Chapter 176
When You Zi'an asked Gu Shuai to step down, Tian Yu was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and Lu Wen jumped up from his chair.

"Zian, what are you talking about!"

"Great rebellion! Great rebellion!"

You Zi'an looked at the left and right camp generals with a trace of contempt in his eyes. Unlike the two of them, You Zi'an came from a family of generals.

If it goes back all the way, it can be traced back to the founding of the Northern Li Dynasty, his ancestors were soldiers beside the founder of the country.

After the founding of Taizu, the ancestor of Youjia became the leader of the forbidden army, who could enter and leave the palace at any time.

The second ancestor was the deputy commander of the frontier army.

Since then, the You family has become a popular family of generals in the army. Generations have made military achievements, and the fourth generation was named a lord because of their achievements.

Maybe it's because wealth came too smoothly, the sixth generation ancestor of Youjia was fascinated, married his daughter to a certain prince, and participated in the battle for the heir apparent.

After the defeat, only an eight-year-old great-grandson remained in the You family's direct lineage.

From then on, the family fell into decline and became a descendant of sinners.

Even so, the eight-year-old ancestor did not give up and resolutely joined the army. He led 20 people to repel Beimang in his 5000s, suppressed the rebellion at the age of 30, and invaded Nanzhao at the age of 35.

Throughout his life as a soldier, he made more than a hundred military exploits, big and small, and was finally posthumously named Marquis after his death.

Youjia returned to the power center again.

When you came to You Zi'an, the family not only invited famous teachers to teach him, but also sent him to the army to practice.

It has been 18 years since the Fubing of various prefectures, the original North Route Army, the current Yuyang Army, and the current Yunzhong Army.

He has held many positions in the army, and he is both civil and military.

It's a pity that in the past 30 years, there has never been a war on the border of the Northern Calendar, and You Zi'an has never waited for the opportunity to seal the wolf and live in Xuxu.

Now, after finally waiting for the people from Beimang, Gu Shuai hesitated, not even daring to open the city gate.

As a result, You Zi'an is full of strategies and martial arts, and has nowhere to display them.

Seeing the terrified appearance of his two colleagues, he felt even more contemptuous in his heart, but he said: "The border has been peaceful for many years, you and I have not achieved an inch, and we have risen through hard work and self-denial. If Beimang retreats on its own, we will naturally be innocent .”

You Zi'an paused for a moment, and said again: "If Beimang does not retreat in a deadly battle, how long can we stay in the cloud? Once we are lost in the cloud, what awaits us all is a death penalty."

Tian Yu swallowed her saliva, and reluctantly said: "The imperial court will not watch Yunzhong fall. Your Majesty and the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion have made arrangements. As long as the troops from all over the country come to help, the danger in Yunzhong will be resolved."


Lu Wen also thought the same way: "As long as it lasts until the end of autumn and enters winter, and the weather is freezing, the war horses in Beimang can't bear it, and they will definitely retreat."

You Zi'an chuckled: "Passing the wall today, could it be that the two of you didn't see that Beimang's siege equipment has been erected?"

Of course Tian Yu and Lu Wen saw it.

Gu Shuai was so sad because he saw the siege equipment.

"The wall in the cloud is high and solid. Last winter, an extra layer of rice paste was added, and fireproof bricks were also used. How could it break the city so quickly?"

You Zi'an said angrily: "If the city is destroyed, both of your family members will be there. You are alone, so you have nothing to fear. I'm afraid that the two sisters-in-law and wives will have nowhere to escape."

Tian Yu and Lu Wenxiang glanced at each other, their hearts beating again.

They only thought that after another ten or eight years in the cloud, they could write to the court to request Zhiren and return to their hometown with their wives and children.

According to the military regulations of the Northern Calendar, generals of the fifth rank and above, who have reached the age of forty and have served for 20 years, are allowed to retire with grace.

Who would have thought that after more than 30 years of peace, there would be a fight all of a sudden.

If it weren't for Gu Shuai's urging to build the city and fortifications every year, and to accumulate food and grass, they would not feel that this is at the border.

Hearing You Zi'an mentioned his family members, Tian Yu and Lu Wen suddenly became flustered.

"General You, what can you do?"

The vanguard battalion generals are one rank higher than the left and right battalion generals, they are regular fifth-rank officers, and You Zi'an is regular fourth-rank officers.

Gu Shuai is a senior member of the second rank, and the deputy commander is the third rank.

In terms of rank, You Zi'an can be regarded as their chief, but the three of them are inseparable, and they are not usually dealt with by rank.

At this time, being frightened by You Zi'an's words, he felt that his momentum was much lower, and he humbly asked You Zi'an for advice.

You Zi'an didn't have any clever schemes, he just wanted to convince the left and right battalion generals to agree to fight.

"Tomorrow, two generals, follow me to convince Gu Shuai that the Vanguard Battalion will take the lead. If everything goes well, your left and right battalions will charge with me and drive Beigou back to the grassland."

Tian Yu asked in a low voice: "If the situation is not right?"

"You return to the city on your own, you don't need to dare me."


The same army, how could they ignore the vanguard battalion being damaged, and the military law does not allow them to flee in fear.

Although Tian Yu and Lu Wen were timid, they were not ignorant. When they heard You Zi'an's words, they knew that he was dragging the left and right battalions into the water.

But there is no other way.

Yunzhong Town is in the middle of two big mountains, guarding an important road, and there is no way to outflank it. The nearest Taiyuan Mansion is also five hundred miles away.

Only hang on or fight to the death.

The two agreed: "Tomorrow morning, we will work with General You to persuade Gu Shuai."

This night, I am destined to be able to sleep.

Dong Shao is inspecting the army.

The wilderness outside Yunzhong City was not big enough to accommodate more than 20 troops, so the entire army was arranged in a long snake formation, and the tents were set up for a full twenty miles.

After many days of fighting, the Beili defenders did not take up the battle even once.

Dong Shao knew that they had made up their minds to stick to it.

The details of the defenders in the cloud had already been reported to him by scouts.

Unexpectedly, except for the old superintendent and deputy commander, they are all hereditary military households who have never experienced real war.

Dong Shao rejoiced secretly.

However, Beimang is not much better. For more than 30 years, apart from civil strife, the grassland has not fought a real war.

After his inspection, he returned to the big tent.

The dim torches danced, illuminating the nine princes sitting on the carpet.

Yan Zhen drank heavily. Ever since Li Hanyi fled Beimang, the wine bag in his hand had never been full. He either drank it while hiding in the carriage, or drank it lying on the ground.

Dong Shao frowned: "Your Highness, drinking like this will hurt your health."

Yan Zhen wiped her mouth: "My body is very good."

"It's getting late, Your Highness, please rest in peace."

"Siege the city tomorrow?"

Yeonjin's eyes gleamed in the firelight.


"Does General Dong think Li Hanyi will be in the cloud?"

Dong Shao's frown deepened, he didn't understand how a man could be so obsessed with a woman.

Your Majesty is too indulgent with the Ninth Prince.

"If I were her, I would hurry back to Xueyun City after entering the cloud."

After these days of inquiring, Li Hanyi's origin has been passed on to Dong Shao. She is one of the five great sword immortals in the northern calendar, and she is the second city lord of Xueyun City, the number one military city in the northern calendar.

Yan Zhen suddenly jumped up: "General Dong will definitely take down Yunzhong! Take down Yunzhong and drive straight into the sky!"

"Li Hanyi is not in Tianzi."

Dong Shao poured cold water on the Ninth Prince.

"But as long as we capture Tianzi and send troops to Xueyun City, where can she go? Back then, the Great Snow Dragon Riders from Beiliang helped Liyang level the rivers and lakes, and broke through the Central Plains and several small countries in the south of the Yangtze River. Could it be that Tiefutu still can't take down Xueyun City?"

Yan Zhen became more and more excited as he spoke, he waved the wine bag, as if Bei Li was already in his hands.

"Your Highness has been thinking for too long, let's talk about it tomorrow when we take down Yunzhong."

"General Dong, if Li Hanyi is in the cloud, don't hurt her life."

Yanzhen finished speaking with a glimmer of hope, and then staggered out of the military tent.

Dong Shao was too angry to speak.

How wise and correct His Majesty was to abolish the Sea of ​​Qi of the Ninth Prince, otherwise, with his temper, it would be no wonder he didn't end up tossing Beimang Jiangshan.

Maybe, when encountering a female beauty, she will sell Jiangshan directly.

When the first twilight appeared on the horizon, Bei Mang finished eating the meat strips in his hand and got on his horse.

"Warriors of the grassland, take down Yunzhong, slaughter the city for three days, the gold, silver and beauties are all yours!"

Dong Shao's pre-war mobilization was simple and practical.

Massacres will stimulate the bloodiness of soldiers, and women and money will make them more greedy.

Sure enough, everyone's eyes were red, and their sabers and spears were raised: "Kill!"



The charging horn sounded.

The engineers of the Mechanical Battalion pushed the siege vehicles and trebuchets forward, followed by rows of foot-operated repeaters.

These repeating crossbows come from craftsmen in Beiliang. There are a hundred of them in total, and they can shoot ten heavy arrows at a time.

A sharpened iron arrowhead can pass through a one-inch-thick wooden board, and the armor of the Northern Li people can't hold it at all.

It depends on how many rounds of shooting the city walls of Yunzhong City can withstand.

Gu Yi stood on top of the wall with Xing Haoqi at his side.

"Where are their three generals?"

"The army is being assembled."

Gu Yi was surprised: "A whole army?"

Xing Haoqi didn't sleep all night, his expression was very bad, he said in a low voice: "Old Gu, You Zi'an and the three may have an accident."

"What do you mean?"

"Last night, someone saw You Zi'an taking Tian Yu and Lu Wen to his house, and they kept discussing until midnight before coming out."

"You spy on them?"

Xing Haoqi didn't deny it: "I should share your worries, you can't bear everything by yourself."

Gu Yi raised the letter in his hand: "The Metropolitan Governor's Mansion has replied, and it arrived in the middle of the night."

"What did you say?"

"Guo Dudu said that the crown prince is in the cloud area of ​​Beimang, let us pay attention to it."

Xing Haoqi was taken aback: "What!"


The place where they stood was not far from the city gate, and there were densely packed city guards standing on the city wall.

Xing Hao's exclamation immediately attracted the puzzled eyes of many soldiers.

"We can't let the soldiers know about the prince. We have to send people to the Beimang army to see if the prince has fallen into the hands of the Beimang people."

Xing Hao whispered angrily: "Old Gu, I don't think so, otherwise Bei Mang would have threatened us with him long ago."

Gu Yi nodded.

"But after seeing what happened, I can rest assured."

"how do you want to do it?"

"Since Beili is attacking the city, we will open the door to kill the enemy, and then take advantage of the chaos to break into the enemy's camp."

"20 light cavalry, whoever is sent will die."

"I have already thought about the candidate."

Xing Haoqi was surprised again: "Who?"

"The one who sent the letter, the eighth son of the Wei family, Wei Lang."

"Wei family, could it be the Wei family in Tongqu Pavilion?"


The two finished discussing.

You Zi'an's forward battalion, Tian Yu's and Lu Wen's left and right battalions have all put on their clothes and are just waiting to go out to fight.

Wandering Zi An, wearing shining armor and carrying the long-length Chang Yu, came to challenge him.

"Gu Shuai, if we passively defend the city like this, we will break the city sooner or later. In the end, the general is willing to lead the vanguard battalion out of the city to kill the enemy. If he cannot retreat the enemy, he is willing to accept the crime!"

At this time, Tian Yu and Lu Wen also challenged each other.

Seeing the fighting spirit of the three people, Gu Yi pondered for a moment, and agreed: "You are loyal to the king and patriotic, with a commendable heart, lead the forward battalion, the left deputy battalion, and the right deputy battalion, go out of the city to destroy the captives, and fight the enemy bravely!"


The three generals held their fists together and led their troops to the gate of the city.

There are also 20 defenders in the cloud, and [-] vanguard battalions, all of which are light cavalry.

The left and right battalions are [-] each, and they are light armored infantry.

As the city gate opened, a wave of [-] vanguard battalions rushed out, heading straight for the Beimang attack vehicle.

Destroying the siege equipment will solve the danger in the cloud.

When the Pioneer Battalion was fighting fiercely with the Northern Mang Army, the Zuo Battalion and the Right Battalion followed, encircling the Bei Mang Army from both sides.

Suddenly, hundreds of thousands of troops fought in the narrow wilderness.

Gu Yi saw that the eighth son of Wei mixed up with the right battalion army, followed the army and went forward to kill.

Soon, his figure was swallowed by the torrent, and he rushed out without knowing that he was dead.

Even if he rushes to the Beimang camp, can he really find out the news of the prince?
Wei Lang was ordered by the eldest sister, and as the news of Beimang's invasion of the border spread, some news that was not conducive to the prince suddenly spread in Tianzi City.

Only then did Guo Pengju realize later how important it was for him to stay in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion.

Because of his existence and the support of Gyeonggi Daying, the rumors in Tianzi City are just rumors, not actual actions.

Wei Yun ordered the various departments to handle official affairs normally with the seal of the prince of the East Palace, and was not allowed to discuss military affairs at will.

Coupled with the secret suppression by the Ministry of Officials, there was no formal impeachment at the court meeting.

Xiao Luo, it's been too long since he disappeared. From Chunwei to the end of July, he didn't appear for nearly four months.

Some even speculated whether he was dead.

Emperor Ming never mentioned the prince's matter, but frequently summoned courtiers, rushing to deal with trivial matters.

It seems that he wants to grasp all the government affairs in the palm of his hand. Under such circumstances, the number of memorials passed to the East Palace is getting less and less day by day.

Such a change made many people worry, is Tian Zi's sky going to change again?
There are also many people who feel that the opportunity has come, a raging tide, hidden under the calm lake, waiting for the best opportunity to erupt.

Wei Yun sent Wei Lang: "Be sure to find His Royal Highness, no matter what happens to Li Hanyi, he must return to Tianzi as soon as possible, unless he doesn't want Beili anymore."

"Sister, is it so serious?"

Half a month ago, Su Changhe made arrangements for the Tang Sect and returned to Tianzi.

"Sister, to tell you the truth, if it weren't for Chen Deming's prestige, Tianzi's civil servants would have jumped up."

"But now the imperial court has placed a lot of our people. Almost all of the people who were appointed by Queen Chun are loyal to the prince."

Wei Yun sighed: "Eighth brother, you still don't understand people's hearts. If the crown prince is not here, these people will be water without a source, trees without roots, and they will leave as soon as they say it."

"Where are you going?"

"Heh, don't forget that our majesty is still alive."

Thinking of this, Wei Yun secretly sighed in her heart, how good it would be for Emperor Ming to die of illness at that time.

But even if Emperor Ming died of illness, what happened now would still happen. It would be better for the crown prince to go to Beimang to save people than the Emperor Beili himself.

(End of this chapter)

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