Chapter 208 Retreat
On the Zuomen battlefield, Zhang Xutuo's [-]-ping rebel army faced Li Jing's [-] Wagang army.

Even if [-] rebels were sent to besiege the back door of Wagang Village, the remaining [-] troops in Zhang Xutuo's hands still had an absolute advantage in numbers.

The morale of the [-] army was high, and they launched an attack on the Wagang village without fear of death. If it was not limited to the superior terrain, even Li Jing would have been unable to support it.

Under Li Jing's overall planning, the [-] Wagang troops were divided into three groups, and they came to the city wall in turn to resist the counter-insurgency's offensive. When the Wagang troops got enough rest, the casualties were always kept within an acceptable range.

In fact, it was Yan Nantian and Xiao Yu'er who made the most of the effort. Whenever there was a crisis, the three of them would step up in time, relying on their formidable strength to deal with the counter-rebels who climbed the city wall.

For this reason, most of the internal strength of the three of them has been consumed.

Zhang Xutuo had calculated such a situation, so that his subordinates would launch an attack without fear of death. As long as the internal energy of the three of them was exhausted, it would be the time when Wagangzhai broke the city.

Unfortunately, Zhang Xutuo was destined not to wait for this moment.

Because Cao Chengzhi's reinforcements came.

Cuilong let out a roar, took the lead, and rushed over with Cao Chengzhi.

The five thousand steeds behind them roared in unison, as if they had been injected with chicken blood, their speed soared by [-]% out of thin air, and they could barely see the back of the green dragon, and rushed towards the green dragon.

The Yitian Sword finally showed its ferocity in this battlefield. Cao Chengzhi just waved his hand, and a bright sword energy slid across, and several soldiers were cut off with their armor.

Relying on the sharpness of the Yitian Sword and the absolute speed of the Green Dragon, Cao Chengzhi felt as if he had entered the land of no one. Before Zhang Xutuo could react, he had already broken through the outermost defense line, causing a riot among the counter-rebels.

Inspired by the green dragon's roar, the heavy cavalrymen followed closely behind Cao Chengzhi under the surge of speed, and pierced through their defenses before the counter-rebels could react and rebuild their defenses.

"what happened?"

Zhang Xutuo noticed something was wrong at the first time, and hurriedly asked.

"Report, we are being attacked behind us!"

"how many people?"

Without waiting for his subordinates to answer, Zhang Xutuo had already seen Cao Chengzhi's figure, and couldn't help exclaiming: "How fast!"

A green shadow flashed past, and the anti-rebel army fell to the ground in response. Zhang Xutuo's proud line of defense was pierced in front of that green shadow without the slightest resistance.

"Green shadow? Immortal horse green dragon? That's Cao Chengzhi!"

Zhang Xutuo exclaimed, already guessing Cao Chengzhi's identity.

"Isn't Cao Chengzhi on the frontal battlefield? They appeared here? Where are the Buddhists?"

The heavy cavalry headed by Cheng Shifei followed Cao Chengzhi, took advantage of the gap created by Cao Chengzhi to suppress the rebels, followed closely, widened and pierced the gap!
For a while, the 5000-ping rebels were crushed and beaten by [-] people!
Fortunately, the terrain was limited. In order to attack the city, Zhang Xutuo put the anti-rebel army in a long snake formation, which made the formation long enough. It would take some time for Cao Chengzhi to come to Zhang Xutuo.

If it was another formation, I'm afraid Cao Chengzhi would have captured the flag by now.


The messenger soldiers at the front gate of Wagangzhai finally came to Zhang Xutuo and reported:

"Mysterious strongmen appeared on the frontal battlefield. The Demon Sect won a big victory, and the Buddhist Sect has already retreated. Now all the masters of the Buddhist Sect have withdrawn."


One of Zhang Xutuo's assistants couldn't believe it: "Didn't Buddhism always fight against the Demon Gate? How could they lose to the Demon Gate in the Wagangzhai battlefield? And they lost so quickly!"

"No wonder Cao Chengzhi can come here to support, that's how it is."

Zhang Xutuo sighed softly: "Pass down the order and do our best to prevent Cao Chengzhi from falling into the battle. Cao Chengzhi must be killed here. As for the task of breaking the Wagang Village, leave it to them!"


As soon as Zhang Xutuo's words fell to the ground, another urgent report came. Zhang Xutuo recognized the messenger soldier as someone from the rear battlefield, and a bad premonition emerged in his heart.

"Cao Chengzhi appeared on the battlefield at the back door and beheaded countless of our troops. There were five thousand heavy cavalry charging outside. Our soldiers have now retreated!"


Everyone turned pale with shock when they heard the words, showing expressions of disbelief.

That's an army of [-], you tell me, the army of [-] was defeated by Cao Chengzhi and [-] heavy cavalry?
"Marshal, the situation is wrong, why don't we withdraw!"

Zhang Xutuo's deputy couldn't help saying: "The battle at the front gate and the back gate were all defeated, and we were charged by Cao Chengzhi. I'm afraid we have no chance..."

One person couldn't help but said: "There is also Dugu Ce..."

However, in the middle of speaking, his voice became quieter, what effect could a well-known dude like Dugu Ce have.

Even if he had the most elite Jiangdu army in the Sui Dynasty in his hands, everyone would not have the slightest hope in him...

If not, how could Yang Guang send Jiangdu Army to Duguce...

If the Li faction got the Jiangdu army, Yang Guang might not even sleep well, but Dugu Ce got the Jiangdu army, Yang Guang said: I watched your performance!

After weighing the pros and cons, Zhang Xutuo still made the most correct choice: "Send the order, retreat!"

Now, with the defeat of the front door and the back door battlefield, it has become impossible to capture Wagang Village. We can only save our own strength and slowly look for opportunities.

"Gather your team as much as possible, preserve your combat power, return to Xingyang City, and cultivate your health. We still have a chance!"


The general flag was left behind, and Zhang Xutuo and his guards tacitly put on the armor of ordinary soldiers, and left quietly among the soldiers.

At the same time, soldiers at all levels issued orders to retreat, leaving a team to resist Cao Chengzhi's attack, and the counter-rebel army began to withdraw in an orderly manner.

Cao Chengzhi felt the pressure suddenly lighten, and the speed of falling into the formation was three points faster.

He had already guessed that Zhang Xutuo already had the idea of ​​retreating, and wanted to rush over to deal with Zhang Xutuo as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

On the other side, Li Jing also guessed Zhang Xutuo's thoughts based on the information in his hands and the significantly slowed attack frequency in front of him.

Without further ado, he directly ordered the Wagang Army to open the city gate and attack the counter-rebel army.

When Zhai Rang and others heard Li Jing's order, they were surprised: "Wait, Li Jing, what do you want to do?"

People from Li Mi's family followed Shen Luoyan to guard the right door, and Zhai Rang and others naturally followed Li Jing to guard the left door.

It's just that Li Jing has been controlling the rhythm of the whole battle, and Zhai Rang and others deliberately reduce their sense of presence. If Zhai Rang didn't speak out suddenly, everyone might have forgotten Zhai Rang's existence.

Zhai Rang and the others were not fully confident that Wagangzhai could survive the catastrophe. They had already secretly prepared their way out and quietly contacted Shan Xiongxin and Xu Shiji who were guarding the back door.

Both of these two are Zhai Rang's confidantes, they have no intention of living and dying with Wagang Village at all, but have made up their minds that if they can't do anything, they will bring their confidants to break out from the back door.

(End of this chapter)

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