Chapter 89 The world is a chessboard

After the canonization of King Shunwu was issued, Tianzi City became calm again. I don't know if the opponents really gave up, or they were planning a bigger conspiracy.

Xie Xuan persuaded Xiao Luo to enter the palace to thank him.

Xiao Luo didn't take it seriously: "If I enter the palace, he might faint again."

After the Double Ninth Festival, Su Changhe, who was half healed, was dragged up by Xiao Luo to discuss matters.

"Now I have the name and money, but the manpower is greatly insufficient."

Although there are many people in Zhenwu Division, only Su Changhe has the overall view. Xie Jiucheng is in charge of Tianzi City, and he can deal with martial arts affairs, but the government is completely unfamiliar.

"Your Highness, I don't know if there is a conclusion to the case of the important court officials I submitted earlier?"

"During the time you were lying in bed, Patriarch Xie took Xie Chun to visit all the officials above the third grade in the name of the chief history of the palace, but all of them were rejected."

Su Changhe murmured: "They are big or small, they all have something in our hands, do you want to coerce a few of them?"

Xiao Luo waved his hand and vetoed: "Bad policy. Before moving them, we must have our own people to stabilize the situation, otherwise the court will be shut down, who will do the work."

"Then there is only one way to make Mr. Ge one of us."

Xiao Luo nodded approvingly: "You go and ask Yang Qi for writing, and tell him that the plaque of Confucianism and Sword Immortal of Zhenwu Division has been written, please ask him to inscribe on the stable."


This is Yang Qi's last chance, if he still refuses, Xiao Luo will replace him with a new elder in the shortest possible time.

Who should I replace?
Xiao Luo stared at the chessboard in front of him, the vertical and horizontal chess lines were not chess pieces, but paper figurines, arranged in order according to the official rank of the department.

He held the paper figurine in his hands and kept moving it on the chessboard, looking for the most suitable position.

On both sides of the king, there were Qi Tianchen and Taifu Fan Huiming.

On the left is Yang Qi.

Prime Minister on the right, he thought about it for a long time before he put Chief Supervisor Jin Qing on.

Left car, Lan Yuehou.

Car on the right, Ye Suying.

Two horses, Zhangxiang supervisor Jinxian, palm book supervisor Jinyu.

Double Pao, Red King Xiaoyu and White King Xiaochong.

Five pawns crossing the river?

He smiled, and put Shadow Sect, Changmen, Peerless City, and Xueyun City in sequence.

The last one, Luo Qingyang.

None of these chess pieces can become his own, only by pulling out these chess pieces can he make a general.

After the chessboard was set up, he was still holding a paper figurine in his hand, and he hadn't made a move for a long time.

Soon, Su Changhe returned from Ge Lao Mansion.

"Your Highness, Yang Qi can die."

"He is so stubborn, who is supporting him?"

"From the beginning of Bai Wang Liguo, the two have formed an alliance to plunder the people's fat and anointment, especially embezzling river funds, causing floods in the south of the Yangtze River every year."

Xiao Luo removed Yang Qi's paper figurine from the chessboard, and pushed Zhang Changqing, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, onto it.

Su Changhe asked suspiciously: "Zhang Changqing also rejected us, do you still want to support him?"

"Zhang Changqing has no backing, that's enough."

On the day of the Double Ninth Festival, Yang Qi, the elder of Ge, climbed a high place in the suburbs of Beijing to look far away, and accidentally fell off the cliff.

Emperor Ming issued an order to stop the court for three days, and all officials mourned.

Three days later, Zhang Changqing, former Minister of the Ministry of Officials, was promoted to be the elder of the cabinet, the head of civil officials.

Liu Minzhi, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, took over the position of Shangshu.

It was night, and Liu Minzhi entertained Su Changhe and Xie Chun in the Chunhui Pavilion, a small building.

"Master Commander, Lord Changshi, Min Zhi, thank you for your support and support."

"Lord Liu, Your Highness asked Su to bring you a word."

"Please tell me, I will listen with all my ears."

"It doesn't matter who Lord Liu employs, but as long as you promote someone, you have to cover for them. Their problems are your problems, and their faults are also your faults."

"The lower officials must be impartial and selfless."

After drinking for three rounds, Su Changhe said with a smile: "Lord Liu, do you know which officials His Highness hates the most?"

Liu Changqing immediately became serious: "Please guide me."

"One hates the officials for taking bribes; the other hates the officials for oppressing the people."

"Yes, yes, Changqing will never dare to commit a crime."

"His Highness often says that power should be locked in a cage, and our Zhen Wusi is building the cage."

Liu Changqing broke out in a cold sweat, as if the entire Diaolou Xiaozhu had turned into a huge iron cage.

When the first snow fell, a person came to the gate of Zhenwusi.

He was wearing a thin green shirt, and his emaciated body was almost buried in the snow.

Xie Chun got the report and came out to see him.

"Who are you?"

Although the man was shivering from the cold, he tried his best to straighten his spine: "Luo Wenbai, former Chancellor of Dali Temple, please see King Shunwu."

"Why did you see my prince?"

Luo Wenbai replied in a deep voice, "Ask for an official."

After Yang Qi's death, the people in Tianzi City changed randomly, more and more people expressed their friendship secretly, and openly took refuge.

There are quite a few people who came directly to Zhenwu Division to recommend themselves.

Xie Chun has practiced for several months, and he has already dealt with these people very well.

He asked: "What official do you want? What are the advantages?"

"Ge Lao, the world."

Maybe it was because of the severe cold, Luo Wenbai's teeth were chattering, but this answer shocked Xie Chun.

He has never met such a crazy person.

"Come in and talk."

Regardless of whether this person is real or just pretending to be mysterious, he cannot be allowed to freeze to death at the gate of Zhenwusi.

Xie Chun brought him into the Changshi Division, made a cup of hot tea for him, and ordered someone to light a brazier.

The heat melted the snow and ice on Luo Wenbo's body, and he froze even more.

When Xiao Luo walked in, Luo Changbai's cheeks were flushed and he was already feverish.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Luo stretched out his palm, and injected a stream of warm qi into him, Chang Shi's inner circle suddenly felt like a spring day.

Soon, Luo Wenbai's clothes dried up.

"Thank you, Your Highness."

"Never mind, tell me why you were demoted?"

Before Xiao Luo came in, he had already found the resume of this petty official from the thousand-person case file. He was demoted.

Dali Temple, the official office of Beili in charge of criminal and prison cases, is mainly responsible for reviewing the judgments of the Ministry of Punishment and reviewing death penalty cases.

The highest position is Dali Siqing, Zheng Sanpin, Lie Jiuqing.

The second is the Shaoqing of Dali Temple, who is a fourth-rank official.

Again, both the principal of Dali Temple and the prime minister of Dali Temple are sixth-rank officials.

According to the current system of the Northern Li Dynasty, any major case will be tried jointly by Dali Temple, the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and the imperial censor.

Criminal law and prison litigation are the focus of Xiao Luo's concern, and it is also a difficult point in governing the country.

"Five years ago, the Huan River broke through its dam, causing floods in six counties in the south of the Yangtze River, killing 10 people and leaving millions of people homeless."

"go on."

"Your Majesty was furious. He arrested the officials of the six counties and sentenced them all to beheaded. The matter was so important that Luo went to the Huan River to investigate in person, only to find out that the funds for repairing the river over the years had been withheld by Tianzi."

Yang Qi's one party corruption matter, Xiao Luo has already investigated very clearly.

"After returning to Tianzi, I re-examined the case and issued an arrest warrant for all the corrupt people. This offended Yang Qi. Before the case was over, I was kicked out of Dali Temple."

Xiao Luo counted the time: "It was the year when King Bai began to supervise the country."

(End of this chapter)

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