Chapter 125
Mo Yi glanced at Xiao Han and asked, "Why do you think she is smiling so happily?"

"I also want to know."

For some reason, Xiao Han intuited that what Sikong Qianruo saw in the mirror was a scene he hated.

"What the white gap mirror shows is the image that everyone wants to see most in their heart. If you want to know her heart, this deity can let you see it."

Peeping into other people's privacy is really a temptation of the devil.

But Xiao Han wants to see that she is the woman he likes, just like his father likes Yi Wenjun, knowing that she has other men in his heart, he still wants to keep her by his side.

Back then, he questioned his father's choice, but who knew that he, like his father, was an infatuated person.

"If you want to see it, please let the immortal do it."

Mo Yi waved his sleeve robe, and what appeared in the attic was the image in Qianruo's mirror—it turned out to be a wedding scene!

Sikongqian is like a phoenix crown and a xiapei, with a smile like a flower, and she is bowing down to Xiao Luoying, who is wearing a red robe. On the high hall, sitting are Emperor Ming and Sikong Chengfeng.

The wedding ceremony was held in the Tai Chi Hall, and the Manchu courts and military officials came to celebrate, and the whole country reveled.

The guests who participated included Confucian Sword Immortal, Li Hanyi, Lei Wujie, Tang Lian, Yin Qingxia, Luo Mingxuan and many other members of Xueyun City, as well as famous people in the world.

After worshiping heaven and earth, the bride and groom are sent to the bridal chamber.

The red candles were flickering, the pepper room was fragrant and warm, Xiao Luo lifted the red hijab on Qianruo's head with a smile, revealing that bright and unparalleled face.

After adding makeup, Qian Ruo changed from her previous heroic appearance, her pink face was shy, and she was shockingly beautiful.

Xiao Luo also seemed to be stunned, and after a while he lowered his head and kissed.

The small cherry lips were like honey, and they were sucked by Xiao Luo... The two lay down side by side, the bead curtain fell, and the clothes were thrown out.

"She actually? She actually..."

Xiao Han's heart was in a mess, his heart was broken and he was mad, he only felt unspeakable pain and hatred.

Among all the guests in the palace, there was no Xiao Han. It turned out that in her heart, she didn't even deserve the position of a guest.

"Don't read it, please take it back."

Xiao Han settled down and buried all the pain in his heart.

Mo Yi flicked his sleeve robe again, and the charming and strange voices in the room disappeared.

Immortal tea entrance, there is no previous sweetness, only deep bitterness.

After Xiao Han finished drinking this cup, he walked up to Mo Yi and kowtowed to the ground: "Please help me."

"It's all right to help you, but I also have my own troubles. I have waited for many years, and finally I waited for you, a predestined person, everything is determined by God."

"Xianzun needs Xiao Han's help for his troubles?"

Mo Yi said calmly: "You are really smart, but it is not you who can really help me, but the woman who came with you."

"Qianruo? Please tell me the details."

"Her name is Qianruo?"

"Yes, Sikong Qianruo, daughter of Spear Fairy Sikong Chengfeng."

Xiao Han was a little worried, so he deliberately said the gun fairy.

Hearing the gun fairy Sikong Chengfeng, Mo Yi showed a bit of surprise, but soon recovered his indifferent expression.

"Sit down and listen to the deity tell a story first."

Xiao Han wanted something from him, so he could only hold down his temper and listen to Mo Yi tell the story first.

"This deity has some fate with you Beili. Back then, my hometown suffered a severe drought and my parents died of starvation. My little sister and I fled famine and came to Beili. After a lot of hard work, we finally escaped into Tianzi City."

"But Tianzi City is not as it is in the legends. We brothers and sisters begged for two whole days, and only got one cold steamed bun. Hehe, the wine and meat of the Zhumen stinks, and there are frozen bones on the road."

Mo Yi's sneer made Xiao Han's heart shudder. He didn't dare to interrupt, and sat quietly waiting for Mo Yi to continue talking.

"We were driven around by the imperial army, and we could only hide under a cold and wet bridge hole for the night. I split the steamed buns in half and planned to eat them with the accumulated water in the bridge hole."

"Unexpectedly, the younger sister said that she had already eaten a steamed bun during the day's begging, and I would leave this for me to eat. I believed it to be true, and I was dying of hunger, so I ate the whole steamed bun immediately."

The tone of his narration was very indifferent, but Xiao Han was horrified when he heard it. There seemed to be a dilapidated and dark bridge hole in front of him, and two helpless children cuddled each other under the hole.

"When I woke up the next morning, I pulled my little sister up and prepared to go begging again, but found that my little sister was dead, her whole body was cold and lifeless."

"That's when I found out that my little sister was worried that we both would starve to death at the same time, so she gave me the steamed buns, but I, the big brother, ate them all selfishly, and my little sister starved to death."

There was a bang in Xiao Han's head, and at this moment he understood why Mo Yi's eyes were like a deep pool, and his whole body was lifeless.

Mo Yi continued without interruption: "After my little sister died, I had no choice but to sell myself to bury her and ask for an orphaned grave for her. At this time, Qi Qinghong, the former national teacher of the Northern Li Dynasty, passed by and helped her. I buried my little sister."

Xiao Han knew Qi Qinghong, he was Qi Tianchen's master, the supervisor of the previous Qin Tianjian, and was appointed a national teacher.

"Afterwards, Qi Qinghong took me to Qin Tianjian and accepted me as an apprentice. After a few years of good life, Qi Qinghong failed in his ascension, and he was reincarnated."

"It turns out that the Immortal Venerable is Qi Tianchen's fellow disciple."

When Qi Tianchen was mentioned, Mo Yi showed his emotions in a rare way: "Hmph, Qi Tianchen has limited talent and has not cultivated the Tao, but Qi Qinghong didn't pass on the mantle to me. After he died, I dug out the little sister's bones, and alone Go to sea and come here."

Dig out the bones?

Xiao Han was shocked again.

Speaking of this, Mo Yi finally burst out laughing wildly: "God is sorry, my little sister couldn't bear to leave me, and even left a ray of remnant soul on the bone, so that I have a chance to revive her."

"Xianzun, how can a dead person be resurrected?"

"Who says it's impossible, as long as I find a body that can hold her soul, I can bring my little sister back to me! This deity has practiced the ghost art for a year, just for this day."

Xiao Han had a bad premonition in his heart, he suddenly wanted to leave this attic and stop listening to what Mo Yi said behind him.

But he didn't get up after all, he still needed Mo Yi to help him recover his internal strength.

"After knowing that my little sister's remnant soul is still in this world, the deity began to practice the Taoist forbidden technique Nether Technique. After the Nether Technique is completed, it can transfer people's souls, which means seizing the body and reincarnating."

Mo Yi looked at him quietly: "You must be thinking, why should I tell you this story?"

"Please tell me straight up."

"Sikong Qianruo, who came with you, has a body that is rare in the world. She can hold two souls in one body."

"Accommodating two souls in one body? What's the difference from seizing a house?"

Xiao Han was getting more and more panicked, but he still asked calmly.

"After the house is seized, the original owner's soul no longer exists, but if one body accepts two souls, the original owner's soul is just suppressed and unable to wake up."

"What's the difference between that and the absence of a soul?"

Mo Yi said leisurely: "If you also practice the Nether Technique, you can wake her up again in the future. I wonder if you have the confidence."

This is not confidence, this is obsession. It took six years to practice the forbidden art, no wonder he hid in the fairy mountains overseas.

(End of this chapter)

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