Chapter 50 Martial Arts Conference
It took three days to completely control the entire Jiang Mansion. Cao Chengzhi also found Jiang Biehe's secret room, and at the same time found the mad lion Tie Ruyun in the secret room.

At this moment, Tie Ruyun, the former martial arts leader, Kuangshi Tie Ruyun is a bit miserable. Not only is he unconscious due to the poisonous poison in his body, Cao Chengzhi can't even feel the existence of internal force in him...

Probably because Jiang Biehe abolished his martial arts!

Send Tie Ruyun to the guest room to take care of her, waiting for Tie Xinlan's arrival.

Two days later, Tie Xinlan and others arrived as planned.


Tie Xinlan already knew what happened in Jiang's residence during this time, and she sat sadly by the bed and looked at her unconscious father.

"I've had many doctors come to see him. Although President Iron has no power to kill, the poison on his body is impossible to deal with, and he still can't wake up..."

"Azhi, Daddy will definitely wake up, right, definitely!"

"I have an agreement with Miracle Physician Su. After the martial arts conference, Miracle Physician Su will come to me. At that time, I will ask Miracle Physician Su to help me, and I will definitely be able to save President Iron."

"Miraculous Doctor Su? That's right, even sister Yuyan's serious injury can be cured, and Miracle Doctor Su will definitely be able to undo the poison on Daddy's body!"

"Don't worry, Su Ying's medical skills are definitely the best in the world, she will definitely be able to do it!"


It is worth mentioning that perhaps it was because Tie Xinlan felt sorry for Jiang Yuyan's experience, or maybe it was because of Tie Ruyun's injury, after the two women met, the scene was very harmonious, just like sisters.

After Jiang Yuyan recovered from her injury, she also went to visit Tie Xinlan and Tie Ruyun every day, and all kinds of supplements filled Tie Ruyun's room as if they were free of money.

With the help of Hulong Villa, the martial arts conference was also held as scheduled.

Liu Xi, who was far away in Dongchang, also smiled when he heard the news of the martial arts conference. Everything was planned. You can also plan!

Cao Zhengchun also smiled in the dark, you know, I just want you to know, our family will not die for a day, you are only the Second Commander after all!
If it weren't for our family's Tiangang Boy Kungfu who is not afraid of absorbing Dafa, do you think you can collect five yang and two yin so smoothly?

Tie Dan Shenhou also showed a smile at the corner of his mouth. I'm afraid Liu Xi and Cao Zhengchun were thinking about it, and they didn't expect that the person who became the leader of the martial arts in the end was neither Jiang Biehe arranged by Liu Xi, nor "Zhongping Wudi" arranged by Cao Zhengchun. ', but Cao Chengzhi of the Yinkui faction!
"It's a pity, if Cao Chengzhi hadn't been born, I would have arranged for one of my own people to be the leader of the martial arts alliance..."

With the efforts of the three parties, this martial arts conference, where all the top masters of the Ming Dynasty failed to arrive due to various accidents, was also officially held.

The one-armed Jiang Biehe came out with a righteous face, and talked to the heroes of the martial arts: "Thank you all the heroes and comrades of the predecessors for coming and participating in the martial arts conference..."

That's right, the martial arts conference was hosted by Jiang Biehe himself. Cao Chengzhi still remembered how surprised he was after Jiang Yuyan said this last night.

"Brother Chengzhi, don't worry, Yuyan has arranged everything, as long as Brother Chengzhi defeats all opponents step by step..."

Seeing Jiang Biehe's benevolent and unparalleled appearance, Cao Chengzhi also secretly admired him. He was obviously a prisoner yesterday, but after he walked on the field, he talked with ease, and there was nothing wrong with him. Anyone who saw him would Shout out to Jiang Daxia.

Jiang Yufeng also came to the venue secretly, seeing Jiang Biehe's smooth talk, she smiled knowingly, she didn't give in vain during this time, it seems that her sister has forgiven her father.

Perhaps thinking of something, he unconsciously took a peek at Cao Chengzhi in the distance, blushing...

"The leader of the iron alliance has disappeared, but our Jiangnan martial arts cannot do without a leader of the martial arts. Jiang is not talented. He is holding this martial arts conference, hoping to elect a new leader of the martial arts that everyone agrees with!"

"Hero Jiang is right, and our Hengshan faction agrees."

Mr. Mo Da, the head of the Hengshan School, was the first to speak, so it was naturally arranged long ago.

"Our Huashan faction also agrees."

This time it can be said that the Huashan faction left in full force, the leader Yue Buqun personally led the team, the elders Ning Zhongze, Xian Yutong, Qian Buyi, Mu Renqing and others were all present.

"Our beggar gang agrees!"

Cao Chengzhi took a look at Shi Huolong, the leader of the Daming Beggar Gang, and thought to himself what a pity...

The person he thought of in his heart should be in the Da Song Beggar Gang at this time...

"Our Green Bamboo Gang agrees!"

"Our Haisha Gang agrees..."

All of a sudden, there are voices of approval one after another...

Cao Chengzhi had expected this matter a long time ago. No one can escape the "fame" and "profit" in the Jianghu.

I don't know how many people are eyeing the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance, Jiang Biehe made a head start, and all those who aspire to the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance will surely make this matter go smoothly.

Even if Jiang Biehe didn't spread hero posts, there would still be other ambitious people holding martial arts tournaments.

I don't know how many people who are not strong enough are also working hard, ready to show their talents at this opportunity, make a name for themselves, and become famous in one battle.

The election of a new martial arts leader is the current general trend, and everyone will be coerced by the general trend.

This is also the reason why Cao Chengzhi concealed Tie Ruyun's news. The martial arts conference has already been held, and now he has no choice but to launch it. If he tells everyone that Tie Ruyun has been found at this time, those careerists will definitely turn him into a corpse...

Don't you see, even the mighty Songshan Sect has become a quail, Zuo Lengchan failed to arrive in time due to an 'accident', and Ding Mian, the leader of the Taibao Tota, was ordered to postpone the martial arts conference, but see Seeing such a heated discussion, he dared not even open his mouth.

"What you said is very true, and my Wudang faction also agrees with what Jiang Daxia said."

"What? Are all the Wudang factions here?"

Wudang and Shaolin have always been transcendent existences, they are not the leader of the martial arts alliance, they are better than the leader of the martial arts alliance, they have never participated in the martial arts conference before, their sudden appearance this time naturally aroused everyone's surprise.

Everyone turned their heads to look, only to see Wudang and his party walking over in a majestic manner.

First, one person bowed his hands to the crowd: "Wudang Song Yuanqiao has seen you all!"

"It's Song Yuanqiao Song Daxia!"

"And Yu Lianzhou, Yu Daxia!"

"That's Wudang master Song Qingshu and Song Shaoxia!"

The well-informed martial arts people reported their identities one after another, causing a burst of amazement.

"Hey, why are there people from the Emei Sect? That seems to be the Taoist priest Shenxi of the Emei Sect?"

The members of the Emei faction, led by Taoist priest Shenxi, followed closely behind the Wudang faction, and walked in.

Daoist Shenxi bowed to everyone: "Master Shenxi of the Emei School, I have met you all!"

Emei Sixiu, Zhou Zhiruo and other Emei disciples saluted behind Taoist Shenxi.

After everyone saluted, Song Qingshu couldn't help but jumped out: "Hero Jiang, where is Cao Chengzhi who sent you the hero post a while ago?"

"Looking for me?"

Cao Chengzhi frowned, and then seeing Song Qingshu frequently looking at the Emei faction team, he also knew what he was thinking, shook his head, and walked out indifferently.

"I am Cao Chengzhi!"


The disdain in his eyes was beyond words, until he saw the Yitian sword in Cao Chengzhi's hand, his eyes became hot, and he said with a dignified look:
"Little thief Cao Chengzhi, you actually conspired to steal the Emei Sect's Yitian Sword. Now that the Emei Sect's rightful master is here, why don't you hurry up and return it with both hands, and go to the Emei Sect to plead guilty!"


Cao Chengzhi was amused when he heard the words: "Which eye of yours saw that I stole it? This Yitian sword is clearly a gift from Miejue Shitai who was blinded by traitors and chased and killed me for no reason, so he specially gave me an apology."

"You're talking nonsense! Miejue Shitai is so powerful in martial arts, she hunted you down, and you are still alive?"

Jiang Biehe on the other side also sighed in secret, he fell into this fate because of Miejue Shitai's failure in chasing and killing him.

"I am standing here alive, and the Yitian sword is in my hand, is this evidence enough to prove what I said?"

"It seems that you don't want to return the Yitian sword?"

Glancing at Zhou Zhiruo, Song Qingshu felt that if he helped her get back the Yitian Sword at this time, she would definitely be grateful, so he immediately said:
"I don't know what kind of conspiracy you used to obtain the Yitian Sword. Now that I, Song Qingshu, are here, I will help the Emei faction decide on the Yitian Sword!"

At the same time, I secretly thought: From today on, I, Song Qingshu, will definitely be famous all over the world!

Hearing Song Qingshu's confident words, everyone in the Emei faction frowned. Is my Emei faction so incompetent that I can't even take back my town's treasure?
However, everyone in the Emei faction was happy to see Cao Chengzhi and Wudang have a grudge, although they were dissatisfied, they didn't say anything.

"Hehe, I don't know how you want to get it back?"

"Naturally, we should ask for it back in a dignified way! It just so happens that it is the martial arts conference, and even the arena is ready-made, so you and I will decide the ownership of the Yitian sword!"

Song Qingshu said this in a tone of confidence, as if Cao Chengzhi was a small person who could be manipulated at will in his eyes.

However, it is understandable that Song Qingshu has such a mentality. After all, he was born in the Wudang sect, the leader of the martial arts, and he has studied the unique knowledge of the Wudang sect. Occasionally, Zhang Sanfeng, who is called the land god, personally gives pointers. He is extremely confident in his own strength and holds himself as a young Generation No.1!
"Cao thief, do you dare to accept this battle?"

"Hehe, who gave you the courage!"

While speaking, Cao Chengzhi stepped lightly on his feet, as if ignoring the gravity of the earth, he stepped on the ring lightly: "Forget it, I will let you, a big disciple of Wudang, be my first stepping stone!"

"What a quick light work!"

"What a handsome figure!"

"Hmph, flashy!"

Song Qingshu snorted coldly, showing disdain.

In fact, I have already started to be vigilant in my heart. Just this lightness skill, the martial arts of Cao Chengzhi in front of me is higher than expected, but it is still not enough compared to myself...

With a flash of his figure, Wudang stepped out of the cloud ladder, leaping to the other side of the ring like a roc spreading its wings, and confronted Cao Chengzhi tit for tat.

(End of this chapter)

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