Comprehensive martial arts: At the beginning of the dragon, the nature is good

Chapter 13 Playing the Qin and Playing Xiao, Lin Wei's Murderous Intent

Chapter 13 Playing the Qin and Playing Xiao, Lin Wei's Murderous Intent

Xiaohuan doesn't like Long Xiaoyun.

I always feel that this Uncle Long hides his thoughts too deeply, and he looks sunny on the surface, but in reality he is yin and hypocrisy.

It is true that there is Lin Wei's influence here, but in addition, there is another reason that the bystanders understand.

As a bystander of the three people's entanglement in love before Lin Wei appeared, she could sometimes see more things than Lin Shiyin and Li Xunhuan.

However, if you see it, you don't necessarily have to say it, and it doesn't necessarily work if you say it.It's not that she hasn't said some things, it's just that no one believes them. Even Lin Shiyin thinks her words are the suspicious thoughts of the girl's family.

Fortunately, Lin Wei appeared, and Lin Wei believed in her. At that moment, she even found a feeling of confidant in Lin Wei.

A scholar dies for a confidant, and a woman tolerates a person who pleases her.

Lin Wei likes her and understands her better. To her, no man in the world can compare to Lin Wei's hair.

The girl Huaichun is always poetry, walking out of Long Xiaoyun's room, Xiaohuan can't wait to leave Li Yuan.

Of course she knew where Lin Shiyin had gone, but she just felt that she couldn't tell Long Xiaoyun.

Getting in and out of the Lin Mansion was a matter of familiarity for Xiaohuan. Xiaohuan walked with ease, and under the guidance of the servants of the Lin Mansion, he came all the way to the garden in the mansion.

Looking at Lin Wei sitting with his young lady from a distance, I don't know what Mr. Lin said to make people happy, but the young lady smiled so happily.

It's really miraculous, when she was in Li Yuan, the young lady almost shed tears, but now that she's here, she almost lost herself laughing while delivering the medicine herself.

Seeing this, Xiaohuan's thoughts changed, and she suddenly didn't want to go there. Although her lover was right in front of her eyes, the lady treated her very well, so if she went there rashly, she might spoil the atmosphere.

"Xiaohuan is here."

"Why don't you come here. This girl is not very big, and she always has a lot of thoughts." The two had been together for many years, and Lin Shiyin understood Xiaohuan's thoughts after a little thought.

It's not that she doesn't understand Xiaohuan's evaluation of Long Xiaoyun, she's just waiting for Li Xunhuan's attitude.

In the past, she only wanted her cousin to love her. It didn't really matter what kind of person Long Xiaoyun was.

As for now, it seems to be even less important, and life seems to have one more choice.

Lin Shiyin raised her eyes to look at Lin Wei, and felt that during this period of time, deep in her heart, her love for her cousin had gradually changed.

Since he feels that he is not as important as his brother, let him go with that elder brother, Lin Shiyin said angrily!
"Xiaohuan, why are you standing there, come here quickly."

Lin Wei stood up and waved at Xiaohuan in the distance. The evaluation of being emotionally specific is definitely not suitable for him, but since he has hooked up with others, he has to take care of Xiaohuan's mood as far as he can.

If not, he wouldn't have sounded a reminder just now when he and Lin Shiyin had a good conversation.

"Did I come at the wrong time?" Xiaohuan packed up her worries about gain and loss, and ran over happily.

The graceful figure is full of youthful vitality between movements and stillness.

"No, you came just in time."

"We were just talking about you."

Lin Shiyin gave Lin Wei a surprised look. This was the first time Lin Wei had lied in front of her, but she didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

She could understand that this was a white lie to take care of Xiaohuan's mood.

Talented and beautiful, but not pedantic, you must know that Xiaohuan is just her maid, and her feelings belong to her feelings. In terms of status, she is actually very low.

Lin Wei is able to take care of Xiaohuan's emotions from the bottom of his heart, and even does not hesitate to damage his image in front of her. In her opinion, this is a rare quality.

Moreover, in this world, it is actually rare.

"Really? Talk about me?"

"Hmm... We were talking, and I really felt wronged by asking you to make medicine for that old man Long Xiaoyun."

Under Lin Shiyin's playful gaze, Lin Wei was thinking quickly.

Sure enough, there is always a price to pay for telling lies, no matter if they are well-intentioned or malicious.

But in comparison, this price is considered the lightest, after all, it was just scolding Long Xiaoyun.

"Hmph...isn't that right? Speaking of this Uncle Long, I get angry. I don't think he's sick at all, and he even said that he became ill because of Miss. If that's the case, Mr. Lin likes Miss so much. It's time to put him on the grave." Grass grows."

"Cough cough cough......"

"Xiaohuan..." Lin Shiyin scolded Xiaohuan, but the expression on her face clearly meant that she couldn't help herself. Most importantly, she also took the opportunity to appreciate Lin Wei's distressed appearance.

There's no way, Xiaohuan's words are really extremely lethal, more or less like hurting the enemy a thousand and hurting oneself eight hundred.

And it was Lin Wei himself who suffered the loss.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, I was... I was... I blame that Long Xiaoyun, it's really annoying." Xiaohuan didn't know why she just said that.

"It's okay, don't be sorry, and we should skip this topic. By the way, I remember that Shiyin can play the flute, and he can play it very well. The weather is so good today, why don't you play a song and listen to it."

"All right, but you have to find me an instrument!" Seeing Lin Wei forcibly changing the subject, Lin Shiyin didn't make things difficult for him, but responded casually.

Playing the piano and playing xiao, reciting poems and painting are in line with her preferences.

After the servants brought the instruments, the melodious sound of the flute sounded, Lin Wei stroking the piano, and Xiaohuan also danced emotionally beside him, and the scene finally returned to the right track.

Not to mention, Lin Shiyin's flute is really good.

The pink tongue tip occasionally protruded from the corners of his lips, which made Lin Wei feel a little hot at the same time.

Involuntarily, his piano sound carried some profligate meaning that made people blush.

Fortunately, this artistic conception only appeared for a moment, and was quickly brought back by him with a strong heart.

Lin Shiyin, who is proficient in music theory, blushed for a moment, and the sound of the flute became a little more chaotic, which really shocked Xiaohuan.

Naturally, she didn't know that her young lady had been molested by the pious Mr. Lin with music right under her nose.

The two stayed in the Lin Mansion until the sun went down, and then they took their leave.

When leaving, Lin Wei secretly hid the transformed Xiao Hei on Xiaohuan's body.

No matter how much I hate Long Xiaoyun, the medicine that should be boiled still has to be boiled, Li Yuan is still in charge of Li Xunhuan.

As for Xiao Hei, after this transformation, his ability to hide became even stronger. This time he went to Li Yuan and brought Lin Wei the Qibu Chasing Soul Powder that he had just obtained not long ago.

Lin Wei likes to nip danger in its infancy, and Long Xiaoyun has already started to target him, so let's plant a thunderbolt on him first, and let it go if he can't beat him, or just use poison if he can't beat him.

If it wasn't for Long Xiaoyun who couldn't die now, he would even have thought of killing that guy directly.

Right now, everyone is waiting, waiting for the conflict between Lin Shiyin and Li Xunhuan to completely intensify.

In other words, they were all waiting for Li Xunhuan's attitude.

Although this feeling made Lin Wei unhappy, he had to face reality.

Fortunately, Li Xunhuan is a man who will kill himself without being urged by others.


(End of this chapter)

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