Chapter 164
Song Xiaoyu continued to tell the story of the king's tent and the golden carriage in Beimang:
The empress and the late emperor had two sons, the eldest son was ten years older than the second son,
When the first emperor passed away, the eldest son had already reached the age of sixteen, and had his own power and assistant ministers, and his position was firm.

It stands to reason that the eldest son should succeed.

But to everyone's surprise, the empress imprisoned her eldest son and his personal guards, ascended the throne herself, and became the first empress of Beimang.

After the empress succeeded to the throne, she did not kill her eldest son. She needed the power from the eldest son, otherwise Beimang would be divided, which would be detrimental to the country.

In order to persuade the eldest son, the empress immediately made him the crown prince, and appointed Han Gu, the most talented female disciple of Yuefu, who had played chess and swords, as the crown princess.

Not only that, in order to reassure the eldest son completely, the Empress stabbed her second son, Ninth Prince Yanzhen Qihai, so that Yanzhen could not practice martial arts from then on.

On the grassland, a prince who cannot practice martial arts is despised.

This move declared that the second son would no longer participate in the struggle for the throne. After the death of the empress, everything in Beimang belonged to the prince.

This operation really dispelled the prince's vigilance, and the mother and son reunited, and they were determined to make the country rich and the army strong.

Song Xiaoyu's narration made the calm Xiao Luo secretly startled, and Li Fanxuan even exclaimed: "What a cruel empress, what a vicious mother!"

"So, in Beimang, the empress orders and prohibits, and there is nothing she can't do."

Xiao Luo asked: "The golden carriage is the Empress' compensation for the Ninth Prince?"

"Young Master Wei's eyes are like torches."

Song Xiaoyu looked at Xiao Luo in admiration, never expecting that Mr. Wei was so quick thinking.

"In order to make up for the Ninth Prince, Her Majesty the Empress generously rewarded the Ninth Prince with property, mansions, gold, servants, beauties... Some even said that one-tenth of the national treasury was given to the Ninth Prince."

Li Fan was puzzled and said, "Wouldn't this be arousing the envy of others? The Ninth Prince has no strength, and has done nothing to the country. He has received generous rewards for nothing. There must be many people in the court who are dissatisfied."

"Yes, so I can't figure out why Her Majesty the Empress did this."

Xiao Luo sighed lightly: "It's really miserable for the Ninth Prince to meet such a mother. The Empress didn't intend to let him live for a long time. It is estimated that the day the Empress died was the moment when the Ninth Prince was killed."

"Why did Mr. Wei say that?"

"She honored him when she was alive, and when she died, all these honors are for liquidation, and it gave a reason for the prince to eradicate his brother, which is more conducive to the succession of the prince."

Song Xiaoyu couldn't help shivering.

She remembered the first time she met the Empress, when she was 14 years old and had just been found by the city lord's uncle.

For some reason, her uncle took her all the way to the royal court.

The empress met her and her uncle in her private royal tent.

That day, she was very nervous, and when she kowtowed down, she realized that the carpet in the queen's tent was old.

"Look up and let me take a good look."

Song Xiaoyu heard a majestic voice, but with inexplicable kindness.

She raised her head, glanced at the empress quickly, and quickly lowered her head.

The empress smiled: "Child, look up, and you also look at me."

Only then did Song Xiaoyu boldly look at the Empress.

This is a somewhat aging woman, maybe forty or fifty, dressed in a very ordinary way, wearing an old blue robe, her hair is combed into two thick braids and coiled behind her head.

Except for a pair of extremely bright eyes, the rest is very ordinary.

Song Xiaoyu secretly wondered how the late emperor fell in love with her with such an ordinary beauty.

Perhaps guessing what Song Xiaoyu was thinking, the empress laughed loudly, and said to her uncle, "She seems to look down on me a bit."

Uncle, who was usually very serious, even laughed at this moment: "She is still a child, not sensible."

The empress said again: "16 years old, it's time to be sensible."

Uncle replied: "Yes, I will educate her well."

Next, the empress asked her some trivial matters in detail, such as whether she was reading, whether she could read and write, how she was doing in martial arts, especially about Su De and her master, she asked a lot.

Finally, the empress left them to have a meal in the king's tent.

The meal was not as rich as Song Xiaoyu imagined. There was a wild duck, half a rabbit, and some deep-fried pancakes. The pancakes were hollow and filled with minced mutton.

The only thing that impressed Song Xiaoyu deeply was that there were two thin and long things on the dining table. The empress said they were called cucumbers, and they were bought at a high price from the Central Plains.

As for the wine from the Western Regions, Song Xiaoyu didn't find it unusual. Her master was a troubadour. He had been to the Western Regions and brought back bloody red wine for his brothers and sisters.

When she came back from the king's tent, her uncle told her that this is the standard only for the empress to entertain distinguished guests. Usually, her majesty herself only has one dish and one cake.

"Isn't Your Majesty very rich? She rewarded the Ninth Prince with so many gold jewels."

Uncle just smiled.

Not long after returning from Wangzhang to Dunhuang City, senior brother Su De was recommended to Tibing Mountain. He followed the fifth raccoon to fight in the north and south, gained a lot of military merits, and was soon appointed as the peak master of Tibing Mountain.

But the master died not long after.

It is said that he fell into the river after being drunk, and even his body was soaked.

The second time I saw the empress was when my uncle passed away.

Uncle was dying of illness, so he insisted on delaying to close his eyes until the Empress came to Dunhuang City.

The empress personally presided over the burial ceremony of her uncle, and after that, she personally issued a letter of appointment, appointing Song Xiaoyu as the new city lord of Dunhuang City.

This was a decision that stunned the Beimang court. The ministers almost overturned the king's tent, but the empress did not change her decision.

The prince remained silent.

Thus, one of the most prosperous cities in the Eastern Grassland belonged to Song Xiaoyu.

In the first three years of taking over, the assassination of Dunhuang city lord occurred almost every month, but the guards stopped each time.

After every assassination case, there was a series of in-depth questioning and punishment, because a dunhuang city lord lost the heads of many princes and ministers in those three years.

Three years later, the lessons of blood finally let the ministers understand that Song Xiaoyu is the unshakable Lord of Dunhuang.

Some bold people even speculated that Dunhuang City was a trap set by the empress to catch opponents.

Regardless of the reason, in short, no assassin came to Dunhuang City again, and Song Xiaoyu has been the lord of the city for eight years.

Song Xiaoyu didn't think too much about whether those guards who were always in danger to protect the lord were sent by the empress. In her eyes, the empress is a difficult person to see through.

Hearing what Xiao Luo said at this moment, she suddenly thought of herself, after the death of the Empress, will she end up with the same fate as the Ninth Prince?

Hearing her silence for a long time, Li Fan said impatiently: "Since the Ninth Prince has a lot of wealth, why does he build a golden carriage and run around?"

Song Xiaoyu came back to his senses: "The Ninth Prince doesn't like to stay in the king's tent. In fact, he is a bit like my master, he likes to walk around, but the master uses his own feet, and he uses a golden carriage."

"He has no martial arts, running around like this, won't anyone rob him?"

With her own experience, Song Xiaoyu understands the reason why the Ninth Prince is still alive.

"Because the nine princes were assassinated more than a dozen times in the first few years of the golden carriage trip, and after each assassination, thousands of heads fell to the ground. As time passed, no one dared to use the golden carriage anymore."

"A dozen assassinations didn't kill him?"

Li Fan couldn't believe it.

"Although the Ninth Prince doesn't know martial arts, his coachman refers to the Profound Realm, and the maid is from the Vajra Realm. If you want to kill him, you must be at least at the Grandmaster level."

Xiao Luo concluded: "Every grandmaster would never attack someone who has no martial arts and is not a threat to them."

"Yes, the masters of Bei Mang are all behind the family, or rely on the big sect, they will not kill for gold, and once they kill, the sect and family members behind them will not survive."

Li Fan suddenly realized: "In this way, it is really possible that she was saved by the Ninth Prince."

Xiao Luo shook his head: "Even if he is taken away by the Ninth Prince, it is still unpredictable whether it will be a blessing or a disaster."

After talking for such a long time, Xiao Luo almost got all the clues he wanted, and said goodbye to Song Xiaoyu immediately: "Thank you, City Lord Song."

"You saved my brother, I should thank you."

"Then it's worth two."

Maybe Beimang and Beili will fight soon, whether it is Dunhuang attacking Yunzhong, or Yunzhong attacking Dunhuang, Xiao Luo and Song Xiaoyu are all hostile relations, there is no need for a deeper relationship.

"Young Master Wei, take care, don't send it away."

Song Xiaoyu bowed her body and watched Xiao Luo and Li Fan blew out of the city lord's mansion.

Soon, a voice came from outside the window: "City Lord, do you want to report back?"

Song Xiaoyu sighed: "There are leaks everywhere in this city, is there anything that can be hidden from His Majesty?"


"Let's report back, just say that my martial arts skills are low, and I can't keep the sword immortals in the Central Plains, so I let them leave to save my life."

"But Mr. Su?"

"Senior Brother has lost half of his life, and he used this half of his life to fish out the information His Majesty wanted. His Majesty will not kill him again."

"My subordinate understands."

The people outside the window walked away, and there was no sound in the courtyard.

Song Xiaoyu sat on the bed a little tiredly, she was so boring being the city lord, she was not as comfortable as when she was with her master and senior brother.

Thinking of Master, Song Xiaoyu suddenly had a thought that he had never thought about before, did Master really fall into the river drunk?
Master's drinking capacity and martial arts are not bad, how could he drown?

Also, why did the empress travel all the way to Dunhuang to funeral a minister?Uncle doesn't seem to have made any great achievements.

A feeling of coldness gradually rose in his heart, and for the first time Song Xiaoyu felt that his surroundings were full of strangeness.

Xiao Luo and Li Fanban who left Dunhuang City were also talking about this topic.

"Xiao Luo, I feel that Song Xiaoyu is a strange woman. Even though the empress wanted to fish out the opposition party, she was caught three years ago, and now she is still making her the city lord."

Xiao Luo smiled: "Who can explain the royal affairs clearly."

"Do you think she has something to do with the Empress?"

"I don't know, and I'm not interested, but I can be sure from what she said."

"decide what?"

"His Majesty the Empress of Beimang is cruel and merciless, and her majesty is definitely not something our Majesty of Beili can deal with."

Li Fan was stunned, as if this was the case.

"Actually, although your father didn't treat you very well, he was a nice person and he didn't kill innocent people."

Xiao Luo said meaningfully: "How can a king just be a good person? Besides, he is not a purely good person."

"don't know."

Li Fan scratched his hair: "I only know that we still have five hundred miles to reach Qijian Yuefu."

Just as Xiao Luo and Li Fan were sprinting in the grassland, the golden carriage finally arrived at the junction of Yuchan Prefecture and Xihe Prefecture.

Shi Shi, the coachman, reined in his horse and asked, "Young master, if we move forward, we will reach Chess Sword Yuefu."

Ninth Prince Yanzhen opened the curtain, "Are you worried that if you go to Qijian Yuefu at this time, they will attack Li Hanyi?"

Eleven laughed twice: "Hey."

Yanzhen retracted his head and asked Li Hanyi in the carriage: "What do you mean?"

For the convenience of recuperating during this time, Li Hanyi's mask has been taken off, and a cascade of black hair is tied behind his head, revealing a snow-like face.

Even after looking at it for more than a month, Yanzhen still felt that he couldn't get enough of this face.

Li Hanyi was sitting cross-legged in meditation, when he heard the question, he opened his eyes, and replied calmly: "Go, Master Jian Palace Huang Qing, that's my target."

"You are really stubborn, even if you beat Huang Qing, can you win the whole chess and sword Yuefu?"

"It's enough to win him."

"Using your life to prove the sword, it is difficult for you swordsmen to understand."

Yanzhen shook his head, and asked the girl Ashi beside him: "What about you? Do you have any goals to challenge?"

Miss Ashi bit a piece of pancake, smacked her lips and smiled: "I'll wait for others to challenge me."

Li Hanyi circulated the true essence in his body to make sure that all the injuries had recovered, and even had some wonderful things.

She couldn't tell what that mystery was, it was just a feeling, which started after the desperate battle with the fifth raccoon.

She secretly thought that maybe Beimang's martial arts were too different from Beili's. Whether it was fighting against the fifth raccoon dog or breaking out of the encirclement of Rouran Tiefutu, her sword intent was constantly being stimulated.

But this mystery is too difficult to capture, so I will save it for later.

Li Hanyi stopped meditating, and asked Yanzhen: "Ah Jiu, tell me about Qijian Yuefu again."

For more than a month, the four of them have been getting along day and night, and they have become acquainted. Li Hanyi is not a hypocritical person, so he called them Ah Jiu, Ah Shi, and Eleven according to their own names.

Miss Ashi and Shiyi both called her Xueyun Sword Immortal, while Yanzhen called her by her first name.

Because Li Hanyi wanted to recuperate from his injuries, after the carriage left the Rouran Mountains, it first drove to the distant Jinxi Prefecture, out of danger, and then stopped and walked as he wanted.

When it was time to go to bed at night, the carriage was given over to Li Hanyi and Miss Ashi, while Yanzhen and Shiyi rested outside with a bonfire.

Along the way, avoid crowds and walk in remote and uninhabited places.

Only after the food in the car was finished, did it drive to the vicinity of the herdsmen's settlement, and let Miss Ashi and Eleven buy it back.

Jinxi Prefecture is far away from Wangzhang and Rouran Mountains, and there are no military towns or sects nearby, so this eye-catching golden carriage seems to have disappeared.

After Li Hanyi recovered from his injury, Yanzhen let Eleven go back. This time, he changed the route and traveled as he pleased.

"Chess Sword Yuefu, I am really familiar with Young Master Ah Jiu, because my great mother, Your Majesty, came from Chess Sword Yuefu."

(End of this chapter)

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