Chapter 76 Playing the piano and talking about love

"You can play the piano."

"A little bit, of course, compared to your dancing posture, it is still much worse."

"I just dance casually. It's Xiaofeng who wants to play the pipa, so I cooperate with her. I don't usually dance." Su Tan'er blushed and lowered her head in embarrassment.

The mood that had finally calmed down, and because of Lin Wei's intentional mention of dancing, caused waves again.

"By the way, there is something I want to ask you. Su's Cloth, can it produce that kind of translucent tulle? It's better to have some elasticity."

"Yes, it is possible. If it is elastic, it will be more expensive than ordinary silk."

"It doesn't matter how expensive it is, as long as it can be made. By the way, is your cloth business only selling cloth? Do you make ready-made clothes?"

"Of course they did."

"I usually like to design some clothes." When it comes to her favorite things, Su Tan'er temporarily put aside her shyness, and the moment she looked up, she showed a bright smile on her face.

"Is this qin okay?" Lin Wei was about to chat with Su Tan'er about the idea of ​​black silk and white silk, when he saw Heifeng running over from a distance holding a seven-string Yaoqin.

While running, he waved his hands, it looked like he had used his lightness skills.

With such behavior, Lin Wei naturally understood that this was to prevent him from dating her best friend, and it was obvious that he did not believe in Lin's character.


When Heifeng approached, he had a smug smile on his face, like a weasel stealing a chicken.

Lin Wei didn't annoy her either, he just tapped lightly on her forehead, then sat cross-legged, put the Yaoqin on his lap and began to try and tune the strings.

This was the first time he touched the piano after he obtained the inheritance of the Dao of Le Dao. Looking at the seven-string Yaoqin, he felt a sense of intimacy for no reason.

There are five floors in the Huanyin Pagoda, which correspond to the five tones and five strings. According to legend, when Fuxi made the Qin, it was a five-stringed Qin. Later, King Wen added one string, and King Wu added another string, so that the current seven strings are formed.

At the end of the audition and tuning, Lin Wei set the strings with his left hand to pick up the sound, and plucked the strings with his right hand.

Heifeng is not congenital, and he doesn't have a deep understanding of the vitality of heaven and earth, and Su Tan'er is an ordinary person. Naturally, only Lin Wei can feel the fluctuations of heaven and earth in front of him.

The two who knew the theory of music only knew that what Lin Wei was playing was Feng Qiuhuang, and the continuous friendship in the sound of the piano made one sweet and the other shy.

Soon, the black phoenix began to dance to the sound of Lin Wei's piano.

Her dancing posture is also good, and after practicing martial arts, her body is more flexible, and she has made great progress compared to before.

As for Su Tan'er, she was completely attracted by Lin Wei's demeanor playing the piano, and quickly brought herself into the story told by the sound of the piano.

A pretty face that was either happy or angry, unknowingly carried a bit of shame.

Halfway through the qin music, Lin Wei's mouth suddenly curled into a smirk, and the qin music with deep friendship suddenly turned into a lingering and melancholy sound.

The two girls immersed in the sound of the piano, before they had time to react, some fantasies that should not have appeared in their minds.

Heifeng's dancing posture has also changed from being dull before to becoming obsessive.

People also slowly leaned towards Lin Wei who was playing the piano.Not long after, Heifeng came behind Lin Wei, lay on Lin Wei's back in front of Su Tan'er, her delicate red lips fell on Lin Wei's face like raindrops.

Su Tan'er was awakened by the explosive scene in front of her without any personnel involved, and then fled from the backyard in a panic.

Lin Wei saw it, but let Su Tan'er escape from his sight.

Not long after, the sound of the piano was interrupted, but the two idiotic men and women entered the room shamelessly.It can only be said that as expected of Lin Wei, he also knows to pay attention to the influence in broad daylight, and even acts recklessly regardless of etiquette.

This was the first time he came to the door as a son-in-law, so he dared to mess around.

"Presumptuous, how decent are you two?" During lunch, Hei Ying looked at the pretty-faced Hanchun's daughter, and his head was about to explode.

What made him even more angry was that the two parties had no intention of repenting at all, and one was more calm than the other.

"Uncle Hei, calm down. You also know my Lin family well. The men of the Lin family always have much lower control over this matter."

"No, your father clearly said before he died that you are normal."

"No, it's just that it's better to lurk. After the first time, I awakened. It feels a thousand times stronger than my father's. It should be as good as my ancestors."


"Really." Lin Wei ate the vegetables, replenishing the energy consumed in his body.

"That won't work. You give me back my daughter. My daughter can't marry you. You men from the Lin family are not normal at all."

"Uncle Hei, what are you kidding? It's all like this. If you ask me to return Xiaofeng to you, you won't be afraid that Xiaofeng will chase you down with a sword."

"My daughter is filial! You don't need to worry about it." Hei Ying said weakly, looking at his own daughter leaning against Lin Wei's arms, he felt that the situation Lin Wei said was likely to happen.

"Hehe, don't worry, Xiaofeng will have many sisters in the future, so she doesn't have to worry about it alone."

A son-in-law who runs a brothel, and a father-in-law who visits a brothel, there seems to be nothing they dare not talk to, but fortunately, there is no servant in front of them.

After lunch, after comforting Heifeng who was stuck to him, Lin Wei said goodbye and left under Heiying's complicated gaze.

As for Black Eagle, who loves his daughter deeply, why he can accept this kind of guidance is naturally because Lin Wei has given some reasonable guidance to his emotions.

Lin Wei didn't have any selfishness in doing that, the main point was that he was afraid of angering his father-in-law.

The effect is still very significant, a situation where everyone is happy is rare.

"Miss Su, where are you going?" Not long after leaving the Heifu, Lin Wei met Su Tan'er who was accompanied by a maid, but it seemed that Su Tan'er's situation was not very good at this time.

There is a man next to him, who seems to be entangled.

"Mr. Lin, Tan'er is going to visit the shop." When Su Tan'er saw Lin Wei, his annoyed expression changed, and his face flushed instantly.

This scene made the man next to him very angry.

"Then let's go together, I just have something to discuss with you."

"Alright Mr. Lin." Su Tan'er was impatient with being entangled, and Lin Wei's invitation was naturally what he wished for.

The two just ignored the man and were about to leave immediately.

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

"Here is Wu Qihao, the young master of Wushi Buxing, and his father Wu Chenghou."

"Oh, I haven't heard of it."

"Miss Su, let's go quickly." Lin Wei took Su Tan'er's arm and turned around to leave.

The man's hands were so broad and powerful, Su Tan'er's body softened, and he subconsciously followed.That Wu Qihao wanted to chase again, but just as he moved, his legs and feet went limp, and he fell to his knees on the ground.

By the time he got up with resentment on his face, the three of them had long since disappeared.


(End of this chapter)

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