Medieval Reiki Revival

Chapter 165 The Murloc God

Chapter 165 The Murloc God
Rebellion activities like this can only be described as a small episode.

The real big scene still depends on the day of the murloc sacrifice.

It may be that they have noticed the malicious intentions in the air. When the gypsies were preparing for the sacrificial activities, the residents in the city hid one by one.

The innkeeper also found a cellar and hid it.

"Michael, you stay with me, the rest is not something you can participate in."

"Wrong, I will soon be a member of the Mo Po Society."

Michael was extremely excited: "If I miss a little bit of the next battle, I will regret it for the rest of my life."

Ivan didn't know that Michael had sneaked out.

He thought Michael and the innkeeper were hiding well.

If he knew, Ivan would definitely stop him.

Because he had seen too many tragedies and encountered too many dangers, if an ordinary person like this who had never been trained appeared on the battlefield, he would definitely become a feast for the murlocs.

I hope that God can bless this brave young man, so that Michael can survive in the murloc-infested city for a longer period of time, otherwise, Ivan will know one less person.

Gypsies gathered on the Innsmouth River.

They locked down the whole city just for one day like this.

Some people with special jewelry on their bodies began to chant spells.

Paint the face with white oil paint.

While chanting mantras, while dancing to the Great God.

At this time, Ivan felt that these people should be called shamans.

Logically speaking, he should stand up and stop these people, just like the story of a superhero stopping a cult from summoning demons before time travel.

But the current situation is that what they summon is not a demon, but a murloc.

And murlocs don't need to be summoned, they live in the lake.

Hope these people's rituals can start to work.

Good to draw them out.

The surface of the lake is calm, and the water surface is divided into two colors.

One layer is green and the other is blue.

There are very few reeds.

The blue sky and white clouds reflected on the water.

If it weren't for knowing what kind of monsters lived here, Ivan would be happy to travel here.

Just as he continued to hide in the dark, the gypsies stopped their dancing. They didn't seem to be satisfied with the verbal sacrifice. Some fanatical and sick men dragged out several young girls from the tent.

The girl was terrified, but her tongue was blocked and she couldn't speak.


Ivan held his breath and watched the action on the other side.

He doesn't intend to make a move, sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice for the future.

But the knights of the Mopper Society do not have such a concept.

They are very righteous.

That's why it complies with the rules of the Mopo Club.


The knight who had been in ambush for a long time rushed out, and the others who were about to make a move stopped. Watching Gustin's performance, they knew that this group of people was no match at all based on Gustin's skill.

Time to introduce the Knights.

There are three Knight Orders in the Mopper Society.

Each knight order has its own banner.

Giant bears, lions, and dragons.

Because Ivan expanded the number of people as much as possible, each group has about 35 people.

A total of 84 trainee knights and 21 ordinary knights.

Each knight order has a leader and a deputy leader.

Don Quixote is the head of the Knights of the Lion, and Gustin is the deputy head of the Knights of the Giant Bear.

Usually Gustin is jealous and likes to fight against injustices. This time he saw innocent people being kidnapped, so it was expected that he would rush straight up.

Ivan sighed softly. Originally, their plan was to wait until all the murlocs had entered the city before making a move.

If you startle the snake, you may waste this opportunity.

Murlocs are amphibians.

They can't do anything with them if they can't get into the water.

"Go to hell, you bastards."

Simply, Gustin still remembered the president's order, and retreated after rescuing the woman.

The current leader of the gypsies who had been beaten up jumped up from the ground. He covered his cheek with his hands and spoke inarticulately.

The general meaning is that as long as the murloc god is summoned, we can eat delicious food and drink spicy food.

It can also kill the thugs just now.

The gypsy boy became excited again, they screamed and screamed, and finally they didn't fool the boss in vain.

Ivan made a gesture to signal everyone not to act rashly.

They nodded in understanding.

People like Gustin can only exist as exceptions and cannot become the mainstream.

"Rybái, velcí rybái, bohové, kteí ovládají hlen, jste silnějí ne Bh, vae pée mě velmi vděí, dáme vám vechno, zabijeme mě, prosím, obadní obad."

The gypsy chief chanted a spell.

Ivan released his mental power, and he found that it was just a very ordinary sentence.

However, the crown in his hand
"It was stolen by me before, and now there is another one. This group of people has a deep obsession with this kind of thing."

The crown is mixed with murloc bone meal.

Just how useful this quality of spirituality can be.

Ivan didn't have a specific understanding in his heart.

But he knew that the spirituality in the murloc bone meal was only one-thousandth, or even one-ten-thousandth of that of redstone.

The sky was getting dark.

The gypsy has been reciting the spell for most of the day.

These people felt that the murloc god was protecting them, so they worked harder.

Ivan glanced at the water.


The water became cloudy.

Something watched them, then dived down again.


Splashes began to appear near the lake, and some gypsies began to take off their clothes, revealing their scaly arms. Their bodies were bent and wrinkled, looking like a stinky toad.

Richard in the Knights frowned, looking at these disgusting things here uncomfortably.



The half-murloc made a strange cry.

This kind of sound is harsh and too bright, which is disturbing to hear.

But their efforts finally paid off. The water in the Innsmouth River seemed to be boiling, and black arms and fusiform heads slowly rose from the water.


One after another.

"The river is full of stuff like that."

Even if Ivan had expected it, he was still shocked when he saw this number of murlocs.

He couldn't help but think: "There must be some people staying in the hospital, so I only brought 62 people with me this time, and the preliminary estimate of the murlocs on the opposite side is about 8, and one person needs to kill about [-] of them."

1 vs 8.

Of course, Ivan himself is fine, and so are ordinary knights.

Only a large number of apprentice knights can be caught in a real bitter fight.

What followed was bloodshed and sacrifice.

"They haven't experienced a real war yet, can this group of boys adapt?"

The answer is yes.

There is no need for Ivan to say a word, this group of knights fighting for justice has already ignited raging flames. If Ivan hadn't started to explain, I'm afraid they would have rushed to the river to start fighting.

"Okay, good morale."

Seeing that his subordinates were full of fighting spirit, Ivan couldn't help but nodded.

There was a loud bang from the bottom of the lake in Innsmouth, felt by those nearby.

"There's something else!"

The lake is not boiling, but exploding.

Violent water splashes leap from below, and then form a spectacular waterfall.

A huge hole appeared on the surface of the lake, and an eye was exposed inside the vortex. The yellow pupil bulged into a ball, and white bones interspersed around the eye. If you observe carefully, you can see that the water level has dropped by two feet.

Huge, gigantic, majestic.

Words completely lose their ability to describe.

Gusting froze in place, his experienced eyes expanded to the limit, but he still couldn't bear the figure of the other party.

When the whole body was exposed, everyone in the knight order lost their voices collectively.

Surprised, dazed, in a trance.

This group of young people are usually nothing more than fighting Hydralisks, bandits and the like, who have never had the opportunity to see such a nightmare, I am afraid that only occasionally passing by the troubadour, can they learn some slightly exaggerated language to describe the scene in front of them. An unimaginable enemy.

Ivan's eyes became more and more serious, and he clenched the soldering iron in his hand.

The enemy is coming!

(End of this chapter)

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