Chapter 39 Blood List Mu Yumo
The woman in red covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly: "Otherwise, am I staying here to make friends with you?"

Ru Jianxian turned around and rushed to the backyard.

Tang Lianjue stepped forward, a shadow flashed across his fingertips, and instantly attacked the woman.

The woman giggled, her figure was like a ghost, moving forwards and backwards, easily dodging Tang Lian's three combos.

"Happy Heaven! Who are you?"

"Xiao Lian'er, go back and ask your master and you will know who I am. I never thought that such a ruthless person as Tang Lianyue would teach you such a loyal apprentice."

"Don't talk about my master!"

Tang Lian was adopted by Tang Lianyue since he was a child, and Tang Lianyue was his teacher and father to him.

Hearing the woman in red's ridicule, he couldn't help being furious, all the knives flew out from between his fingers, and ten cold lights hit the woman's vital points.

"It's too bad. The Tang Sect is also called Ten Thousand Trees and Flying Flowers. Is it because it's not ready yet, so it can't be used?"

While joking, the woman's waist folded into a strange shape and flashed again.

Seeing that the woman was too much higher than him, Tang Lian no longer kept his secrets, and said in a low voice: "The cold rain is on the river!"

In the cold rain and the river night into Wu, Pingming sees off at Chu Shangu.

In an instant, there was rain of hidden weapons on the snowy ground, in all directions, like continuous filaments.

Lancets, barbed wire, plum blossom needles, swallow darts...

Every kind of hidden weapon is a rain thread, connecting the sky and the earth, and firmly nailing the woman in the rain.

"This move can enter the top three of Tang Sect, Xiao Lian'er is not bad."

While speaking, the woman rose into the sky, and a dark green flute suddenly appeared in her hand.

The green flute did not know what it was made of, swiped left and right to block, and even absorbed most of the hidden weapons on the body of the flute.

The rest of the hidden weapons were knocked down by the woman with a flick of her sleeve, jingling and scattered all over the ground.

The shocking move was broken in an instant.

Tang Lian's blood surged up, and then his body turned cold again. He couldn't believe that he would be defeated so thoroughly.

The woman in red laughed loudly: "The cracking method I have researched for 20 years, I didn't meet Tang Lianyue, but I used it on his disciples! Let's go, I will save your life today."

Amidst the loud laughter, the red skirt fluttered, and the woman stepped into the backyard in a few steps.

In the backyard, Uncle Mute and the coachman were fighting to the death, Xiao Luo and Sword Immortal Confucianism watched quietly and did not make a move.

As early as when Xie Xuan arrived, Xiao Luo stopped him: "Master, the dumb uncle said that this is his enemy, he wants to do it himself."

In the driver's hand was a black bone knife, like a skinned scorpion, which collided fiercely with the dumb uncle's sky scales.

"Mu Yulin, is it you? You're not dead!"

What caught the eyes of the woman in red was a criss-crossing ugly face and the familiar sky scale thread.


It was the first time Xiao Luo saw the dumb uncle so angry, his eyes were so red that he was about to bleed.

He took a step forward and stood in front of the woman: "The blood list killer has no sword or knife in his hand, are you from the Mu family?"

"Yes, I am Mu Yumo, the Patriarch of the Mu family. I never thought that my own brother is not dead, but betrayed the blood list, hiding here and trying to survive."

Mu Yumo calmed down, looked at the even more angry dumb uncle, and said coldly.

"Shut up! Uncle Dumb couldn't kill me back then, but you actually wanted to kill him to silence him. He is your own brother, are you still human?"

Mu Yumo remained unmoved: "As a killer, if you can't complete the task, it's a shame to be alive."

Xiao Luo let out a loud roar, and the Chun Yu sword drew out of its sheath: "Bah! Then I want to see if you can't complete the task today and commit suicide here!"

The sword intent exploded and came from the sky.

Mu Yumo flicked his flute to block, when the two soldiers met, dozens of hidden weapons attached to the flute took the opportunity to hit Xiao Luo.

"Luoer be careful!"

Just as Xie Xuan was about to make a move, he saw Xiao Luo push out with his left palm, and a shocking force sent all the hidden weapons flying.

When did Luo Er learn palm technique?
Just when Xie Xuan was in a daze, Xiao Luo slapped out another palm, like waves hitting the sky, snow rushing into the river, and the whole small courtyard trembled.

Mu Yumo was taken aback, and then used his unique deception technique, his body was like a fallen leaf, rising and falling with the waves.

Unexpectedly, in the male palm, the sword light reappeared.

Thousands of miles are facing the sea, and thousands of swords are forcing people to come.

Bang, Mu Yu's dark green flute slammed into Chun Yu.

Although it blocked the sword body, the sword intent pierced through the green flute, cutting open Mu Yumo's red skirt, revealing a piece of snow-white belly.

"Shameless thief!"

Mu Yumo originally thought that Confucian Sword Immortal would be too big, but took the opportunity to kill Xiao Luo, never thought that Xiao Luo's abilities were far beyond her expectations.

Qingzhi is hard to win today, she no longer loves to fight, her figure flashes, and she disappears outside the courtyard wall in an instant.

"Patriarch Mu, please stay."

Confucian Sword Immortal followed closely, two figures, one red and one blue, streaked across the night sky like shooting stars.

Knowing that he couldn't catch up, Xiao Luo turned his head to look at the coachman who was in the fierce battle: "Your Patriarch escaped and left you alone, it's really pitiful."

The assassin Mu Jiu, who was pretending to be a coachman, sneered when he heard this: "I failed to kill you. It was my dereliction of duty. What has the family master to do with me?"

"It seems that the blood list is very good at deceiving people."

I don't know if Mu Yumo's escape made Mu Jiu feel disheartened, or because he knew that he couldn't beat Xiao Luo and Uncle Mute, which made his attack more and more weak.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, the dumb uncle Tianlin entangled Mu Jiu's bone knife, twisted it with his backhand, and broke the bone knife.

Before he let go, the sky scale rolled up quickly, wrapped around his neck, and with a pull, Mu Jiu's head fell off.

Killing and being killed, Mu Jiu opened her expressionless eyes and landed on the icy snow.


The dumb uncle suddenly threw away the sky scales, knelt down on the ground, and started to cry.

"Uncle Dumb, everything is over."

Xiao Luo hugged the dumb uncle's head in his arms, and comforted him softly.

Maybe Mu Jiu was a playmate who grew up together, maybe they both studied art and killed enemies at the same time, maybe they also liked the same girl.

But when Mu Jiu came to silence him, he didn't hesitate at all.

Xiao Luo still remembered that scene, the bone knife stabbed fiercely into Uncle Mute's chest, if Immortal Confucian Sword hadn't arrived in time to protect him with zhenqi, Uncle Mute would have died long ago.

To Xiao Luo's surprise, the dumb uncle turned out to be the younger brother of the Patriarch of the Mu family.

What kind of terrifying organization is the blood list? It can cause brothers and sisters to kill each other.

Thinking of Mu Yumo's cold-blooded and weird expression, Xiao Luo's heart trembled slightly, this is a woman who cannot be underestimated.

"It turns out that she is the head of the Mu family, no wonder I am not the opponent."

Tang Lian, who had been on the sidelines for a long time, came over. He had recovered from the distraught just now. If he loses, he loses. It's not that embarrassing.

"The powerhouses in the Xiaoyaotian Realm are also deceitful, so they are naturally difficult to deal with."

Xiao Luo looked at the elder brother, with a handsome face, long hair that was casually tied behind his head, and a cotton robe that was washed white, he had a similar temperament to his master.

"Xiao Luo, I'm Tang Lian."

"I have seen Big Brother."

Xiao Luo helped the dumb uncle up, and slightly bowed to Tang Lian.

"Xiao Luo, now I finally understand why Liu Qinghe wants to bite you so hard."

 The young author's first book is in the starting point of women's channel, traditional martial arts, 10 words without signing.Afterwards, I went to a foreign station to learn to write cool articles. I coded 200 million words a year and made a little money.This year, I returned to the starting point to preach, and continued my martial arts dream.

  Coding is a painful and monotonous job, there is no way, if you choose this path, you can only go on.

  So far, this book is still attracting, but the follow-up reading is not very good. I don’t know if the readers are raising the book or have already abandoned it.

  Today and tomorrow are related to whether it can be recommended, so I sincerely ask everyone to follow up and support this seedling, thank you!


(End of this chapter)

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