared more about the status of the state religion than most.

A conspiracy was hatched between the two parties to bring down King James.

They invited the Earl of Clarendon to be the new king.

Both Clarendon and his wife were Protestants.

His wife was the daughter of King James.

If they inherit the throne, the expansion of royal power will be prevented.

With the help of people from both parties, the Earl of Clarendon soon came to Dunistan.

I thought James would resist with iron bones.

Who knew that when he saw that the situation was not good, he ran away directly.

So the Earl of Clarendon ordered representatives from each region to hold a meeting to discuss national policies.

It was announced that James had abdicated himself from the king's duties by leaving his watch without authorization, and therefore he had automatically abdicated.

Parliament announced the arrival of the new king.

Before that, Parliament issued a Bill of Rights.

Acts put people and rights into writing, and became a contract between the people and the king.

Therefore, few people died in this revolution, and the results were huge, so some people later called this event the Glorious Revolution, and they proudly stated that liberal democracy appeared in Estonia early.

It is the same in the history of the earth.

But in this book, a group of the most terrible beasts officially came to the stage of history - the bourgeoisie.

After King Clarendon came to power, he must first clean up the economic quagmire.

Fortunately, he was from the Netherlands, where mercantilism prevailed.

King Clarendon first repealed the Poor Laws and many welfare policies for the poor.

Then he discovered that Espania's textile technology is very good, but limited by the lack of raw materials, it cannot organize large textile factories.

He then allowed the manor lords to enclose wasteland not needed by free tenants.

A large number of agricultural populations were driven to the cities.

They receive meager wages and become raw material for industrial crushing.

"For the broadest working class, liberal policies mean low wages, long hours, harsh working conditions, and child labor and women who are consuming body and soul."

Of course, just merchandise is not enough.

Espania needs a mature market.

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