Bad Man Li Tang Fengyun

Chapter 52 Test and Chance

Chapter 52 Test and Chance

Li Yu's feet softened and his body swayed a little, a sense of dizziness from a drunk hangover came to his heart, and his eyes were staring at him, and he was a little untenable.

Li Yu hurriedly sat down cross-legged and rubbed his temples, and began to recall the experience just now. He entered a total of three memory dreams, and his body began to feel uncomfortable, and his body knew it by himself.
This only shows that exploring memory is not unlimited, and I will consume some things when exploring.

Could it be that this consumes the mind?Do spirits really exist in this world?
Cross-legged with five hearts toward the sky, he began to practice breathing exercises and slowly regain his spirit. It seems that there is no concept of time in a dream here. After Li Zuo finished adjusting his breath, he got up again and the surrounding sky did not change a bit, it was still as bright as a mirror.

Li Zuo stretched out his hand to touch the balls of memories and dreams, which were performed in front of him. Li Zuo experienced the memories of Chi You practicing Gu, fighting, and even indulging in pleasure.

Li Zuo recovered before his eyes and returned to the Blood Maple Forest again. Just when Li Zuo was at a loss what to do, the little dragon on his neck climbed up to the top of his head and crashed into the center of Li Zuo's eyebrows. , Two bulges appeared on both sides of the forehead.

The next moment a pressure came, and even the 11 people outside Bingshen Cave felt the powerful aura emanating from the cave.Excluding Li Xun and Lan Min, the remaining nine people were caught off guard and were thrown into the air, and then pressed tightly to the ground and could not move.

The sphere of light in front of Li Zhe changed, the originally small and dim sphere of light disappeared quickly, and a new sphere of light took shape in front of Li Zhe, and Li Zhe stretched out his finger to point to a bright sphere of light that had just appeared.

"Remember! The center of heaven's jealousy is human jealousy..."

Um?This is the continuation of that period of Gu practice, Li Zuo looked at Chi You, and Chi You gave Li Zuo a meaningful look and continued his warning.

Chi You moved extremely fast in his hands, quickly showing the materials and process of Gu practice one by one. At the moment when the Gu was finally formed, Chi You dripped his own blood on the Gu insect, and the Gu insect turned into a stream of light and entered Chi You's mouth.

"Heaven's jealousy is God's will. To feed the heavenly jealousy requires the emotion of jealousy. The price of using it is the Gu Master's own lifespan. The greater the price, the more lifespan will be consumed. God's will is impermanent but human beings can conquer the sky. In the end, we can use a trick that will kill us all. That's Heaven's Jealousy of Talent..."

As the darkness dissipated, Li Zuo froze in place, God's will?He was startled, just now Chi You told him that the refined Heavenly Jealousy can use God's will to kill people with a single blow.

If this world is really providential, why has I never been targeted as an outsider after coming here for so long, and why did Yuan Tiangang steal the power of heaven and earth and practice the medicine of immortality, why didn't he survive the thunder disaster after living alone in the world for more than three hundred years?

Even Hou Qing, Na Yinggou and even other corpse ancestors, why can they live for so long and still be safe and alive?

Unless it is said that the will of heaven that Chi You just referred to is not the same thing as he understands, if the will of heaven that Chi You talked about is not the will of this world, what is it referring to?
According to Li Zuo's understanding, the Dao of Heaven pays attention to the balance of all things...Suddenly Li Zuo thought of two people who have been fighting for a lifetime, Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng.

The way of heaven, damages more than makes up for what is not enough; overbearing, damages what is not enough and makes more than benefit.Is it possible that something went wrong?

The way of heaven pays attention to balance, so the principle of heaven's jealousy is probably the same, so what Chi You means is when your luck and opportunity exceed the limit of a person.

If it breaks the balance rules established by the Dao of Heaven, then the prosperity will decline, and the anode will reverse. I am willing to add fire to you with my life and luck, so that the sky will see you and send down the heavenly punishment to pull you to die together.

If you understand it this way, it’s no wonder that Yuan Tiangang needs to pick up yin to replenish yang every once in a while. Li Yu used to judge through medical skills that it was because Tiangang was determined to be yang to yang, and Yuan Tiangang’s 300 years of cultivation made his yang energy unbalanced. Harvesting yin qi to suppress the pain that burns the body all the time.

Now it seems more like a domineering way to use the life of an innocent woman to cover up the fact of his longevity. Every time a woman dies, it is equivalent to dying instead of Yuan Tiangang.

Recalling the materials Chi You needed to refine Gu, Li Yu couldn't help shaking his head. Most of the materials Chi You said had never been heard of, and they were probably lost.

Then Li Zuo saw a red light ball in the distance, and his intuition told him that there was great danger, but Xiaolong wanted him to try it.

After Xiaolong reassured him again and again, Li Zuo reached out to touch the red light cluster...
In the vast darkness, a white light hit, opened the curtain of darkness, and Li Zuo's vision gradually became clear.

He turned into a shirtless young man, walking in the maple forest.Li Yu looked around and saw that there were no other people except the big tree surrounded by a few people.

"The clan elders said that there are wild Ziyan cicadas here, why didn't I find them?" The young man represented by Li Zuo lowered his head and grabbed a handful of soil and put it under his nose to smell it.

Holding a long dagger, the young man parted the grass and slowly searched for the wild Ziyan cicada along the soil.

Li Zuo tried to control the boy's actions, but failed without exception. He found that he could do nothing but see from the perspective of God.

An arrow shot into the soil at the youth's feet, interrupting the youth's movements.A small group of people stood out from behind the tree, some were holding bows and arrows, some were holding axes, "How did people from Jiuli come to our territory where Xiong's is?"

In that tribal era, stepping into someone else's territory without permission was equivalent to declaring war. Li Zuo's first reaction was that this kid was a trap. The next moment Li Zuo felt a sense of falling, and then he found that most of his vision had disappeared. He could Manipulate the youth.

"It turned out to be a customs clearance game, but what's the point of this." Li Zuo thought to himself and looked at the few people around him out of the corner of his eye. The silence of "Li Zuo" obviously angered the members of their patrol team.

A few arrows flew in, Li Zuo rolled to the side, and swung the Changge in his left hand quickly to block the arrows, a white light flashed, Li Zuo was blinded in front of his eyes, his hand froze, and a stream of arrows flew towards him and shot through him calf.

After Li Zuo reacted, he stood up and resisted, and after killing four people, there were also large and small wounds on his body, which were stained with blood.

Looking at the corpses on the ground, Li Zuo just breathed a sigh of relief when a woman hidden in a tree appeared with an arrow through her heart and died on the spot.

Li Zuo's eyes went black for a while, and he woke up from the memory dream, and a mouthful of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.His choice was wrong, the young Chi You didn't die here, but he did.

I don't know how long it took to recover, Li Zuo reached out to touch the red light ball again, and the familiar scene was played out, this time he chose not to resist and was taken away by their patrol team.

For the next three days, he was tortured in various ways. On the fifth day, the leader of the tribe used him as an excuse to send troops to Jiuli. At the same time, he was killed in front of a banner that looked like a dragon and a snake, and sacrificed the flag for the war.

After waking up again, Li Zuo coughed out a big mouthful of blood. His spirit was severely injured by the continuous death, and he became a little dazed.It seems that surrendering is also a wrong choice, so the only way to defeat them is to kill them all and destroy their corpses or flee quickly.

For the third time, he chose to kill those with bows and arrows first. Long Ge was thrown by Li Zuo vigorously, and before the opponent could react, he shot through an archer on the ground.

Li Yu turned to him and used his body as a shield, picked up his bow and shot towards the location in memory.

Empty?not good!The opponent changed positions.

An arrow shot through his shoulder, and he lost control of his entire left arm. Li Zuo couldn't resist the siege of the remaining people, and finally died under the cold arrow of the woman.
As Li Zuo tried again and again, his body became weaker and weaker, and his outer body shriveled up.It's like being drained of energy.

Qiguo, Fengxiang

The empress frowned and looked at the Gu worm on her wrist, feeling a little worried in her heart, what the hell was Brother Zhu doing.

Seeing the maidservant's report that Li Zuo had entered the Twelve Cave Secret Realm, the empress frowned even tighter.

In Mobei, Suriduo rolled his eyes and looked at the little bell that was beating restlessly in his arms, resisted his composure and continued to hold banquets for the leaders of various ministries to expand his rights.

Li Zuo tried many times to confirm that Chi You didn't fight back then, and now Chi You doesn't even have a Gu worm on him, and the archer has been moving around at will, so the only possibility is that he ran away.

This time, Li Yu aimed at a weak direction. He inserted his long dagger into the ground in a gesture of surrender, and then kicked it out on the long dagger. While prying up the mud and flying around to block the sight of several people, he rushed to the side to avoid the woman. A deadly shot.

Li Zuo ran towards the depths of the woods, dodging left and right and changing positions to avoid the cold arrows behind him. After half a day of fleeing, Li Zuo threw off most of the pursuers, but was not happy and fell into a deep hole with his foot on the ground.

The female archer caught up and picked up a stone from the edge of the hole and threw it down the hole. Hearing the echo, the other party waited for a long time and turned to leave.

At the bottom of the cave, Li Zuo woke up again and found that more than half of his bones were broken. Looking at the gu grass in the center of the cave bathed in sunlight, Li Zuo secretly breathed a sigh of relief, enduring the pain and crawling towards the nine-leaf vitality grass.

A bloodstain was dragged on the ground, and the young man represented by Li Zuo passed out from time to time. Li Zuo was really afraid that this kid would accidentally fall asleep to death.Opening his mouth and biting off a leaf with all his strength, Li Zuo fell into a coma.

The beetle, which had been weird before the coma, seemed to be frightened, and with a "poof", a purple smoke appeared.Li Zuo lost control, and then the scenes played quickly like a movie.

Chi You dreamed of two identical teenagers, and the three became the leaders of their respective tribes step by step, but because of an incident, they disagreed. After Chi You went back, Tian Xiangrui thought that he had obtained God's will and intended to conquer the world.

The young Chi You woke up and began to eat a piece of Nine-leaf Vitality Grass every day. On the fourth day, Chi You recovered and picked the remaining five leaves.

Seeing the dead Ziyan Cicada not far away, Chi You became more and more convinced that the previous dream was a Zen opportunity given to him by heaven.

As a bystander, Li Zuo began to watch the young Chi You climb out of the deep cave, and his vision gradually darkened. After his vision recovered, Li Zuo had already appeared in a village.

"Do you know how much trouble you will cause us if you go to Youxiong's privately, are you going to provoke a battle between the tribes!

Fortunately, you were not found, so you go to the water prison to accept punishment. "

 Thanks to Baozi for the monthly pass under the sun, as well as the recommendation tickets sent by 6666 Baozi such as Chasing Dreams, 15vb, and Luoyan Bridge. (°з°)-

(End of this chapter)

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