Chapter 158 The Golden Carriage
Su De watched the fifth raccoon keep retreating, he knew that the mountain master was waiting for Li Hanyi to make a mistake.

What neither he nor Shanzhu knew was that Li Hanyi had experienced countless battles and life-and-death encounters in the past 30 years, and she was the one who survived.

How can a person who has experienced death make mistakes.

The fifth raccoon did not wait for Li Hanyi's mistake, but waited for her last sword.

That was the sword she realized when she cut off her relationship with Zhao Yuzhen in Qingcheng Mountain.

Sword name: Snow Dance·Blood Dance.

As soon as the sword came out, the cold air came, and snow began to fall in the Rouran Mountains.

The sword energy chased the fifth raccoon dog, forming a thin ice edge on his chest.

Su De was shocked, and without caring about Fifth Raccoon's face, he immediately yelled: "Ding Slave, Protector of the Mountain!"

On Wula Peak, dozens of burly giants rushed to the fifth raccoon dog with their bare arms and feet.

The footsteps of these giants made the Ula Peak tremble.

Ding slaves, as the name suggests, everyone can lift the heavy Beimang stone tripod, and can tear apart the most ferocious mastiff on the grassland with their bare hands.

They come from the deepest part of the Kunlun Mountains. Although they have great strength, they are insane. After being trained by the fifth raccoon dog, they have become the terrifying combat power of the Rouran Mountains.

There were a hundred slaves carrying the tripod, and they usually defended Wula Peak. Now they heard Su De's shout, and they all rushed out from the defensive place.

The one who was closest to the fifth raccoon had already rushed to his side, using his body to slam into Li Hanyi's sword energy.

Wind, howling.

Snow, drifting.

No one appreciates the ice and snow in early summer, and only life or death flashes in everyone's mind.

Li Hanyi's last sword, Blood Dance.

The sword energy turned into an ice edge, piercing through the tripod slave standing in front of the fifth raccoon.

The second slave who carried the tripod rushed to him.

Stab again.

The third, the fourth... More and more tripod slaves rushed to build a long wall with their own flesh and blood to defend.

Similarly, with the sword energy stabbing again, gorgeous flowers bloomed on these tripod slaves.

Blood stained the snow red.

Su De has never seen a tripod slave die so quickly. Although the cost of breeding and training a tripod slave is huge, he can only watch them die.

But the fifth raccoon can't die.

"Rouran cavalry, get on the horse!"

Su De shouted sharply, and the cavalry who had been standing in Rouxuan Town immediately withdrew like sea water and rushed to the camp outside the town.

There are tens of thousands of heavily armored war horses, these horses are also called Iron Buddha.

Before the Rouran cavalry had time to step onto the iron pagoda, the tripod slaves in front of the fifth raccoon finally died, and more than 30 corpses fell on the forest path, like rows of long strips of candied haws.

The rest of the tripod slaves were still running, but it was too late.

Su De watched desperately as the sword light lit up and passed through the chest of the fifth raccoon dog.

"Kill the enemy!"

He could only roar an order, hoping to take the head of the Central Plains female sword fairy, otherwise Her Majesty the Empress would let the entire Tibing Mountain be buried with her.

Li Hanyi withdrew his sword, leaped over Rouxuan Town, and swept into the depths of the grassland.


"Light the beacon!"

"Notify the other four towns that the Rouran Mountains have broken into the Central Plains assassins!"

Su De didn't stop giving orders, and the Tiefutu in Rouxuan Town completed their formation and galloped away in the direction of Li Hanyi.

Several clusters of straight smoke rose from Wula Peak, and the four towns of Laohuai, Jilu, Gaoque, and Wuchuan would soon know what happened here.

After Su De gave the order, he ran towards the fifth raccoon lying in the forest.

"Mountain Lord! Mountain Lord!"

The fifth raccoon dog was lying on the mountain road in the forest, with his back facing the sky, his eyes were wide open, and he seemed to be full of puzzlement.

Why does life end like this?

The last snowflake fell and landed on Fifth Raccoon's eyelashes, which quickly turned into tears at the corners of his eyes.

This was the first time Su De saw the Mountain Lord's tears.

Mandu Ratu and Gan Yici both ran over from the mountain and the other from the bottom of the mountain.

The three were terrified.

The mountain master and deputy mountain master died at the same time, and only the three of them were left to command the five military towns. The Rouran Mountains with [-] cavalry will be in chaos.

Mandu Ratu and Gan Yicai hurried down the mountain: "I'm going back to command Laohuai's cavalry."

"I'm going back to Wuchuan."

Another straight beam of smoke rose, announcing the fall of the owner and deputy owner of Tibing Mountain.

The Rouran Mountains shook.

Soon, the entire grassland will shake.

Su De got on his horse, took the rest of the tripod slaves, and chased after Rouxuan's [-] cavalry.

Li Hanyi didn't know the road on the grassland.

After the night came, she didn't dare to run around, so she found a quiet mound and sat down, leaning against the weathered sand, planning to fall asleep.

Rouran cavalry used the trained falcon to track her route in the air, and finally surrounded her here after nightfall.

The [-] iron stupas formed an encirclement circle with a radius of a hundred miles, pressing on every step of the way.

Thousands of torches illuminate the grassland as brightly as day.

Su De, Mandu Ratu, and Gan Yici all knew that they had to catch the assassinating female sword fairy of the Central Plains tonight, otherwise, after dawn, the court dignitaries who coveted Rouran's iron cavalry would cramp and skin the three of them.

What the dignitaries want is the Rouran cavalry, not the three peak masters of Tibing Mountain.



In the bright flames, Tiefutu launched a charge.

"Futu", from Sanskrit, means a tall tower.

Iron Buddha means that both men and horses wear heavy armor.

Every cavalry is heavily armored from head to toe, with only two eyes exposed, and the weapons they use are mainly heavy carbine and saber.

Fifty Iron Buddhas form a team, if one retreats, the whole team will be killed!

The three of Su De cooperated with each other tacitly, and amidst the sound of the desolate horn, the teams of the three towns took turns to charge.

After the first round, the encirclement was reduced to sixty miles.

In the first charge, Li Hanyi made four sword strikes, one sword in each direction, and each sword cut off more than 800 horses and men on horseback.

No one back.

In the second charge, Tiefutu advanced another twenty miles.

In the second round, Li Hanyi made eight strikes, two strikes in each direction, and she wanted to find the weakest position.

Two consecutive sword strikes cost the Iron Buddha Tu one thousand and two in each direction.

In two rounds of charge, the soft iron cavalry lost 8000 men and horses.

Su De calculated that the woman was only forty miles away, and she would be able to unscrew her head with two more charges.

The heavy armor worn by Rouran cavalry and war horses weighed [-] jin. Adding the weight of cavalry and weapons, Tiefutu could only charge four times at most, and his physical strength would be exhausted.

She and them only have two chances left.


Iron Buddha launched a third charge.

Li Hanyi flicked his wrist, feeling a little sore.

She has made twelve swords, twelve times "thousands of miles towards the sea".

"Wanli toward the Canghai" is the strongest group attack move of Zhishui swordsmanship, with the largest attack range, where the sword qi hits, both people and horses will be injured.

But these men and horses are too tough. The heavy armor made of fine iron and soft black iron, as long as a few hundred people gather together, they can block Li Hanyi's attack.

However, she has found a way to break through.

Li Hanyi left the mound and ran towards the northeast. This time, she did not move her sword in four directions, but kept cutting towards the northeast.

One sword, two swords, three swords, four swords...

Thousands of miles towards the sea.

The grassland in the night is the undulating sea, and the galloping iron pagoda is the waves in the sea.

The Iron Horse Glacier freezes all the spray in place.

The iron pagoda in the northeast fell down with a crackling sound, and there was a sound like cracking ice. The torch fell and was covered with snow and ice.

Su De's face changed drastically. To the northeast were the cavalry from Jilu and Gaoque Towns, and they were also the two teams of the five military towns that did not belong to the direct line of Tibing Mountain.

Their leader did not see Li Hanyi's horror with his own eyes, so there was a gap between the two teams.

Among the tens of thousands of heavy cavalry, who would care about this slight gap.

Li Hanyi cared, she ran towards the gap, with the sword in front and the person behind.

Su De took the horn trombone from the trumpeter and blew it himself.

The melodious sound of the trumpet passed, and the commanders of the Jilu and Gaoque armies immediately understood, and instantly changed their formation to block the gap.

Just a little bit.

Li Hanyi regretted that she had fallen into the Rouran Iron Rider.

Tall war horses trampled on her head, and countless spears and sabers slashed at her. At this moment, her figure was thinner than a piece of paper.

"The bright moon rises from the Tianshan Mountains."

Li Hanyi protected himself and broke out step by step.

The soldiers and horses of the other three towns were still twenty miles away, and there was still a little time before Tiefutu's fourth charge.

Su De's horn sounded more and more impatiently, which was to make the Jilu and Gaoque armies keep the enemy at all costs.

The commanders of the Jilu and Gaoque armies were a little angry. After Li Hanyi charged all the way, the team lost nearly [-] horses.

Regardless of horses or cavalry, the losses in these two towns have exceeded one-third.

The commanders of the two armies looked at each other across the formation, and chose to ignore Su De's urging.

I heard that this fierce woman is the Sword Immortal of Central Plains, if I really want to fight her desperately, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep half of my horses and people.

Even if she is killed in the end, a team that has lost more than half will inevitably face reorganization.

Preserving strength is the smartest choice.

A knife cut Li Hanyi's left arm, drawing a line of blood.

Then came the second knife, which was cut on her right leg.

The third knife, the fourth knife...

The true energy is slackening, and the eyes can't even open a little.

Li Hanyi yelled loudly, like a thunderclap for a long time: "One world breaks the green mountains!"

In an instant, the light of the sword illuminated the night, surpassing the light of thousands of torches.

Li Hanyi rushed out of the encirclement.

Taking advantage of the remaining power of the move, he flew across the sky like a shooting star and disappeared into the distant darkness.

"Trash! Trash!"

Su De cursed, the encirclement of the five towns is only three miles away, if the Jilu and Gaoque armies stop her for a moment, the Rouran cavalry will completely trample her to death.

Looking at the night sky where she disappeared, Su De felt that he had also fallen into deep darkness.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Hanyi woke up.

She opened her eyes, and in front of her eyes were a pair of big black eyes, a small face tanned red in the plateau, and a long row of thin and dense braids.

It turned out to be a teenage girl dressed as Bei Mang.

"you're awake?"

The girl asked in crisp Central Plains dialect.

"you are?"

"My name is Miss Ashi."

"Miss Ashi?"

Weird name.

Before Li Hanyi could ask again, a pair of slender hands stretched out beside her, and pulled Ashi away.

"Her name is Miss Ashi, and I'm Young Master Ajiu. Let's get to know each other."

Only then did Li Hanyi realize that he was lying down, covered with a snow-white quilt, and his clothes had already been changed.

She groped calmly, but there was no Iron Horse Glacier under the quilt or pillow.

The speaker seemed to have guessed what she was thinking, and said with a smile: "Don't look for your weapon, you were injured, it was my young master who saved you."

The person who called himself Young Master Ah Jiu sat across from Li Hanyi and looked at her curiously.

This is a man from Beimang with a high nose and deep eyes. He looks less than 30 years old. He wears a small golden crown and a blue scribe shirt. A book is half-rolled in his hand.

"You saved me?"

"To be precise, Eleven saved you, he carried you back, but Miss Ashi changed your clothes."

Young Master Ah Jiu spoke Beili Mandarin, not Beiliang dialect.

Although he felt strange, Li Hanyi still stood up and gave a salute: "Thank you, Master Ajiu."

"Hahaha~ You're welcome."

Ah Jiu laughed loudly.

Then, he turned to the outside and said, "Eleventh, stop the carriage and rest."


Before Li Hanyi could figure it out, after a slight tremor, Ah Jiu pushed open the door and jumped down.

Li Hanyi followed his figure and saw a green grassland.

"Is it really a carriage?"

She looked up and looked around. If this was a carriage, it would be too big. Not only did it have a large bed for sleeping, but there was even a bookshelf full of books beside the bed.

Miss Ashi opened the wooden door at the other end, allowing Li Hanyi to see clearly.

It turned out to be a restaurant over there, a small table with exquisite teapots and cups, and several plates of dried fruit snacks.

Beside the table were three chairs covered with snow-white wolf furs.

Li Hanxin couldn't help being curious, she got up from the bed, and with the help of Miss Ashi, she jumped out of the car.

Looking at the carriage again, Li Hanyi was speechless for a moment.

This is a golden carriage!
It is so golden that it seems to absorb the light of the entire grassland here.

"Is this carriage okay? It used five tons of gold, but it's a pity that wood must be used inside, otherwise it would be too heavy for the horse to move."

Pulling this golden carriage are four top-notch cold-blooded horses, all of which are snow-white without a single hair.

"very good."

Li Hanyi didn't know why this person used gold to build the carriage. She thought for a while and asked, "Aren't you afraid of being robbed by others? Or are you a hidden master?"

As early as in the carriage, Li Hanyi had checked Young Master Ah Jiu. He didn't have any real energy in his body.

Ah Jiu laughed again, showing her big white teeth in the sun: "I also hope that I am a master, but unfortunately my sea of ​​energy has been destroyed long ago, and I will not be able to practice martial arts for the rest of my life."


Miss Ashi curled her lips: "In Beimang, no one dares to think about us, otherwise His Majesty the Empress will cut off their heads."

"Who are you?"

Ah Jiuman said indifferently: "The Ninth Prince of Beimang is also the son of His Majesty the Empress, the younger brother of the Prince, my name is Yan Zhen, you can call me Ah Jiu or Ah Zhen."

Li Hanyi's heart trembled slightly. She killed the mountain owner and deputy mountain owner of Tibing Mountain, and killed so many Rouran cavalry, but was rescued by the Ninth Prince.

What is this all about?

(End of this chapter)

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