Chapter 145 Fleeing Thousands of Miles
Xiao Han took Ji Yao and started his escape.

He left Tianzi City overnight and drove more than 100 miles. At dawn, he took a passenger boat and went up the river.

The apes on both sides of the strait couldn't help, and Qingzhou had passed the Ten Thousand Mountains.

Xiao Han stood on the deck, staring at the passing boats. With the ability of Zhen Wusi, he would definitely intercept them on the river. Once he was entangled, it would be difficult to get rid of.

His broken left arm was medicated and bandaged, and a thick cloak was wrapped around it, and it was not obvious that an arm was missing.

"Brother, is your injury?"

"No problem."

Xiao Han smiled. At this level, it is useless to blame yourself, and you can only go on.

He asked, "Do you think Mo Yi broke out?"

Ji Yao was also thinking about this question, if Mo Yi broke through the formation, Xiao Luo would definitely be killed, and the senior brother became the only son of Emperor Ming, so they would not have to run away.

But after thinking about it, pinning one's hopes on others is not very practical after all.

"Brother, why don't we go to Xueyun City, the information over there is convenient, and when we arrive, the information from Tianzi City should also arrive."

Snow Cloud City?
Xiao Han's eyes dimmed, unable to explain what happened to Qianruo, and with Sikong Chengfeng's temper, he would only turn against him if he went.

Among the four guardian envoys, the Leijiabao represented by the Azure Dragon Envoy was destroyed, and Lei Wujie fell.

Bai Xiaotang, represented by the White Tiger Envoy, was also destroyed, and only his junior sister followed him.

The only one intact is the Tang Sect represented by Xuanwu envoy, Tang Lianyue is a powerful and loyal person.

Xiao Han couldn't figure it out, how could such a good situation lose to an empty-handed Xiao Luo.

The two disembarked at Tongguan, went into the mountains, and walked southwest along the ancient Shu Road.

Night in the mountains comes very early.

Ji Yao hunted a pheasant, lit a fire, plucked the chicken, skewered it on a branch and roasted it.Her movements were extremely skillful, the short blade was used as a kitchen knife, and she cleaned out the internal organs of the pheasant with a few strokes.

"Junior Sister, why do you do these things?"

When Xiao Han was studying art in Baixiaotang, he rarely saw Ji Yao. He only knew that she was at odds with her master and was away all year round.

"I started taking care of my mother when I was six years old. She has limited mobility. I did all these things."

"Master never talks about my wife. I have studied art for more than ten years, but I have never met my wife once."

A trace of sneer appeared on the corner of Ji Yao's mouth: "Because my mother is a prostitute, after we got married with my father, I got married, and my mother immediately quit her job, but my father didn't recognize me."

Xiao Han was taken aback.

"After my mother gave birth to me, she helped other people wash their clothes for a living. But when I was three years old, I fell ill. My mother had no choice but to return to her old job in exchange for money to treat my illness."

"If Master knew you were sick, he wouldn't ignore it."

Ji Yao ignored him, and went on talking to herself: "My illness was cured, but my mother was ill. When I was eight years old, she finally died. It's not a bad thing. I won't suffer from these pains anymore."

Xiao Han was speechless.

Ji Yao tore off one of the roasted chicken legs, handed it to Xiao Han, and said: "After my mother died, my father came, took me back to Baixiaotang, and began to teach me martial arts."

"I remember that day, when Master brought you back, you were so fierce that you even bit him."

"It turns out that he knows everything about my illness, my mother's illness, and my mother's return to her old job. He knows everything about it."

Xiao Han was puzzled: "Since Master knows, why didn't you bring your mother and daughter back?"

Ji Yao gnawed on the other chicken leg: "You have to ask him."

Master has passed away, and there is nowhere to ask.

It was the first time for Xiao Han to eat food without oil and salt. He frowned and said, "When I see the village tomorrow, I can buy some salt and seasoning."

"We don't have any money. We have some jewelry, but we can't sell them. They are too eye-catching."

Fortunately, the weather has entered late spring, and the two have deep roots, so they are not afraid of catching cold.

After eating the pheasant, I found a piece of grass where I could lie down, and fell asleep with my clothes on.

Passing through a village the next day, while the farmers were going to work in the fields, Ji Yao stole some oil, salt and condiments, and two leather bags filled with water.

From Tianzi to Tangmen, nearly two thousand miles away, the two of them traveled day and night, and finally came to the western boundary line that day.

Xiao Han had followed King Langya for a long time and was familiar with the affairs of the army. He said to Ji Yao: "Originally the border line was between Jingzhou and Yuzhou. To the east was the Northern Li, and to the west was the Western Chu. But 30 years ago, the old town of Xihou The border has been moved westward for two hundred miles, and now part of the land in Yuzhou belongs to the Northern Calendar."

"Where is the Tang Sect?"

"The Tang Sect was originally located in Jinguan City, but when Western Chu established Jinguan City as the capital, the Tang Sect moved out and settled in the Tongliang Mountains outside Yuzhou City."

"Brother, have you ever been to Tang Sect?"

Xiao Han shook his head: "No, I heard what Tang Lianyue said."

Among the sworn brothers of King Langya, the one who likes Xiao Han the most is Tang Lianyue. In addition, the age difference between the two is only one generation, and they usually get along the most harmoniously.

After walking for another two days, a row of houses finally appeared in front of my eyes, which is not a small town.

"Brother, is this the Tang Sect?"

"It should be Taiping Town, the last town to enter the Tongliang Mountains, and also the gateway of the Tang Sect. Envoys or merchants going to the Tang Sect will all settle in Taiping Town."

The two went down the mountain and went straight to the town.

The largest street in Taiping Town is called Taiping Street, and the largest restaurant on the street is called Xiao Penglai.

Thinking of the trip to the East China Sea, Xiao Han really didn't like the name, but in order to find out the news, the two still walked in.

Xiao Er immediately ran over to say hello: "Miss Young Master, please go to the second floor, may I ask whether the private room or the lobby?"


They are looking for news, so naturally it is better to sit in the lobby.


Xiaoer took them up to the second floor, sat down by the window, and ordered two meat and two vegetables, plus a pot of green bamboo leaves.

The money for eating was naturally obtained halfway.

Xiao Han looked around, there were about twenty tables sitting in the lobby, and these people were pretending to be responsible, almost all of them were from the Jianghu, but they didn't know if they were from the Tang Sect or outsiders.

Xiao Er quickly delivered the dishes and wine. Xiao Han looked at the four dishes, all of which were thick piles of spices, such as pepper, garlic, dogwood, perilla, etc.

Lifting the chopsticks and lowering his mouth, Xiao Han choked so much that he almost spat out.

On the contrary, Ji Yao acted as if nothing had happened, her small cherry mouth, which was originally rosy, became even redder now.

"Junior Sister, are you used to the spicy Sichuan food?"

"It's better than nothing."

Xiao Han put down his chopsticks, took a sip of Zhuyeqing, and spit it out before reaching his throat: "Fake."

He is addicted to alcohol and has drunk all the famous wines in the world. Zhuyeqing is just an ordinary wine, and he did not expect that there are counterfeit wines.

Xiao Er happened to be delivering food to a nearby table, and when he heard his words, he was very unhappy and said, "Sir, don't talk nonsense, this is the blended Zhuyeqing. There is no more wine in Taiping Town, so there is only a little left in our shop. Blend it." Come out and give the guests a drink."

"How can there be no wine?"

"Who knows, not only is there no wine, but also sugar. After a while, I'm afraid there will be more shortages."

Xiao Han heard Xiao Er say that there was a shortage of supplies in Taiping Town, and wanted to ask again, but Xiao Er had already put down the food and wine and walked away.

At this time, the stairs thumped, and a group of people came up.

In front were six big men in blue clothes, with a purple leaf embroidered on the front of the clothes, which looked like a mask.

This is Tangmen's logo.

Surrounded by the big men was a middle-aged man wearing a yellow robe. The yellow robe was silky and shiny, and it turned out to be a product of Tianzi Yuxiufang.

This person should be an important person in the Tang Sect, but his footsteps are weak, his body is fat, and his martial arts are at most three ranks.

This group of people came to a private room arrogantly, opened the door, let the middle-aged man in yellow enter, and then closed the door.

At a glance, Xiao Han had already seen clearly that there was a lean man in his [-]s sitting in the private room.

He wanted to find out about the situation of the Tang Sect, so he exhausted his energy and listened to the conversation in the elegant room.

"Mu Duan, the owner of the lower Mu family village, send greetings to the young master."

"Mu Zhaizhu is polite, I don't know why you asked Tang to come out? If it's important, Mu Zhaizhu should go to the Tangmen headquarters and someone will make a decision."

It turned out that there were two people in the private room, one was Tang Wenxing, the son of Mrs. Tang, and the other was the owner of the Mu family village.

The Tang Sect has always passed on the virtuous and not the descendants, so even though Tang Lianyue was not born to the old Mrs. Tang, she was still established as the head of the sect.

But Mrs. Tang is a generation of heroes after all. He has been in charge of the Tang Sect for 50 years, and he only has such a son.

Tang Wenxing is a playboy, he has married many wives and concubines, but he only has one son and one daughter.

His son, Tang Jue, was accepted as a disciple by Tang Lianyue. After Tang Lian left the Tang Sect, Tang Jue became the elder brother of the Tang Sect's younger generation.

His daughter Tang Yan was brought up by Mrs. Tang himself, and it is said that her skill is not inferior to that of her elder brother Tang Jue.

Although Tang Jue is the grandson of the old man, he supports his master Tang Lianyue and has always been honest with his father.

Xiao Han didn't know who Tang Yan supported, and he continued to eavesdrop on the conversation in the room.

Tang Wenxing was reserved, and then said: "It was not difficult for Mujiazhai to want the copper mine. The owner of the sect has always ignored these things. But recently, it has not happened. All matters related to the economy have to be reported to the owner of the sect."

Mu Duan asked in surprise, "Why?"

"Who knows, since the second half of last year, Tangmen's hidden weapons could not be sold, medicinal materials could not come in, and the business plummeted. Now it is really poor, and there is no money to buy jewelry for the concubine's room."

"Doesn't the Tang Sect have four major allies, and they still have to worry about business through them?"

"Sigh, Lord Mu doesn't know. Last year the Lei Family Fort was picked, and the Mei Family in Lingnan couldn't hide. Jian Zhong went crazy and stopped selling weapons."

These are all secrets, Xiao Han shook his head, and the young master of the Tang Sect just shook his head to outsiders.

Mu Duan was very surprised, but then he thought that the world situation is so difficult, and he wants to get the copper mine.

He took out a stack of silver bills from his pocket: "Master, this is a deposit of 1 taels. If you give me the copper mine, I will give you another [-]% every year."

Tang Wenxing was happy to see Qian Xin, he was indeed too poor recently.

Tang Lianyue withheld a penny of the dividends during the Chinese New Year, but his expenditure did not decrease. Everyone in the house wanted to appease the wives and concubines, and in a blink of an eye, his private collection of tens of thousands of taels was gone.

He accepted the silver ticket with a smile, and said to Mu Duan: "Twenty percent is not enough. I have to cooperate with several other hall masters to get the copper mine, and they also score points."

"How much does the young master want?"

"Fifty percent, half for each of us."

"Fifty percent?"

Mu Duan jumped up: "Master, go dig the mine yourself, this business will not be done in the future."

"Okay, then I will find someone else."

Tang Wenxing stood up.

"Young master, please return the silver ticket to me."

"What bank note? Master Mu, don't talk nonsense."

These words not only surprised Mu Duan, but Xiao Han and Ji Yao who listened were also surprised. Is this the young master of Tang Sect?No wonder Mrs. Tang wanted to pass on the position of sect master to Tang Lianyue.

Seeing Tang Wenxing open the door of the private room, Mu Duan was willing to obey, and with a tiger roar, he pulled out the judge's pen from his waist and rushed towards Tang Wenxing.

Tang Wenxing was originally an idiot, but when he heard the wind from behind, he wanted to hide but was too late, and was deeply inserted into the back of his heart by two judge pens made of refined iron.

The disciples of the Tang Sect at the door heard the sound, opened the door and saw that the young master was already lying in a pool of blood.

Mu Duan killed Tang Wenxing with one move, and he was also stunned. He never thought that he would commit such a heinous crime on impulse.

"Catch the assassin! Catch him!"

"He killed the young master!"

"Call the doctor quickly, save the young master quickly!"

Xiao Penglai suddenly became a mess, several disciples surrounded Mu Duan and cursed angrily, and weapons continued to greet him.

Mu Duan came to his senses and knew that it was a major crime of beheading. He picked up the judge's pen and fought back. He just wanted to break out quickly and go home to tell his wife and children to hide.

The diners saw the tragic death of the young master of the Tang Sect, fearing that they would be implicated, they fled downstairs like a swarm.

The smiling shopkeeper and waiters huddled in the corner of the stairs to watch, complaining endlessly.

Ji Yao asked softly: "Brother, what should we do?"

Xiao Han took a sip of the blended Zhuyeqing, and said in a low voice: "It's a good thing for us, and we have a reason to see Tang Lianyue."

"After dark, we can go directly to Tangmen to see Tang Lianyue, why bother."

"The Tang Sect is heavily guarded, we will inevitably scare the snake when we go in, not to mention we are not just seeing Tang Lianyue."

Ji Yao didn't know his plan, and wanted to ask again, but Xiao Han stood up, walked quickly to the door of the private room, and slapped a few people away with his palm.

"Hurry up and arrest the murderer who assassinated the young master!"

Several blue-clothed disciples saw his high martial arts skills, thought he was from the Tang Sect, and immediately shouted.

The same is true for Mu Duan, Taiping Town is under the jurisdiction of the Tang Sect, such a master can only come from the Tang Sect.

Xiao Han shook his head: "I'm not from the Tang Sect, I'm just a passer-by, but I know the cause and effect of this matter."

He turned to Mu Duan: "Master Mu, even though you killed the young master, there was a reason for it. Are you willing to follow me to the Tang Sect to distinguish? I can promise that you will never die."

Knowing that he had eavesdropped on the conversation, Mu Duan was slightly relieved, but he hesitated to let him go to the Tang Sect for trial.

What the disciples were most afraid of was the crime of implication. Now that there are witnesses, it can be proved that they are not weak in protecting them. They all said at once: "If you refuse to return to the Tang Sect, we will kill you here!"

Mu Duan's martial arts foundation has only reached the first rank, although he is slightly stronger than Tang Wenxing, but now that things have gotten into trouble, he will definitely not be able to escape from Taiping Town.

What's more, the palm that Xiao Han showed just now was fierce and powerful, and he was not invincible.

He had no choice but to say: "I'll go back with you, but please testify that this matter was done by someone named Mu, don't implicate parents, wives, children and brothers in the village."

"I'll do my best, let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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