Chapter 39 Candid
Xun Xun Xun Mi, indifferently deserted, miserable.

Dazui's cooking skills are still good, but it's a pity that no one appreciates them tonight.

Lin Wei took a bite of the peppery egg, but after eating it, he felt a bit bitter.

Looking at the others, Bai Zhantang took a bite of his elbow, and his brows were already twisted into knots.

Lin Wei had no choice but to get up and drag Tong Xiangyu up to the second floor.

If she doesn't leave, the others won't be able to eat.

"Why?" In the room, Tong Xiangyu looked at Lin Wei, with no tears in his eyes.

Lin Wei took a step back, and a translucent spiritual barrier appeared in front of him, blocking Tong Xiangyu's dissipated spirit neatly and neatly.

There's no way, if he doesn't block it, he won't be able to speak.

"I just said that you are a patient, you are just sick." Lin Wei knew what she was asking and understood her pain.

But after answering Tong Xiangyu's question, he waved away the mental defense he had built.

Because just now, he saw pain in Tong Xiangyu's eyes.

Tong Xiangyu never wanted to influence others. Her heart was kind, and it was these kind thoughts that made her struggle in pain.

Lin Wei suddenly thought that the defensive posture he showed was also a kind of harm to her.

Therefore, Lin Wei, who gave up his defense, poured out his spiritual power instead, accepting everything about her, accepting her emotions and desires.

Seven Emotions: Joy, Anger, Worry, Thinking, Sadness, Fear, Shock.

Six desires: desire to see, desire to hear, desire to smell, desire to taste, desire to touch, and desire to volition.

At this time, Tong Xiangyu carried emotions dominated by sadness and fear in her spirit.

After Lin Wei let go of her spirit, Tong Xiangyu's original spiritual power was forcibly restrained by her.

It can be seen that she doesn't know how to control it. It is not only difficult but also painful to do this step.

"Let go of them, as long as you don't want to hurt others, they are very obedient. Restraining them will hurt you instead."

Lin Wei spoke to comfort him, and then walked to Tong Xiangyu's side step by step.

During this process, Lin Wei's spiritual power also permeated through like clouds and fog along with his footsteps.

As Lin Wei took Tong Xiangyu's right hand, the spiritual power of the two also blended with each other like long-lost friends.

"Open your body, open your arms, imagine the breeze blowing on your face, imagine the bright moon shining on the river." Lin Wei took Tong Xiangyu's other hand, and then spread his arms, and the two stood face to face.

"I'm so bitter...!" Tong Xiangyu looked up at Lin Wei, telling her pain.

"They don't understand, but you understand, right? I can feel that you are the same person as me."

"We all have these magical powers. These powers are like our own children. They are very obedient, but many times they are very disobedient."

"Yes, we are the same, your analogy is very appropriate, they are just children, there is no good or evil, just a little naughty."

"So, when they're naughty, you just guide them."

"Guide? How should I guide?"

"Adjust your own mood and be happy every day. When you are happy, they will be affected by you. They will be equally happy. Even if it affects others, it will bring them a happy mood."

"Is that the only way? I don't want to affect others."

"I can only do this at the moment, because I'm not strong enough, so I can't help you solve the problem completely. But it will be fine when I become stronger. Don't worry, it won't be too long."


"Of course it is true, I promise to help you."

"Then why are you helping me?"

"You can understand it as lust." Lin Wei scratched his head and chose to tell the truth.

Because he knew that at the moment when the two of them were mingling spiritually, Tong Xiangyu would immediately find out if he lied.

"What you said is true, I'm pretty, right?"

"of course."

"What about your figure?"

"Gudong! That's fine." Lin Wei swallowed, losing his composure a little.

Right now, most of his energy is responsible for purifying and absorbing Tong Xiangyu's escaping and mixed spiritual power.

As a result, his concentration was much weaker than usual.

"Hee hee!" Tong Xiangyu broke free from Lin Wei's left hand, then covered his mouth and smiled softly.

Very shy kind of smile.

It is a very laborious task to lock up all my memories of martial arts in the depths of my memory, and it will also cause a certain degree of damage to my soul.

So in many cases, Tong Xiangyu's emotions are released.

When she is happy, she laughs, and when she is sad, she cries wantonly. It seems that she is not reserved enough, but she is pure innocence.

In Lin Wei's understanding, this is why her emotions can easily affect others.

It is also the reason why the spiritual power that is as pure as water will be rendered by emotions.

In other words, even though Lin Wei's spiritual power is equally clean, his emotions and desires are mixed, and there is still a long way to go to integrate emotions with spirit.

As for easily influencing others like Tong Xiangyu, the road is even longer.

Lin Wei's saying is correct, Tong Xiangyu is actually a patient.

Her innocence is pathological.

To put it bluntly, she is actually mentally ill, although of course she is very sober.

"The exhibition hall has another identity?"

"You clearly know, why ask me." Lin Wei asked a little strangely.

"Do you understand the topic change, and your eyes, can you be a little more reserved or tactful."

"Just looking at people so directly, I feel a little uncomfortable."

"He has the reputation of a saint in the world, but he has never killed anyone."

"Oh, it's so tiring to stand, why don't we sit on the bed and talk."

"The more you talk, the more enthusiastic you are. Is this the euphemism you understand?" Tong Xiangyu was listening to the story seriously, when he heard Lin Wei change the subject, and suddenly the conversation came to that.

"Why, can't it?" Lin Wei pulled Tong Xiangyu to sit on the bed, and put his arms around her plump waist.

"Okay, why not, it's just a bit too direct, and I'm a widow."

"Coincidentally, I like widows."

"You like widows there, you just like the good-looking ones."

"Ahem, be tactful, be more tactful."

"Why, dare to do it but dare not admit it, don't you like that little girl too?"

"I'm a good judge of people."

It is obviously a very good ability, but she regards this ability as a burden.

"I told you, don't hate them, others want this kind of ability, I don't know how much they have to pay."

"Okay, I don't hate it anymore, just keep talking."

"Bai Zhantang has a mother named Bai Sanniang. At that time, she was trained as a secret agent of the Six Doors. Then something went wrong. Once Bai Sanniang asked him to go to a house to steal criminal evidence. He thought that Bai Sanniang Mother just let him steal things, and he became a thief by accident..."

"I just knew he was not simple, but I didn't expect such a story to exist."

"Take your hands away, did no one tell you that you can't touch a tiger's ass."

"You are so euphemistic."

"Etong's family is also a big family. Even if it's not a Ming media marriage, they should inform the family."

"Listen to you."

"Hmph, a man who doesn't mean it." Tong Xiangyu rolled her eyes charmingly and fled from Lin Wei's arms.

At this moment, she felt relaxed all over, and the little bits of spiritual power that surrounded her before were much less than before.

He also became much more obedient.


(End of this chapter)

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