Bad Man Li Tang Fengyun

Chapter 42 Borrowing Gu

Chapter 42 Borrowing Gu
Guishizi showed unprecedented speed and prepared meals, maps, dry food and some change of clothes.

Xiao Weng sent Li Zuo and Wang Zongren away from Guishizi with a smile on his face. In contrast, Xiao Xiao, who was standing next to Xiao Weng with his mouth pouting, looked very unhappy.

Xiao Weng happily stroked Xiaoxiao's hair, and waved to Li Zuo and Wang Zongren, "Brother Zuo and Brother Ren, please take your time, I wish you success soon."
After leaving Guishizi for some distance, Wang Zongren nodded to Li Zuo, and Li Zuo jumped onto the treetop on tiptoe and rushed in one direction.

Wang Zongren stretched out his hand and scratched the big-bellied frog,

The pot-bellied frog spit out a white seed, Wang Zongren stretched out his hand to catch it, and pressed it into the soil with his palm.

While chanting the mantra in his fingers, he pressed his palms against the ground. His palms had already been cut open and blood flowed out, coordinating with the internal force flowing into the ground and starting to catalyze the seeds.

A large white flower came out of the ground with swaying stems and leaves. Li Zuo had also returned at this time, and opened a small dark-colored bag in his hand, which contained a delicate bone cup.

Wang Zongren took the burden and put the bone cup in front of the big flower. The flower bent down and wrapped the whole petals around the cup, as if eating it, and spit it out after a while, and the stamen sprayed out a stream of white nectar toward the big flower. Fly southeast.

A layer of internal force appeared in Wang Zongren's hand, and he dug out a piece of soil by digging into the ground.Holding the flowers in his arms, he followed Li Zuo and ran towards the point guided by the nectar.

Half a day later, a medium-sized cottage appeared in front of the two of them. Li Zuo looked at the wooden sign above the village. The inscription on it was exactly,
"Jade Dragon Village"

Wang Zongren's internal energy poured into Dahua, and after Dahua slowly bent down and spit out a seed on Wang Zongren's other hand, the whole withered quickly and turned into ashes and dissipated in the air.

"Arrange the Gu array to shield the surrounding interference and avoid outsiders' interference. I want to see the legendary 'Earthworm Gu'." Hearing Li Zuo's voice, Wang Zongren also had no skin, nodded and disappeared on the spot.

Li Yu took out a piece of talisman paper and stretched out his hand to erase the traces on it with his internal force. After successfully practicing the magic painting and secret painting, his internal force will have a trace of ink and become able to paint.

Li Yu bit his fingertips, and while he was running the kung fu within his body, he forced a drop of faintly golden blood to his fingertips, and he stretched out his fingertips to ignite a wisp of white innate energy.

Li Zuo took a long breath, and a stream of internal energy flowed from his dantian to his fingertips to maintain that ray of innate energy. This time he used the innate energy to draw the five warriors talisman instead of just activating the talisman as last time.

Two hours later, Wang Zongren returned and looked at the pale Li Yu with some doubts, "Wow, are you suffering from overdrafted kidneys?"

Li Wei regained his senses from the meditation, stood up and gave him a white look, he was indeed a little tired, otherwise he would definitely be rewarded with a lightning strike, "The arrangement is ready?"

"The formation plate Gu sits in the town, cooperates with the restraining breath Gu, the heart-stimulating Gu, the wood charm Gu, and the red needle scorpion. It can be said that I can form the strongest Gu formation so far." Wang Zongren flicked his wrist, looking confident .

As the name suggests, Breath Containing Gu is used to shield the breath and reduce the exposure of the breath.

Mind-absorbing Gu can absorb the enemy's mind and make it trance, losing most of the thinking ability.But it takes time and depends on the strength of the other party's will.

Wood Charm Gu can secrete a spore for parasitism, allowing the Gu master to control the parasitized plant for a certain period of time.

The full name of the Red Needle Scorpion is the Red Needle Scorpion Poison Gu. It has no special effect but is extremely poisonous. It is currently the most poisonous Gu refined by Wang Zongren.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Wang Zongren looked up at Li Yu and said, "According to my calculations, with your strength, you can fight for up to two sticks of incense in the Gu formation. It's not half an hour here, it's our three to ten minutes , you need to consider killing all enemies within two sticks of incense.

And I kept the Gu array to the greatest extent so as not to damage the Gu worms in the array, and I can still carry out rescues. The time to rescue the people in Yulongzhai is only a quarter of an hour. After this time, people with poor physique will definitely die. "

"let's start."

Li Zuo responded lightly, got up and swept the dirt on his clothes, and Wang Zongren made a tactic with both hands.A hexagonal Gu formation appeared around Yulongzhai to envelop it.

The defensive Gu array in Yulongzhai began to change the moment their Gu array was activated, Li Wei saw it clearly in his eyes, there was indeed a problem!

"Aren't you up yet? Gu formations are dead and people are alive. It's useless to run out." Wang Zongren reminded while sitting cross-legged.

"When did I say I was going?" Li Zuo turned his head and glanced at him, a few talisman papers appeared in his hand, and he pushed them around Yulongzhai vigorously.

The eye-catching white vigor quickly made the people of Yulongzhai discover the location of the two of them.

"Hey, hey, are you reliable? Are you impure self-destruct?" Wang Zongren was confused by what kind of operation this was.

Before the people from Yulongzhai could come out, the ground began to tremble, and one by one clay giants were pulled out from the ground, and their three-meter bodies brought a severe mental shock.

Long Song frowned and looked at the earth giant who was fighting with Yulongzhai, and his voice came out of the village, "Which friend is making fun of me at Jadelongzhai, isn't it afraid of being rejected by the whole Raojiang for acting like this?"

The clay giant smashed down its fist and destroyed the cottage. The people in Yulongzhai tried their best to stop it, only to find that the clay giant that had been destroyed by joint efforts was recovering slowly.

"Village Master, the Gu array guarding the village has been broken."

"Master, the brothers in the village seem to be poisoned, and the other party seems to have been poisoned."

As the Gu masters in the village fainted one by one with blue faces, Long Song also let out a roar, which was faintly mixed with a trace of other things.

"Not good!" Wang Zongren's complexion changed, Li Zuo looked at him, Wang Zongren quickly said,
"You have to get off the stage immediately, I feel the trembling of the Gu worms, the Gu formation is about to fail."

A khaki "earthworm" sprang out from the center of Yulongzhai and wrapped itself around Long Song's wrist. The yellow figure alternated light and dark, and an invisible sound wave came from the "earthworm" on the wrist.

Wang Zongren spat out a mouthful of blood, and his expression immediately resembled that of mourning, "It's over, it's over, the coffin has been paid in."

At the gate of Yulongzhai, Li Yu jumped down from the tree wearing a mask, and a white sword qi swung out from his hand.

The earthworm on Long Song's wrist jumped out and swallowed it, and it was unscathed!

Li Wei was also slightly startled, lightning arcs wrapped around him and flashed behind Long Song, and the white lightning flashed on his palm and stabbed out.

Long Song's eyes turned red when he saw the person behind the scenes, turned around and punched out, aiming directly at Li Zuo's head.

Trade injury for life?so rigid?

Li Zuo adjusted his palm and poked towards the heart, but to his surprise Long Song didn't change his moves.

Two different voices sounded, and Li Zuo was punched flying by Long Song, rolled over a dozen times on the ground and crashed into a boulder beside him.

Li Zun hit the little earthworm that jumped out with a knife in his hand, and the little earthworm opened its mouth in an instant to eat Li Zun's thunder and lightning, and burped.

Li Zuo got up from the ground, feeling his head buzzing right now!One side of Li Zuo's head was slightly sunken, and Long Song's punch was not light.Or it is too heavy, which is very abnormal.

Pressing both hands on the ground, Liuku Immortal Thief and Inverting Dragon and Phoenix Jue were sent at the same time, and the green plants on the ground withered and died at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Long Song glanced at Li Wei in surprise, and "Little Earthworm" also looked at him curiously and was a little excited.

Long Song stepped on the ground, and a pothole was instantly sunken, moving like thunder, his figure rushed towards Li Zuo.He saw that the guy opposite was very strange, he would lose in a protracted battle, and the only way to win was a quick fight.

Li Zun's injuries recovered as before, his hands were superimposed and golden light was attached to his body, his arms were raised above his head, when Long Song's fist fell, the ground under Li Zun's feet trembled, and cracks were split in an instant.

Feeling the loss of internal strength, Li Zuo looked up and saw that "little earthworm" was eating his golden light. Just as Long Song was about to move, he bent over and fell to the side with severe injuries to his waist.

Wang Zongren jumped down from the tree to Li Yu's side, and the attack just now was just Ruyi Jin.Wang Zongren's serious face was no longer the hippie smile he had before, "The Gu array has been broken, we don't have much time, let's work together to solve him."

"You call for support." Li Zong disappeared in place, and Wang Zongren scratched the big-bellied frog.


The pot-bellied frog spit out two Gu worms, Wang Zongren grabbed one and swallowed it straight away, and took out a dagger with the other hand to cut his forearm apart, and another Gu worm flew into his bloody left arm.

In front of him, Li Zuo had already fought with Long Song, but most of Li Zuo's attacks were eaten by that "little earthworm".

But Long Song actually hammered on him, making a "dong dong" sound like beating a drum!
Wang Zongren jumped out and ran to the back of Long Song, opened his mouth, and spat out a mouthful of green acid.

The acid turned into a sharp arrow, corroding the grass it passed through and leaving deep pits, the acid water gu contained under the tongue coating, can spray out a green acid, easily corroding flesh and iron stones.

Seeing this, Li Zuo forcefully took Long Song's punch, sticking his whole body to his body, his hands passed from under the armpit to the back of his head, and his legs pinned down from the waist to his thighs.

A touch of green hit the two of them, Long Song was hit in the waist and Li Zuo was hit in the thigh.

Long Song threw Li Yu away and half knelt on the ground to cover his waist. After landing, Li Zuo cut off a piece of flesh on his thigh with a knife to prevent the acid from spreading further.

Li Zuo and Wang Zongren rushed towards Long Song at the same time. Li Zuo grabbed Long Song's left hand and stepped on his neck to push him to the ground. The "little earthworm" went up Li Zuo's right leg.

Wang Zongren's left palm bulged a big bun, and the crystal clear meat bun looked hideous and terrifying.

Wang Zongren pressed his palm on the back of Long Song, and then there was a loud explosion, and Li Yu let go of his hands, and quickly stood in front of him and was blown four or five meters away by the blast.

Long Song, who was at the center of the explosion, now had a bloody back, with deep scars showing bones.

Wang Zongren crawled out from the grass in the distance, and the entire small left arm disappeared, leaving a bone stubble hanging on the big arm.Blood doesn't flow like money
Thunder Explosion Gu is powered by flesh and blood, the more flesh and blood sacrificed, the more powerful it will be, and at the same time, the splashed bones will cause greater damage.

The "little earthworm" crawled in front of Li Zuo, opened his mouth and spit out a white thunderball, which exploded directly between the two.

The air wave lifted Li Zuo into the air, and Li Zuo narrowed his eyes slightly and quickly stretched out his hand, grabbing the "little earthworm" and flying upside down with it.

 Thank you Baozi, the monthly ticket sent by Wuyuedian again (°з°)-

(End of this chapter)

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