Chapter 98 Rescue Ye Anshi


The iron horse Binghe chopped into Yi Wujiu's hands, and there was a metal-like collision sound.

Although it was a test, Li Hanyi was surprised when he didn't use his full strength.

The sword light pierced in, and his fist was split open. Yi Wujiu let out a cry of pain, turned to Li Hanyi, and smashed his two fists wildly.

Boom boom boom.

The fist is as strong as the wind, enough to split the world.

Li Hanyi flitted back, leading Yi Wujiu to jump out of the abandoned garden, and chased towards a path outside the palace.

"Thank you Jiucheng!"


According to the previous deployment of troops, Xie Jiucheng made up his sword and cleaned up the remaining medicine men.

He jumped into the garden, swung the big knife, and brought out a shadow of the knife, sweeping towards the medicine men who were still alive.

"Su Changhe, go in and look for the ghost doctor Yewu."


"Li Fan, Wei Lang, you are here to support, if there are new people joining, immediately launch the Tiangang crossbow to inform everyone."

"how about you?"

"I'm going to find someone. If he's not in the abandoned garden, he's in the main courtyard of the Red King's Mansion. I have to take him out of here."

Xiao Luo is going to look for Wuxin, but I hope there is still time.


When Xiao Luo rushed into the infirmary of the abandoned garden, he saw Wuxin sitting on the ground, his clasped palms kept trembling, and he was reciting Buddhist scriptures in a low voice, but he couldn't stop the cold sweat rolling down his forehead.

"Ye Anshi."

He opened his eyes and asked reluctantly, "Who are you?"

"I am Xiao Luo, King of Shunwu, and I am here to rescue you."

Shunwu King Xiao Luo, the prince mentioned by his senior brother who is against the world of martial arts, Ye Anshi's heart was beating wildly, and his sanity gradually became blurred.

"The evil spirit is going in a crooked way, little monk, get the hell out of here!"

"Ye Anshi, keep your sanity and don't be controlled by them!"

Xiao Luoyun pointed his fingers like the wind, quickly tapped Ye Anshi's acupuncture points, knocked him unconscious first and took him away.

At this moment, a person walked up to the door of the medical room, with terrifying killing intent rushing to his back.

Xiao Luo hurriedly turned around.

"King Shunwu, our family really admires your courage, but after tonight, the word "King Shunwu" will be the biggest joke in Beili."

"Jin Wei, Supervisor of the Sword Hand, it turns out that you have colluded with Xiao Yu."

"How can we use collusion? This is called cooperation."

"Jin Wei, did you kill Xie San Xie Si?"

"You said those two swordsmen, hehe, our family didn't kill them. It's obvious that the two of them committed suicide."

Jin Wei shook the dust fly, and the arms that were taken back were still a little bloody, but it was enough to deal with a mere comfortable situation.

A bloodthirsty smile flashed in his eyes, and he killed King Shunwu. I don't know how many people in Tianzi City were grateful to him, especially the few relatives of the emperor.

Jin Wei seemed to see countless gold jewels rushing towards him.

Xiao Luo slowly raised his hand: "Come with the sword, hunt the enemy's head, sacrifice the soul of the strong man!"

The situation in front of him is very bad, Jinwei, who is in the Happy Heavenly Realm, is at the door, and Wuxin, who is about to explode at any time, is in the room, and Xiao Luo is attacked at both ends.

so what.

A crimson light instantly lit up, as if it came from outside the sky, and it seemed to be in this world.

Xiao Luo pressed down on the Tianziyu, and blood frantically flowed to the hilt of the sword.

A red flame suddenly ignited on the red sword, and the sword light soared, and the aura of swallowing the sky and destroying the earth rushed to the abandoned garden.

Jin Wei exclaimed in shock: "Mystical Ascension Realm? Impossible!"

"There is nothing impossible in the world, just like the sword master, who will die under the sword of King Shunwu today."

The giant sword slashed down, Zhishui doubled, and the Tianmen Chujiang opened.

Immediately, the sky and the earth trembled, the stars swayed, and the sword was like a raging fire, burning towards the sky.

Jin Wei flicked the dust whisk, and the strong wind rushed towards him, making him move awe-inspiringly.

But the wind cannot put out the fire of karma.

The mayfly nodded and ignited towards Fuchen, and the sword energy went straight into Jinwei's chest.

Jin Wei retreated, and swung his palms out suddenly. They were extremely sinister and cold hands. The cold air penetrated into the body, which could instantly freeze the blood in the whole body and form an ice cone, which was extremely painful.

When Jin Wei interrogated prisoners, he often used the big cold hand, starting from the five fingers of the prisoner, and slowly freezing the whole body until the prisoner confessed.

Xiao Luojian moves with his heart, the giant sword cuts down from the sky, the threefold intention of Zhishui, thousands of miles towards the sea.

The sword intent was like a frenzied tide, the tide of raging fire, burning everything.

Da Han slapped out again, striking each other with a loud bang, Jin Wei backed up, turned several somersaults to release the sword energy.

Although he was embarrassed, he showed a sly smile. When the two of them exchanged moves just now, a trace of coldness in Da Han's hand had already taken advantage of the gap.

He waited for Xiao Luo's wailing.

Unexpectedly, that trace of yin energy went into the sea like a mud cow, without any movement.

Jin Wei exclaimed again: "Do you practice the magical art of body protection?"

"You guessed it right, it should be over, the wind and the clouds move the sky!"

The sword is full of meaning, illuminating the night sky.

Just when there was a violent explosion sound from the abandoned garden, Xiao Yu took Pan Wenqing and Song Yue up to the highest Cuihua Pavilion in the palace.

Xiao Yu smiled wantonly: "Eighth Emperor Brother, I never thought Brother Huang would dig such a big trap for you, hahahahaha!"

"His Royal Highness has a clever plan."

"But Xiao Luo has two masters, Confucian Sword Immortal and Li Hanyi, so I'm afraid he can't be trapped."

"Li Hanyi is the only one who comes. Confucian Sword Immortal will not come, because if he comes, the rest of the five prisons will come."

"But Li Hanyi?"

Xiao Yu is confident: "Yi Wujiu can drag her to death, the last person of Shadow Sect, and finally he will display his value."

Pan Wenqing was still a little worried: "It is said that Xiao Luo can temporarily enter the Immortal Ascension Boundary."

"That's because he didn't meet Eunuch Jin Wei, even if Jin Wei can't, there's still my good brother."

The third sword, the mighty sword intent, illuminates the entire Tianzi City.

Jin Wei was finally unable to retreat, and behind him was the courtyard wall of the abandoned garden.

"Our family fought with you, let's go to hell together!"

When a person's self-confidence is gone, it is the battle of the trapped beast.

Jin threatened to release all the true energy in his body, and Da Han raised his hand to ten, and resolutely blasted it out.

As long as Xiao Luo breaks through Xiao Luo's protective airflow, even a trace of sinister energy can let him be buried with him.

In fact, the massive blow-out move is just Jin Wei's escape plan.

He believes that Xiao Luo is a person who cherishes his own life, as long as he avoids this trick, Jin Wei can retreat to the main courtyard of the palace.

But Xiao Luo is a person who likes to work hard, not to mention, Jin Wei still owes Zhen Wusi two lives.

Xiao Luo didn't retreat, he charged straight over and slashed down fiercely.

With the power of heaven and earth, the red sword cut the entire abandoned garden in half, the houses collapsed, and dust flew everywhere.

The tip of the sword pierced into Jinwei's abdomen, lifting him in the air.

Xiao Luo drew his sword horizontally and held Jin Wei's head in his hand, he wanted to take it back and put it in front of Xie San Xie Si's mourning hall.

"You are possessed."

A voice came from behind Xiao Luo, and Ye Anshi was seen sitting in the dust, watching him quietly.

"You are poisoned."

Xiao Luo received the mayfly Tianzi sword, feeling dizzy for a while.

"Can you cure my poison?"

Ye Anshi asked.

"I can't solve it, but the person who drugged you can."

"Who is he?"

"The ghost doctor Yewu, the younger brother of Medicine King Xin Baicao, I will catch him."

Ye Anshi was silent for a moment, then walked out from the broken walls and broken tiles.

"I'll go with you, can I see Li Hanyi?"

"What are you doing with her?"

"Before I completely lose my mind, I must ask her whether she killed my father or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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