Chapter 14

In Li Zuo's impression, the empress is a very strong woman, she can be said to be the best virtuous housewife both internally and externally, and of course her appearance is also top-notch.

During the days when Li Maozhen was away, the empress who stayed in Fengxiang to miss her brother also gradually changed.As the relationship between the two became closer, Li Wei also transferred a golden eagle to write small notes.

The golden eagles trained by the Khitan people are actually Mongolian golden eagles. They look very mighty with their brown hair. Li Zuo specially used the knowledge of beast masters to raise a group of them as communication tools, and several of them were cultivated by Li Zuo. The golden eagle on the top, the white belly hair and golden wings attracted the empress's love at the first time, and the more important thing is that it doesn't shed hair.

Time has come to Qianning for four years, and more and more news about Longquan treasures have been spread in the rivers and lakes. There are all kinds of news about treasures that are incomparably rich, unrivaled magic skills, and even the legendary elixir of life.

Li Maozhen also retreated back to Fengxiang from the front line, and felt a little strange when she saw her sister, but she didn't notice anything wrong.He also brought back the news that no one can get the Longquan treasure, because the secret to be opened requires the Holy Gu of Miaojiang.

He decides to go to Miaojiang to study. The reunion of the brother and sister after a long absence is not as cordial as imagined. The two have a big fight. Li Maozhen believes that the treasure of Longquan is the key to his victory and domination of the world, but the empress does not think so.

Qianning four years, February.Wang Shifan conspired with Li Zuo to lend a way to the Shence Army. The empress sat in front of the window with a sad look on her face. She didn't persuade his brother, but Li Maozhen didn't leave immediately either.The empress murmured unconsciously, "Today's Diao'er seems to be a little late."

With a high-pitched cry, the golden eagle landed on the window frame. The Empress reached out and took out the letter from the bamboo tube tied to her foot, glanced at it and threw it aside, "Are you going to leave me too?"

The empress stretched out her hand to caress the feathers of the golden eagle, and brought the long sword in the house to the garden. Her sleeves fluttered and danced, and the purple energy shot out from the tip of the sword, making cracks on the floor.

Due to Li Yu's participation, many things were advanced, and Han Jian seemed to go crazy overnight. Eleven members of the royal family, including King Chen, King Han, King Ji, and King Mu, were killed. Zhu Wen was stunned when he went down with the knife, and Li Maozhen, who was fighting Li Keyong, was also stunned.

Li Yu could only change his plan to go to Sichuan and leave early to Huazhou. Seeing this, Zhu Wen directly entered Luoyang. Li Keyong and Li Maozhen stopped talking and jointly attacked Zhu.

The Shence Army went straight to Chang'an under Li Zuo's order, and Yuan Tiangang quietly sent a list full of henchmen's henchmen.Li Zuo, who was in Huazhou, looked at Sanqianyuan in front of him and was angry. This old man used himself as a knife.

"Your Highness, the Commander-in-Chief said, now that the world is full of thieves, please don't be merciless." Tianzang Xing Sanqianyuan was also a little apprehensive, and he felt Li Zuo's anger.

"Kill it! Kill it clean! You watch it yourself." Li Yu squeezed out the words through his teeth, and Sanqianyuan took the list and left in the direction of Chang'an.

At the time of You, Li Zhen attacked Huazhou Governor's Mansion at night, Han Jian's head was in a different place, and three thousand tiger and leopard riders attacked the east gate.Li Zuo took his cheap Lao Tzu to Chang'an overnight.

The atmosphere of killing in Chang'an City covers the whole city. Li Wei's [-] Shence Army is watching outside the city. , Zuo Yulin, and You Longwu, the Eighth Army jumped back at the same time, attacking inside and outside the city.

A group of unscrupulous people stood on the watchtower of Chang'an City and said to themselves, "As expected of your Highness, the Eighth Army will betray you without making a sound."

"Yes, it's no wonder the commander-in-chief wants His Royal Highness's [-] Shence Army to clean up the court officials."

Compared to the astonishment of the bad guys, the eunuch headed by Lieutenant Liu Jishu was terrified at this moment, and he knew his own virtues best on weekdays.

Sitting on the carriage next to Li Ye was the affectionate He Shi, "So this is what you told me to welcome me back to the palace."

With a bang, an arrow was shot, and a golden long whip from Li Zuo's fingertips was thrown out to cut off the arrow.

"I don't even think about it. Who would have thought that Han Jian would lose his mind and start massacring the emperor's relatives."

The incident happened suddenly, the tail of Huazhou City, Li Zuo didn't have time to clean it up, and his cheap old man was not in front of him.

After four days of fleeing, Li Yu waited for Chang'an's Shence Army and Longwu Army to respond. At this time, Li Yu was covered in blood, there were enemies and his own, and there were only more than [-] people left among the three thousand tiger and leopard riders. Everyone hurts.

Escorted by a large army, Li Zhen and his party entered Chang'an, and Zhaozong finally returned to the "Golden Luan Hall". Li Zhen fell on the bed and passed out, really tired.

The news of Zhaozong's return to Chang'an also reached the ears of Zhu Wen, Li Keyong and Li Maozhen. Han Jian died and Li Maozhen transferred troops from Qianzhou and Yaozhou to Beijing under the pretext of being escorted by King Qin.

It didn't matter that Li Keyong had nothing to do with him, he still had important things to do, and it was time to find a place for him to go east to attack Li Zuo.As for Zhaozong's tasteless cold pork head, which was a pity to discard, let Zhu Wenwen and Li Maozhen compete for it.

Li Yu slept for two days, and when he saw Li Ye again, this cheap old man, he was very high-spirited. He heard from his own people that he killed all the eunuchs, and Lao Li went crazy.

Outside the Daming Palace, Li Yu stood outside the door in court clothes, and waited for a while before Li Yu was called into the palace.Li Ye sat on his dragon chair and looked down at his "son".

"I didn't expect that Nuo Da's eunuch disaster would be solved in your hands." Li Ye had a complex expression, and he really didn't know how to deal with his big son. He felt that he had moved half of the forbidden army, and hated him for being too good and too decisive in killing.Li Ye is only 29 years old this year, and now the situation is back in his hands.

"My son suggests that Your Majesty move the capital."

The air in the hall was a bit cold, Li Ye had a weird expression, "Move the capital? To Youzhou or where?"

"Chang'an is located in the interior, with Li Maozhen in the west, Zhu Wen in the east, and Li Keyong in the north. Does Your Majesty think this is really a good place?"

"Now the military and political power is in my hands, and I am not afraid of anyone." The father and son confronted each other, and a little eunuch rushed in from outside and knelt down with a puff, saying everything in his mouth Incomplete.

"Your Majesty, the thief Li Maozhen is three miles away from the east city, and he said that King Qin is escorting him to the side of the Qing emperor."

Li Ye straightened his clothes, "Here came to draw up an order, the king of longevity, Li Yu, had meritorious service in escorting him, and now he is the general of the Fuguo, commanding the left and right Qianniuwei, Zuowuwei, Zuoxiaowei, the left and right shence army, Zuo Yulin, You Longwu. Defeat the traitor Li Maozhen."

Li Ye took a pen and took a quick look at the written imperial decree, then swung the imperial decree with his arm and flew towards Li Zuo's position.Li Wei glanced at Li Ye with both hands borrowed from the imperial decree,
"My son leads the decree to thank you."


"Now that the thieves are in power, we are waiting for this trip to be a righteous teacher escorted by King Qin." Li Maozhen, wearing a bright armor, was doing pre-war encouragement before the three armies.

The Qi army launched a charge, and the defense of Chang'an began.

When Li Zuo came to the top of the city, the people on both sides were already jealous. The soldiers who defended the city most liked to use gold juice and kerosene, which were also the most conventional combat methods.

Without the equipment of Li Zuo's own vassal town, the battle of defending the city would be a pure war of attrition, taking human lives to pile up.

The war lasted for four days, and Li Maozhen's siege equipment also included skycarts, ladders, siege towers, car crashes, and two trebuchets.The arrival of the siege equipment marks the official start of the battle. The Chang'an Imperial Army has exhausted the number of people. It looks scary.

The battle lasted for a month, and the supplies in Chang'an were almost wiped out. Li Ye decided to make peace with Li Maozhen after trying the food every day, which was ground beans, wheat and porridge.Li Maozhen was named King Qi, and Li Maozhen left contentedly.

That night, Li Yu, who lived in Shiwang's Mansion, looked at Yuan Tiangang who had come uninvited, and didn't give him a good face, "The commander came in time."

"I personally went to Miaojiang and never thought that such a big event would happen. It was indeed my mistake. As His Majesty's parent and son, isn't it our duty to guard Chang'an?" Yuan Tiangang laughed hoarsely,

Li Wei snorted disdainfully. Now that he has nearly 6 people under his command, there are still more than 2 points. It is not certain whether he can get out of Chang'an alive.

(End of this chapter)

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