Chapter 210 New Situation
After discussing with Li Jing, Cao Chengzhi led the heavy cavalry of Pegasus Ranch to hunt down Zhang Xutuo's defeated army according to the plan.

At the same time, Li Jing also dispatched nearly [-] soldiers and horses to follow behind Cao Chengzhi majesticly.

It stands to reason that it should be easy for the cavalry to catch up with the infantry.

However, Cao Chengzhi's purpose was not to go straight to Huanglong and kill Zhang Xutuo, but to follow Li Jing's plan to chase and kill the opponent in a leisurely manner to reduce the opponent's effective strength.

After charging for a period of time, he was terrified of killing the enemy. Seeing the enemy fleeing desperately, Cao Chengzhi ordered a period of rest.

After everyone had rested enough, they charged in another direction, not seeking to wipe out the enemy, but merely disrupting their formation and preventing them from gathering together.

The anti-rebel army, which had been retreating in an orderly manner, finally could no longer organize a decent resistance under Cao Chengzhi's seven in and seven out, and completely turned into stragglers.

Zhang Xutuo's face became more and more ugly. He originally hid among the soldiers and divided the team into small groups to prevent the opponent from beheading.

Unexpectedly, Cao Chengzhi didn't want to beheaded at all, and he didn't have the slightest intention to find himself. His target was always the soldiers who gathered.

But my own choice happened to be self-defeating, and the scattered team had no resistance under Cao Chengzhi's charge. The loss of this escape was even greater than the previous siege.

"Commander, hold on a little longer, as long as we reach Xingyang City, we can defend the city, and Cao Chengzhi's threat is nothing to fear!"

"That's right, Cao Chengzhi's child is simply not a son of man. We will avenge this revenge sooner or later!"

Hearing the persuasion from his confidant, Zhang Xutuo had a bad premonition in his heart: "He should know our goal, right?"

The confidant hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "We have no other choice now, Cao Chengzhi must know that we will retreat to Xingyang City."

"Then why didn't he behead us, but chose to attack those soldiers?"


Everyone was confused for a while, and they couldn't think of the reason why Cao Chengzhi did this.

Zhang Xutuo's face was gloomy: "I'm afraid, there have been changes that we don't know about..."

"However, with the food and grass in our hands, we have no other choice. We have to go back to Xingyang City to supply!"

"At this point, we can only take one step at a time."

Finally, Zhang Xutuo and others came to Xingyang City, and seeing the city gates closed and heavily guarded, the uneasiness in their hearts finally became a reality.

Cao Yinglong immediately stood on the top of the city with a big sword, and shouted proudly: "The one below is Sui general Zhang Xutuo?"



"Who are you?"

Zhang Xutuo's confidants scolded him one after another when they heard the words.

"Who am I?"

Cao Yinglong said with a haughty expression on his face: "Listen carefully, I am Cao Yinglong, General Yinglong under Cao Chengzhi's command!"

In order to strengthen the cohesion, Cao Chengzhi deliberately renamed the [-] bandit army the Yinglong Army, and Cao Yinglong is the leader of the Yinglong Army, General Yinglong!

"Cao Yinglong?"

Zhang Xutuo had never heard of General Yinglong, but he had heard of Cao Yinglong's name as the strongest of the four bandits.

At this moment, Zhang Xutuo also understood where the team in front of him came from, and Cao Chengzhi subdued the four bandits without making a sound!
Right now, there are four major bandits occupying Xingyang City before, followed by Cao Chengzhi's pursuers, and his own food and grass have been exhausted, and there is no way to enter the sky...

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry..."

Zhang Xutuo wailed, he knew that he was completely defeated, and he had no chance of winning.

It's not even just me, the loss of the last army of the Sui Dynasty means that the Sui Dynasty is finally powerless and enters the countdown to destruction...

This is indeed the case. Under Cao Chengzhi's front and rear attacks, the suppressed rebels fled and surrendered, and the high-level leaders headed by Zhang Xutuo were all loyal to the country.

The anti-rebel army and the Buddhist sect were all defeated, and the Jiangdu army, which even the leader ran for his life, naturally couldn't make any troubles, so they could only retreat in despair.

In this battle, Wagang Village won a big victory!
The Sui Dynasty has completely entered the countdown to its demise, and the entire world has been completely reshuffled...

Cao Chengzhi took Xingyang City as the base point, hoarded food and grass, and expanded his troops. Yinglong's army expanded to 10 in a short period of time.

Numerous captives were successfully persuaded to surrender. Using Wagangzhai as their base, the Wagang Army with Li Jing as its general and Shen Luoyan as its military adviser also successfully expanded to a scale of 10.

Some disciples of the Yinkui Sect came out, and Cheng Yaojin, Luo Shixin, Qin Shubao and others were also persuaded to surrender one by one and formally joined Wagang Village.

At this moment, Cao Chengzhi finally gained a firm foothold in the Sui Dynasty and became a behemoth that no one could ignore.

Not only that, with the ferment of this battle, Wagangzhai's reputation as the number one rebel army in the world has spread, and it is unknown how many people will come here in the future.

The future of Wagangzhai is as strong as the naked eye can see!

This battle caused a shock in the world, and in the face of the new situation, all major forces responded one after another.

Countless insurgents took advantage of the situation and set aside, after the Song Clan and Wagangzhai made an open alliance, the remaining Li Clan and Dugu Clan among the four big clans also felt strong pressure.

The Hundred Thousand Jiangdu Army eventually defected to the Dugu Clan under the leadership of Yuwen Chengqing.

At the same time, the Dugu Clan also united with Shandong nobles such as Boling Cui, Qinghe Cui, Fanyang Lu, Taiyuan Wang, Langya Wang, and Chenjun Xie, and became very popular for a while.

And the Li Clan, who has always had the heart to devour the world, apart from having an ambiguous relationship with the Chai family and other aristocratic families, quietly joined hands with the Jiangzuo gentry, and the momentum is not inferior to the Dugu Clan.

Compared with them, the most uncomfortable thing at this moment is Yang Guang. He has no soldiers to use. Yang Guang obviously feels that the courtiers have begun to obey him, and his rights as the emperor are getting worse day by day.

Even the Lanling Xiao clan, the relative of his own empress, is not as close as before, and his actions are a bit difficult to understand.

In addition, Cao Chengzhi's killing of Gong Jiu was also spread, and the invisible man became nervous for a while.

Even the little old man Wu Ming, who hadn't been in charge for a long time, personally participated in the battle of Wagang Village, showing his hostility towards Cao Chengzhi.

"Gong Jiu's skills are not as good as others, and it's normal to be killed, but he is mine after all, and I can't ignore this matter!"

As for Gong Jiu's identity, apart from being a member of the Invisible Man, his real identity is Prince Taiping's son, but his biological mother is a spy from another country, so she chose to commit suicide in order not to implicate King Taiping.

Therefore, King Taiping has always felt guilty about the death of Gong Jiu's mother, which is why King Taiping has always condoned Gong Jiu.

But now that Gong Jiu was beheaded and killed, King Taiping would never expose this matter lightly. For a while, the Palace of Prince Taiping was in turmoil.

(End of this chapter)

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