Chapter 15 You Didn't Practice Wrongly
"No, you just have fun when you come to the brothel, there are so many beautiful and successful girls in Hong Romance, don't you like any of them?"

Lin Wei waved his hands impatiently, showing extreme impatience towards Lu Xiaofeng who was like brown sugar in front of him.

After all, there is a man in front of him.

'Accommodating' men, that's what women should do.

"No, brother, how do I feel, we've only met for the first time, and you already have a big opinion of me!" Lu Xiaofeng really couldn't understand Lin Wei's attitude.

"It's nothing, you are from the rivers and lakes, and I am just an ordinary small businessman, what can I say to you?" Lin Wei denied it.

In fact, there are two reasons for this attitude towards Lu Xiaofeng.

One is because according to the memory of his previous life, this guy is a complex of troubles. If he has friendship with him, many troubles will come to him automatically, and he can't hide from him. This is completely inconsistent with his development plan.

The second is because he can't see through the guy in front of him at all. Under the four fluttering eyebrows, besides a cynical smile, he also has unfathomable strength.

For this reason, he didn't want to provoke him even more.

After all, Lu Xiaofeng with such strength must bring troubles that he can't imagine at the moment.

However, he also found that his reaction was a bit extreme.This actually aroused Lu Xiaofeng's strong curiosity.

This is a good thing, there may not be any trouble at first, but now it has become more complicated.

"A mediocre little businessman? Which small businessman has such profound inner strength as you, which small businessman can practice the Wudang School's external skills. The most important thing is, just practice it, you are still practicing it wrong." Lu Xiaofeng wiped Wiping her two exquisite mustaches, she opened her mouth with a half-smile.

"Brother, how do you say this, sit down and talk about it!" Lin Wei's expression changed, he jumped up from the chair, and then smiled and supported Lu Xiaofeng's arm. At this time, there was already a little more in his smile Very flattering.

"No, no, you are the big brother."

"No no, you are the eldest brother."

"No, you are."

"You are."

"Brother, don't you want to drink, there is good wine." Just when the two were at a stalemate, Lin Wei suddenly changed his tone and brought the topic to wine, and before Lu Xiaofeng refused, he ordered his servants to drink the best wine from Hong Romance. The wine was served.

"Brother, do you want to drink some 50-year-old Huadiao wine?"

"You seem to know me very well." Lu Xiaofeng swallowed, even if it was him, he couldn't drink such good wine often.

As a person with a strong heart, although he is lustful, he never forces others. Although he is good at wine, he never steals or grabs.

Even if he has wealthy friends who are rare in the world, he never cheats on food and drink in their names.

His best friend, Sikong Zhaixing, gave him a pleasing nickname, Lu Sandan.The so-called three eggs refer to bastards, idiots, and paupers.

Among these three evaluations, the idiot must be unfair, but this poor man is the real deal.

"Just say whether you want to drink it or not?" Lin Wei didn't answer his question, but opened the lid of the pot without haste, and sniffed it seriously.

It is said that it is the best wine of red romance.Not to mention that Ten Miles of Fragrance is so exaggerated, but with the lid on this pot, the strong fragrance that should have aroused the wine worm in Lu Xiaofeng's belly.

"Drink." Lu Xiaofeng choked out a word in a muffled voice, thinking that he had already won the opponent, but he didn't expect that a pot of wine would put him at a disadvantage again.

"Drink it, tell me first how you made these two dances."

"Just ask this?"

"Just ask this."

"Then let's talk about it first. After I say it, you have to tell me that there is something wrong with the exercises I practice."

"Deal!" Lu Xiaofeng agreed very casually. Since he said it, he naturally gave instructions intentionally.Lin Wei's attitude is so good now, he didn't hide his thoughts.

"There's nothing you can't say. Let me ask you, girl in the brothel, what is the purpose of dancing?"

"Why else? It's to please men."

"Which part of a woman's body does a man like the most?"

"In this case, it should be said that everyone has their own preferences." Lu Xiaofeng hesitated for a few seconds, and quickly gave his own answer.

"It's true that everyone has their own preferences, but to sum it up, it's nothing more than those points, which can't be seen on women outside, so come to the brothel to see."

"These two dances follow this principle, let the men dance whatever they want to see." Lin Wei spread his hands and said calmly.

However, at this moment Lu Xiaofeng's heart is not as peaceful as before.

In his opinion, these two dances have an interpretation of human nature.The guy in front of him, young as he is young, is unexpectedly not simple.

More importantly, he saw the subversion of the world in these two dances.

In the words of those scholars and officials, this is called deviant.

"What about the name of the dance, does it have any deep meaning?"

"No, I picked it up casually, what else can I say about this name?"

"Of course, you should know Buddhism, those monks' lifelong pursuit, just those four words."

"Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss?"

"Yes, this name is okay in Daming, where martial arts prevailed. Although Buddhism and Taoism exist, they have not reached the point where they dominate the court, and folk beliefs are not very fanatical."

"If you are in the Sui Dynasty, the Buddhist sect is very powerful. If your dance name appears, and you even flaunt it in the brothel, you don't need the Buddhist sect to do anything. This place will disappear, and even your own life will be in danger."

"Just say that I'm going to die, and you're not talking about my life." Lin Wei rolled his eyes, and directly pierced Lu Xiaofeng's obscurity.

"It's okay, you also said that Daming is fine. Besides, how do those monks know that the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss they yearn for cannot be like this."

"Young man, you have a problem with Buddhism."

"That's not true, it's just a matter of discussion." Lin Wei stopped talking, and signaled to Lu Xiaofeng that he had said what he had to say, and it was his turn to perform.

"If I'm not mistaken, you are practicing the iron cloth shirt of the Wudang sect."

"That's right."

"Wudang follows the path of the internal family. Although there is a saying that both internal and external are cultivated, in essence it still focuses on the internal."

"Sanfeng Zhenren is a master of the inner family who has attained the Tao."

"Wudang iron cloth shirt is based on the inside, from the inside to the outside. If you want to go further after the iron cloth shirt has been perfected, the best choice is actually to practice the innate supreme qi that has been inherited from Wudang."

"Your current training method has deviated from the gist of Wudang Neijia being the king. If you continue to practice like this, the iron cloth shirt can certainly be perfected, but if you want to go further, there is a risk of cutting off the road ahead."

"Could you be more specific? Good wine is enough. If you have any other requirements, as long as I can do it, you can just ask."

Lin Wei naturally wanted to ask for advice sincerely.

Although Lu Xiaofeng only said a few words, he pointed to his problem.

I know about my own affairs. After practicing for so long, his biggest shortcoming lies in his understanding of martial arts.

In the 18 years of his previous life, he only knew literature but not martial arts. After the memory of his previous life was awakened, there was no practical help in martial arts.

From the beginning to the end, he practiced according to the secret book and relied on his own understanding.

That is to say, the mind of the Mo family is peaceful, although the progress is slower, it does not hurt the body.

After finally learning an iron shirt, he must have practiced a little well. When he was complacent, he was told that he had practiced wrong.

I feel sour inside, so don't mention it.

"Don't tell me, you don't have a master?"

"That's right, if you have a master, you won't be able to practice like this." Just when Lin Wei felt sorry for him, Lu Xiaofeng who was at the side spoke again.


(End of this chapter)

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