Chapter 154

Xiao Luo finally met Miss Wei.

It took him two days to deal with the affairs of the Yuzhou government and the Tangmen, and then accompanied by Wei Lang, he went to Tongquge Yuzhou Guild Hall.

In the Linjiang Pavilion, Miss Wei was making tea, when she saw Xiao Luo, she hurriedly saluted: "I am Wei Yun, and I have met His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."


Wei Yun raised his head, Xiao Luo lost his mind for a moment, he was such a beautiful woman.

Her head is full of blue silk tied into a cloud-like bun, and only a good jade hairpin is inserted, and drop-shaped jade pendants of the same color hang from both earlobes.

The peach cheeks are naturally bright red, the almond eyes are full of autumn waves, the face is round like a full moon, and it is indescribably graceful and luxurious.

The two knelt and sat down at each end of the tea table.

According to the ancient method, Wei Yun skillfully struck the teacup, and gradually made the tea soup and camellia.

It is a picture of a water battle on the Lingjiang River. The warship capsizes on the blue waves, and the flames are everywhere.

"Missy's tea art is really amazing."

"The tea ceremony is a trivial skill, how can it compare to His Highness's strategizing."

Xiao Luo looked around and asked, "Ji Yao was here to assassinate you that day? I never thought she would miss."

Wei Yun said with a smile: "Although my concubine does not know martial arts, she knows how to deceive her eyes. She stabbed her that day thinking she succeeded, so she retreated."

"Cheating? I'm curious."

Wei Yun took out a doll made of cotton cloth from under the table. There was a big hole pierced in the doll's chest, which was the mark left by the short blade.

Xiao Luo took the doll, but it was only about two feet tall, with a face like Wei Yun's. Although it was made of cloth, it felt like skin when held in his hand.

"It's amazing."

"The way of self-defense is not enough."

Wei Yun made tea and offered it with both hands.

Xiao Luo bowed to salute: "Thank you, Miss."

He took the teacup and took a sip. As expected, his teeth were full of fragrance and his tongue was full of fresh air. He couldn't help praising: "Good tea."

Wei Yun smiled without saying a word.

After drinking this cup of tea, Xiao Luo just said: "I am here, firstly, to thank Tongqu Pavilion for your help, whether it is to suppress the Tang Sect, or let Wei Lang help, I will accept your kindness. Secondly, I want to confirm , What exactly do Tonglu Pavilion and Miss Wei want from this Palace?"

Last year in Leijiabao, Miss Wei captured Mu Yumo and wanted to take away Tiangang's fire crossbow, and later sent Wei Lang to send Tiangang's fire crossbow to Tianzi to relieve the danger of the medicine man.

Wei Lang stayed in Tianzi after that, helped Xiao Luo a lot, and is now a core member of the East Palace.

In addition, Tongqu Pavilion has paid a high price for the economic suppression of Tangmen in the past year. After the resumption of business in Yuzhou, Tongqu Pavilion will make up [-]% of the profits for grain, oil, sugar, cloth and other businesses.

Merchants don't do business without money, and Xiao Luo doesn't want to owe such ambiguous favors, so he came here to clarify.

"What does Your Highness think the concubine is planning?"

"Huangshang, Tongqu Pavilion wants to monopolize Beili's trade and become the largest merchant."

Wei Yun covered her sleeves and smiled: "Your Highness is very smart, this is indeed the goal of Tonglu Pavilion."

"According to the eldest lady, is there a second goal?"

"This is what Tonglu Pavilion wants, but not what I want."

Xiao Luo became interested: "What does Missy want?"

Wei Yun raised his head and looked at Xiao Luo carefully, just like looking at a rare treasure, Xiao Luo's heart trembled.

"When I saw Your Highness for the first time in Leijiabao, I had this idea. Later, I sent someone to Tianzi, and found out His Highness's birth date. After the marriage, I and I are indeed a good match in the world, a match made in heaven .”


Even though Xiao Luo was fully prepared mentally, he was so shocked by these words that he almost knocked over the teacup in front of him.

This is Huang Qiufeng?
Wei Yun didn't seem to see Xiao Luo's embarrassment, and continued: "My master is a descendant of Guigu. He possesses the skills of vertical and horizontal. He once stirred up the situation of the Nine Kingdoms and launched the Spring and Autumn War. I am not talented, and I only learned a little. Fur, but I can see that His Highness has a strange destiny, has become glorious through the ages, and lost blood and rivers and mountains."

Ghost Valley, a mysterious school, unexpectedly thousands of years later, there are still descendants.

"This concubine is willing to dedicate this little bit of deeds to His Highness, and share the misfortunes and blessings with you, and live and die with you."

Xiao Luo pondered, regardless of beauty, wisdom, wealth, or vision, Wei Yun is the best choice, and can afford to be the mother of the world.

But he doesn't plan to get married through a transaction, and he doesn't want his wife to be like him. If he marries Wei Yun, the two will discuss work day and night, calculating gains and losses.

"Thanks to the wrong love from the eldest lady, Xiao Luo deserves it."

"Your Highness is not willing? Or is there someone else in your heart?"

"I haven't considered the matter of marriage yet."

Perhaps being rejected was already expected by Wei Yun, she was not angry, instead she got up and said: "Since I can't be a princess, I can be a counselor, I wonder if Your Highness would like to talk about the world with me? "

Xiao Luo hastily stood up and returned the gift: "This palace is more than I can ask for."

Wei Yun led Xiao Luo to another desk, and spread out the parchment on the table, which was a map.

"It seems to be different from the current map?"

"This is the division of national boundaries before the Spring and Autumn War. Before the Spring and Autumn War, there were countless great powers and vassal territories. After hundreds of years of war, there are now less than ten countries left."

After Xiao Luo traveled through time, he found that the history of the last few hundred years was indeed very strange. It was very different from the history he knew. It seemed to be a chaotic period suddenly inserted into the historical system he knew.

"Miss please advise."

"800 years ago, it was said that the God of Haotian descended, and the world was in chaos. Countries attacked each other for 500 years. After 500 years, the Xiao family suddenly rose up and took the land in the middle of the mainland, which is our northern land. Dynasty."


Her white pink fingers kept scrolling on the map: "The earliest capital of Western Chu was in Jingzhou. The official city and the dilapidated Western Shu merged into one and became the new Western Chu."

"So that's the case. I wonder why the capital of Western Chu is located in Shu."

"25 years ago, Jinguan City was captured by Liyang in the north, and Western Chu destroyed the country."

Wei Yun's finger stopped in Guanzhong area, there is a city that Xiao Luo is very familiar with, but the current name is not Chang'an.

"In the Spring and Autumn War, Liyang gained the most. Liyang possessed an invincible Beiliang Daxue Dragonrider. The Daxuelongrider swept the northwest, and the horse stepped into the south of the Yangtze River, breaking through eight countries in a row. Until the rise of Beili, the Daxuelongrider was defeated Stopped at Hangu Pass. The two sides sat down to discuss peace and rule the world together."

Xiao Luo moved along her fingers, Liyang and Beili occupied most of the continent, along the southeastern coastline, and deep in the southwest mountainous area, there were also small countries such as Old Song Dynasty and Nanzhao.

"In the past 300 years, under the joint rule of Beili and Liyang, although there have been small-scale wars, the mainland is generally in a stage of recuperation. But because of this, martial arts have become stronger. Not only Beili and Liyang, but also people on the grassland Beimang, Nanzhao in the mountains and forests, martial arts masters emerge in endlessly."

"You mean, people in martial arts will become the initiators of war?"

Wei Yun smiled and said, "Your Highness is really smart."

Xiao Luo frowned and thought, using martial arts to violate the ban, it was precisely because of his concern about martial arts that he formed Zhenwu Division and Jingwu Army, and wanted to use martial arts to control martial arts.

In the first lunar month, the forbidden army conspired to rebel. With the strength of two people, the Taifu and the national teacher withstood the attack of more than 1 forbidden troops, which shocked the world.If such a master is the party that initiates the war, one person can slaughter a city.

"What's the best plan for Miss?"

Wei Yun circled around, returned to Yuzhou, and said, "Your Highness did not capture King Chang'an, so he must go west to unite with the remnants of Western Chu."

"A survivor of Western Chu?"

"On the day the Western Chu Kingdom was broken, the King of Chu jumped off the Jinguan City to die for his country. The Queen was bestowed to death by the commander of the Daxue Dragon Rider. The royal family was slaughtered, but two princesses survived."

"Please continue."

"The eldest princess Jiang Si disappeared, and it is said that she was taken away by the Snow Dragon Rider. The little princess Jiang Yan was rescued by Guanzi Cao and raised in Xileibi, where the survivors live today."

Xiao Luo hadn't paid much attention to the information of other dynasties before. Hearing this, he felt faintly in his heart that it might be a mistake to let Xiao Han go.

Just when Wei Yun was telling Xiao Luo about the situation in Western Chu, Baili Dongfeng had already led Xiao Han into the West Wall.

Xileibi is more than 100 miles away from Jinguan City, and it is a cliff on the Minjiang River.

As high as the cloud peak, it is difficult for apes to climb.

After the two came in, they found that there was a vast world inside the cliff, and inside it was a vast valley with thousands of hectares of fertile land, ten thousand houses, farmers and farmers, and dogs and chickens heard about each other.


Baili Dongfeng said lightly: "Where is the paradise, it's just a group of survivors who refuse to forget their homeland."

There were guards on duty at the mountain pass, who led them into a majestic palace built of bluestone.

Xiao Han saw an old man in a blue shirt and white hair sitting alone in the hall, staring at the chessboard on the table.


The old man raised his head when he heard the sound, showing surprise: "Little Baili?"

It was only then that Xiao Han discovered that this person was not old, at most 50 years old, with a smooth face and slender phoenix eyes, but there were a few deep wrinkles on his forehead, which were obviously caused by years of worry.

Baili Dongfeng stepped forward to salute: "Senior Cao, it's been a long time."

He said to Xiao Han again: "This is Master Cao, come and see us quickly."

There is only one master Cao in the world, that is, Cao Changqing, the Western Chu chess master called Cao Guanzi. He studied under Li Mi, the national teacher of Western Chu, and is the leader among the scholars of Western Chu, and he is also a top martial artist.

When Cao Changqing fled to Beili, he was taken in by Baili Dongfeng's grandfather and escaped from Liyang's pursuit.

For this reason, Cao Changqing passed on Baili Dongfeng's three strokes of Western Chu swordsmanship, and he can be regarded as Baili Dongfeng's enlightenment mentor in martial arts.

Xiao Han didn't dare to neglect, and hastily kowtowed: "The junior Xiao Han has met Master Cao."

A gust of gentle wind hit, gently lifting Xiao Han up.

Xiao Han was startled, with his strength in the Free and Unfettered Heaven Realm, he couldn't even kneel down.

Cao Guanzi smiled and said: "I haven't entered Beili for many years, but I have heard the name of King Chang'an. How can I be worthy of the great gift of Prince Beili?"

Baili Dongfeng was a little embarrassed: "Their brothers fought, Xiao Han was defeated, so he had to leave Beili. After thinking about it, only Xileibi can take him in. I wonder if it will cause trouble for seniors?"

"Troublesome, the word Xileibi means trouble."

Hearing Cao Guanzi's tone, Baili Dongfeng was determined, and he saluted again: "Thank you, senior."

Guanzi Cao glanced at him, and sighed, "Xiao Baili, why is your hair gray?"

When he met Cao Guanzi for the first time, Baili Dongfeng was just a teenage dude, fighting cocks and running dogs, bullying the good and the good, which caused the old town Xihou a lot of headaches.

"You should laugh at me if you are passionate, and you will be born early. Haha, let the seniors laugh."

Guanzi Cao was amused, and stopped asking any more questions, and instead said, "I heard that your wine-making skills have reached perfection, and there are wheat and sorghum in Xileibi. I don't know if I can invite you to brew some good wine for the old man."

"Senior ordered, An dare not follow."

Cao Guanzi immediately called the guards over, and led Baili Dongjun to the granary to move the grain, and ordered the guards to help find all the necessary tools.

After they left, Guanzi Cao asked Xiao Han to sit opposite him.

On the table of the Eight Immortals, the chess pieces are broken, and the game is not over yet.

"I heard that Chang'an Wang Jing is so talented, why don't you play a game with this old man?"

"How dare the juniors play tricks in front of the seniors."

"Don't dare or can't?"

Not daring is an attitude, not a level.

Xiao Han was born with arrogance, so he bowed his head when he came here. Hearing what Cao Guanzi said, he felt a sense of injustice in his heart, and said coldly: "The younger generation asks Master Cao for advice."

He also wanted to know how well-known Cao Guanzi was at chess.

Xiao Han watched the endgame, and Bai Zi was in a corner, unable to move an inch.He thought for a while, picked up the white piece, and landed on the other corner.

"Oh? Find another way, this can't save your chess."

Cao Guanzi picked up a black chip and placed it between the two corners of the white chip, just blocking the gap between the two corners to help each other.

Xiao Han didn't pay any attention to it, and it was like the wind, always wiring between the two corners.

Guanzi Cao was not in a hurry, and Heizi followed Baizi.

Soon, half of the chessboard was crowded, and the black pieces still had the upper hand, while the white pieces were still alive.

"This is children playing chess, use strength to beat them."

While Cao Guanzi was talking, he put down a black stone to encircle him, and ate seven or eight white stones in succession.

Obviously lost.

"Senior's chess skills are superb, and Heizi is sure to win, no matter how the junior plays, he will never be able to play."


"That's why I messed around in this half of the country, so that all the troops on the chessboard can be gathered here, leaving the other half empty."

Xiao Han pointed to the opposite side, the half of the chessboard was empty and seemed to be forgotten.

If Cao Guanzi has realized something.

"Senior, the black and the white sides are anxious here, if there is a new force in that area..."

Cao Guanzi's eyes turned cold: "Who is Baizi?"

Xiao Han said quietly: "Senior and I are both white sons, weak and weak, so we can only give them to others to eat."

"Who is the sunspot?"

"Tianzi. In the name of Xiao's successor, I would like to let the Jiang family of Western Chu return to their hometown and rule the Central Plains together."

Cao Guanzi couldn't help being moved, and returned to his hometown, back to Jingzhou, where the real state of Chu is.

Hundreds of years have passed, and many Western Chu people have forgotten where their roots are, and regard Jinguan City as their hometown.

"Who can control that half of the chess game?"

"The enemy of our enemy is our ally."

(End of this chapter)

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