Chapter 105 The New Year's Eve (First order)
On New Year's Eve, the first cluster of fires began to burn from Jinyu Lane.

The main rudder of Changmen is located here, occupying half of the alley.

All the old and young, women and children have been evacuated, and there are five hundred capable disciples who are ready to fight with their bows and arrows.

Under the red lantern, the left protector Liu Wuchang and the right protector Jiao Hongsheng stood at the door, and between them was a man wearing a bronze mask.

Wushuang and Song Yan are back.

Wushuang took down the Wushuang sword box, put it on the ground, and asked indifferently, "Are you Jiang Shangfeng, the leader of the Changmen sect?"

The bronze masked man didn't make a sound.

Liu Wuchang answered first: "Master Wushuang, White King Xiao Chong is finished, there is no chance of a comeback, the conditions he gave you, we Changmen can also give you."

Wushuang raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Can't you see that I'm here to kill?"

"Before the action is taken, there is still room for cooperation between the two sides. Once the action is taken, it will be lost forever."

"Too much nonsense."

The man in the bronze mask spoke, and there was only one word: "Let go!"

In an instant, rows of archers appeared on the courtyard walls and roof ridges, flying like rain with strong bows and crossbows.

Song Yan took a step forward, and the Zihong sword came out.

The sky was full of wind and thunder, and the sword intent was flying back and forth.

Wushuang's master, Song Yanhui, became famous earlier than Sikong Chengfeng, and was the first person in the previous generation to make a name for himself in the world.

It's a pity that after taking over as the lord of Wushuang city, he has been busy with the affairs of the city, and he was stuck in the early days of Xiaoyaojing and never improved.

With a calm voice, he quickly waved the purple rainbow in his hand, cutting off all the arrows flying towards Wushuang.

"I just wanted to kill your gang leader. Since you guys do it first, I'm not going to be polite."

Wushuang patted the sword box lightly, and a sword shot up into the sky.

"The first sword, Yun Shuo."

Piercing the clouds and piercing the sky, it swooped down again, and exploded on the ridge of the roof. Several archers screamed and fell.

Yun Shuo's castration continued unabated, and he continued to rush towards the archer at another place.

Wushuang slapped the sword box again: "The second sword, Qingshuang."

The blue mist filled the sky, and the frost and snow fluttered.

Jian Guang galloped towards the high wall on the left, and before the person behind the wall could react, he had already been decapitated by the sword energy.

"The third sword, Fengxiao."

There was a clear cry, and the sword energy was like a phoenix feather, and spread over the entire courtyard.

"The fourth sword, Hongye."

Ye Fei Ye dances, only dazzling red light can be seen in the night.

"Fifth sword, butterfly."

"The sixth sword, Jue Ying."

"The seventh sword, break the robbery."

When it came to the seventh sword, the whole courtyard was full of screams, and there were five hundred disciples, and I don't know how many are left.

Liu Wuchang and Jiao Hongsheng couldn't bear it anymore, they punched and palmed together.

Shaolin Jiangmo Fist is powerful and fierce, breaking rocks and breaking mountains.

Wudang cotton palm is soft and strange, hurting people invisible.

Seeing the two men attacking fiercely, Wushuang clapped the sword box again: "The eighth sword kills life, the ninth sword Yuruyi, go!"

Two sword lights flew out at the same time, the Killing Sword was pitch black, as slender as a willow branch.

Jade Ruyi Biying is as small as half a foot.

When the Shaolin Jiangmo Fist meets the killing sword, before the demon descends, the killing intent comes, cutting off Liu Wuchang's fist in an instant.

The killing intent increased again, piercing Liu Wuchang's throat.

On Jiao Hongsheng's side, Wudang's cotton palm was blocked by Yu Ruyi, and the sword intent pierced through the palm energy, piercing a bloody hole in Jiao Hongsheng's hand.

The guardians on the left and right screamed in unison.

At a critical moment, the man in the bronze mask slashed with his mad knife.

The sword was wild and unrestrained, as heavy as a thousand weights, and the sword intent in the sky froze for a moment.

Song Yanhui put away his sword and stood next to Wushuang. Seeing the attack of the bronze masked man, he sighed, "Kuangdao, you really are Lan Yuehou."

"So what if it's the Marquis."

"Why did you kill the Angry Sword Immortal?"

"Yan Zhantian is one of the four devils, and he has done all kinds of evil things in his life. Is it wrong for me to kill him?"

Song Yan shook her head back: "If you kill him before his martial arts are abolished, no one will think you are at fault, and we will not stand here."

"Hahaha, what this Marquis seeks is the world, not fame in the world."

"In that case, why are you waiting for us here?"

Lan Yuehou took off the mask on his face and threw it aside: "Because Wushuang City is also the target that I want to destroy, you have come to die, saving my energy."

He slashed down with a knife, shaking the world, killing life and Yu Ruyi froze immediately.

Wushuang came to the spirit: "It's interesting to kill masters, I hope you can hold on for a while."

"Ignorant child, die!"

Lan Yuehou was furious, and the frenzied sword came out again, cutting Wushuang straight.

"The tenth sword, wrap your fingers softly."

What is the meaning of Bai Liangang, turned into a soft finger.

This sword is extremely thin, and the sword intent twists and turns, wrapping around Lan Yuehou's mad knife.

"Double dragons go to sea!"

Lan Yuehou's Crazy Saber suddenly changed, and the saber energy split into two, like two giant dragons, one dragon opened its mouth to catch the sword intent, and the other went straight to Wushuang.

"No.11 sword, Cang."

Wushuang didn't expect that Lan Yuehou could force out his No.11 sword, he was both surprised and even more excited.

The sky rises from the blue sky and covers the world.

Daolon quickly collapsed.

Lan Yuehou angered his whole body's true energy, and the madness on the sword skyrocketed again.

"Pull the clouds to look forward to the sun, you only have one sword left!"

The dark clouds dissipated, the bright sun rose, and the dark night suddenly became as bright as day, and the sword intent shook the sky.

Song Yan couldn't recall that Lan Yuehou was actually the Great Consummation of the Happy Heavenly Realm, and fear suddenly arose in his heart, he must not let Wushuang fall here.

He can die, but Wushuang cannot die.

Song Yanhui drew his sword immediately, and Zihong rushed forward like lightning.

This sword is a sword of sacrificing one's life, and also a sword of death. Song Yanhui planned for Wushuang City all his life, but he couldn't restore the former glory of Wushuang City. He was unwilling until he met Wushuang.

Wushuang is the future of Wushuang City and everyone's hope. Song Yanhui blocks the sword with his body to buy opportunities for Wushuang.

Wushuang sword box No.12 sword is released.

No.12 Sword, Mang.

The world begins with chaos, and the initial stage of chaos is dazed.

Song Yanhui's life-threatening blow forced Lan Yuehou to save himself with the knife, and at this moment, Mang arrived.

Lan Yuehou couldn't avoid it, and watched the sword light piercing his chest.

The whole body's blood is cold,
He covered his chest, and said sharply: "You are fighting Benhou here, why don't you rush to Bai Wangfu, and you can save Xiao Chong's life."

Song Yanhui pulled Wushuang back: "Let's go."


"Your Twelve Swords have been released, but he is not dead, let's go!"

The two retreated quickly, and the twelve swords behind them flew back to the sword box.

Lan Yuehou gasped heavily, and the surviving disciples in the courtyard rushed out to support him and the two guardians.

"Hurry up and pack up your things, and send them out while Tianzi City is in chaos tonight."


At this moment, a few people walked in from Jinyu Lane.

"Uncle Huang, have you packed everything? If you pack it up, I will hand it over to my nephew to move away."

"Xiao Luo!"

Lan Yuehou looked at Xiao Luo, Li Fanban, Xie Jiucheng, and Xie Yuanfang in shock. Behind them, there were dozens of guards from the Zhenwu Division and more than a dozen carriages.

Xiao Luo said with a smile: "We brought the car with us, we can leave after loading it, so we don't waste the time of Uncle Huang's treatment."

"The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole follows behind. Your plan is really good."

"This king has been looking for the whereabouts of this batch of money from Changmen. I didn't expect the uncle to be so calm, and he didn't move for several months. Thanks to Wushuang."

Lan Yuehou's fingers were bleeding more and more, he gritted his teeth and said, "If you have the ability, kill me."

"My nephew doesn't know how to kill uncles. It's enough for my nephew to chat with my uncle slowly. The blood on your body will always be drained."

(End of this chapter)

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