Chapter 102 Discussion on Buddhism at Jietai Temple

"Use your blood to treat Wuxin."

"Don't hurt my mother!"

Everything was as fast as lightning, and when Ye Anshi realized it, Xiao Luo had already taken a few drops of Concubine Xuan's blood and put it into a small bottle.

"Let's go, I'm being watched by the palm seal supervisor, I can't stay for long."

Xiao Luo pulled Ye Anshi out.

Behind her, Concubine Xuan's cry of pain came, and Weiyang Palace suddenly became chaotic.

"Xiao Luo, you are going too far."

"Who told you not to do it yourself."

"I can't bear it."

"Then wait until you become a medicine man? Go back and take the medicine quickly, I'm really afraid that you will get sick now and start killing people in the palace."

Fortunately, he left the palace smoothly, still got in the carriage when he came, and hurried back to Zhenwusi.

Grind medicine, take medicine.

Seeing Ye Anshi drink the antidote with his own eyes, Xiao Luo breathed a sigh of relief.

"You stay here for the New Year."

"Thank you, but I have to leave. I have learned the truth about my father's death and met her. I have no regrets."

"No, you have to repay my life-saving grace first?"

"Please say."

Xiao Luo laughed: "Don't be nervous, I just want to debate Buddhist principles with you, a peerless eminent monk."

Ye Anshi was stunned.

The next day, Zhenwusi buried the wife of the ghost doctor Yewu, and invited Ye Anshi to perform rituals.

Then he sent old monk Wuming and the two vagrants back to Jietai Temple.

Jietai Temple has already been repaired by the people of Wusi Zhenwu, and there are no leaks, and the necessary household items have also been added.

There are piles of firewood, rice, oil and salt, as well as various vegetarian dishes.

The old monk was very grateful, and the two prodigal sons were even more elated: "We have a new quilt."

"Master, we don't have to chew hay anymore."

"Amitabha, I thank the two benefactors."

Xiao Luo shook his head: "All virtuous dharmas are caused by the combination of causes and conditions. The conditions arise from time to time, and the conditions disappear when the conditions are exhausted. It's just like this."

Ye Anshi originally thought that Xiao Luo was just joking, but now seeing his solemn expression, he couldn't help being surprised: "Do you really want to discuss Buddhism with me?"

"Of course."

This night, the dew is deep and cold, and the crescent moon is like an eyebrow.

Xiao Luo and Ye Anshi jumped onto the two stone pillars in Jietai Temple, crossed their legs together, and sat facing each other.

"Ye Anshi, I have heard many legends about you, and I have admired you for a long time. Even though you have returned to secular life, I still call you my master."

"The names are all foreign ministers. Now you are honored as King Shunwu. You are as majestic as a mountain and as vast as the sea. What more do you want?"

Xiao Luo replied: "I want a lot, higher than the mountains, deeper than the sea. May I ask Master, what is the practice of a Buddha?"

"There is nothing to take from the body, nothing to cultivate, and nothing to live in the Dharma. The past is gone, the future has not yet come, and the present is empty. There is no work, no reward, this world does not move, and the world does not change. This What kind of law is called the Brahma life."

This passage comes from "Avatamsaka Sutra Brahma Xingpin", Xiao Luo has read it many times.

"Avatamsaka Sutra", also known as "Dafang Guangfo Huayan Sutra", is one of the most important classics of Buddhism, with sixty chapters in the old volume and eighty chapters in the new volume.

This sutra is the self-realization Dharma door proclaimed by Manjusri, Samantabhadra and other superior Bodhisattvas under the bodhi tree on the second seven days after the Tathagata became enlightened. There are nine sessions in total.

Xiao Luo asked again: "The "Avatamsaka Sutra" says that there are ten methods of cultivation, which ten methods are they?"

Ye Anshi replied: "The wisdom of not being at the place, the wisdom of karmic retribution in the past, the present and the future, the wisdom of the samadhi of liberation from Zen, the wisdom of all roots over inferiority, the wisdom of various solutions, the wisdom of various realms, the wisdom of all places, the wisdom of unobstructed eyes, The wisdom of unhindered fate and the wisdom of permanently cutting off habitual energy are called the ten.”

Sitting down on the stone building suspended in the air, the world outside the temple is cool.

Xiao Luo pondered intently, unconsciously nodding his head in agreement.

Seeing his appearance, Ye Anshi smiled knowingly: "If you know all living beings, you have the Buddha nature. If you don't know all living beings, it will be hard to find Buddha in thousands of kalpas."

"How do you know if a person has Buddha-nature?"

"The Buddha said that there are two roots of goodness: one is permanent, and the other is impermanent. The Buddha nature is very non-permanent, so it is continuous, so it is called non-duality; the first is good, and the two are not good. Aggregates and worlds, ordinary people see two, wise people realize that their nature is non-duality; the nature of non-duality is the Buddha nature.”

"Is this king killing people to save people, is it good or bad? Does he have Buddha nature or not?"

"The Zen master Siye of the previous generation, in order to slaughter a family, one day when he was slaughtering a pig, he heard the painful cry of the pig, which aroused infinite compassion, and became a monk from then on."

"Killing pigs is different from killing people."

"When the Zen master became a monk, he recited a verse: Yesterday, the heart of the yaksha is facing the face of the Bodhisattva; the Bodhisattva and the yaksha are not separated by a line."

Xiao Luo was deeply shocked by these four verses.

Ye Anshi said again: "Bai Juyi, a great poet in the past, visited Zen Master Bird's Nest and asked about the essence of Buddhism."

"What did the Zen master say?"

"The Zen master said that there are only eight words: Do no evil, do all good."

"These eight characters are very common, even the two vagrants in this temple can speak them."

Ye Anshi smiled: "The great poet is as disdainful as His Highness, but the Zen master also said that a three-year-old child can speak, but an 80-year-old man may not be able to do it."

Xiao Luo was startled suddenly, and after thinking about it, cold sweat flowed down his back.

"Now, King Shunwu holds power in his hands, and his followers are like clouds. What he does is either great good or great evil."

"This king thinks to himself that although he is not a good person, he is not a great evil person either."

"Then why do you seek me to discuss Buddhism?"

Naturally, it is to complete the homework requirements of the system and to write and read.

"Naturally, the heart of kindness guides this king."

"The tongue is not the heart."

Ye Anshi stretched out a finger, pointing at Xiao Luo's eyebrows.

A ray of breeze blows in the face.

"Master, this is it?"

"The little monk is accustomed to the Buddha's other mind, and he has proved his mind, and he can freely know what is in the minds of sentient beings in the six realms."

Xiao Luo was shocked, mind reading skills!

However, Ye Anshi quickly stopped his supernatural powers, and said puzzled: "Except for a sense of depression and injustice in His Highness's heart, you can't see anything else, neither good nor evil, invisible and invisible."

It's so dangerous, Xiao Luo felt relieved.

"Master, do you know where this king's depression and injustice come from?"

Ye Anshi shook his head.

Xiao Luo stretched out his finger and pointed in the direction of the palace: "From that gloomy and terrifying palace, this king has lived in fear of being killed at any time since he was born."

An unfortunate childhood would take a lifetime to heal. Even though Xiao Luo's soul was an adult at that time, he had the body of a child who had no resistance.

Fearing that the food would be poisoned, Xiao Luo never ate the food brought by the maids, and only picked up the leftovers of the concubines who committed crimes in the cold palace.

Not every day there is leftovers, most of the time, he is hungry.

Every night, I dare not rest assured to sleep, always curled up in the corner, and even stuffed the pillow into the bed to make a dummy.

Even though he was careful in every possible way, he was still plotted several times, once he was pushed into a dry well, and once a poisonous snake was put into a room...

Ye Anshi listened quietly to Xiao Luo's narration.

"In terms of blood relationship, they are all my relatives, and it is these relatives who want to trap me to death."

 Thank you Sa Xiaohao and Ling Mofeng for your rewards and votes.

  Thank you book friends 6829, Xiao Mimi, and Leiweil for their recommendation tickets.

  Continue to ask for the first order in advance~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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