Chapter 132 Fire Poison
Just as he finished speaking, the Hongling bird suddenly raised its head and looked towards them.

That day, the man in the sky was still talking, and the people around him were startled when they saw this, and quickly covered his mouth.

"Master Tianqiong, be careful to scare that thing away!"

Master Tianqiong was also startled when he saw it, and quickly covered his mouth.

Don't you really scare this thing away by yourself?Master Tianqiong thought to himself.

However, at this moment, the sound of pedestrians walking through the grass suddenly came from behind Master Tianqiong and the others.

Then I saw a young man walking over looking around. The young man was holding a wooden box in his hand, and there were bursts of chirping sounds from the wooden box, as if the bug was restless in the box.Following the young man were two women in court attire.

It's just that the appearance of those two women in palace costumes is so impressive that many martial arts practitioners present were in a daze.

"Hey, this little bug is really good. As expected, I spent a lot of money to buy it."

The young man couldn't help chuckling when he saw the swamp in the distance.This person is Guo Jing.

According to Qian Yishan's information, Manggu Zhuha's favorite thing is to live in the scorching swamp in front of him.

Obviously, this kind of bug that is specially used to find hot areas is very useful.

It's just that when he took a good look at the swamp and found a red bird parked on it, the smile on Guo Jing's face gradually disappeared.

"This manggu vermilion clam is the king of all poisons. There should be no living things in a large area around the place where he lives. It seems that there are no manggu vermilion clams in this swamp." Guo Jing sighed.

Those who had been waiting here for a long time and others looked at each other with unfriendly expressions on their faces.

They have been waiting here for a long time, why, there are three more women in front of them?

The Master Tianqiong groaned for a moment, stepped forward, cupped his hands and said,
"Master Xia Tianqiong, the inferior people have been waiting here for a long time, I don't know if you can show me some face, that Hongling bird."

Guo Jing turned his head when he heard the words, and only then noticed Master Tianqiong and others.

After scanning these people, he knew that these people were ordinary martial arts people, not members of the great sect, and their internal strength was not very strong.

Guo Jing didn't answer in time, but looked carefully at the bird in the swamp, then nodded, confirming that it was the legendary Hongling bird.

"Hongling Flying Bird? I heard that it is a highly poisonous bird. Can the strength of a few of you be able to take it down?"

Guo Jing stroked his chin, and said to Master Tianqiong with a half-smile.

There seemed to be suspicion of Master Tianqiong in his eyes.

Several people around Master Tianqiong saw Guo Jing showing this look, and they became annoyed unknowingly.

"You brat dare to speak wild words, don't tell me to wait and beat you."

someone said.

And the Master Tianqiong also darkened his face, and said,

"Treat each other with courtesy, Your Excellency, don't be too domineering."

Seeing this, Guo Jing smiled and said, "Let's talk about it after you get it."

The master Tianqiong couldn't help but snorted coldly, and turned to look at the Hongling bird.

Just after the Hongling bird raised its head, it seemed to become active. It stood on a certain stone in the swamp and turned over, and then turned over with its beak several times in the swamp, as if looking for food.

But after searching for a few times but not finding anything, the Hongling bird seemed to be a little annoyed and flew up.Flying right towards the place of Master Tianqiong.

Seeing this, Master Tianqiong's expression lifted, and he said quickly,
"Brothers, hurry up, this little beast flew out of the swamp. We can't get in that swamp, and we can't catch this beast outside."

All of a sudden, several hunters near Master Tianqiong immediately took out the bows and arrows carried on their backs, found a hidden corner and started to attack.

The Master Tianqiong found a big tree with luxuriant branches and hid himself.

Seeing this, Guo Jing also found another big tree to do the same.

The Hongling bird hadn't seen anyone for more than ten years. Although it smelled different smells from a distance, it didn't look strange at first glance, so it was just a little more cautious than usual. The ones flew over like ordinary birds.

In the blink of an eye, they have already reached the top of the heads of the people on the sky. 1
The Master Tianqiong immediately ordered to do it without hesitation.

I saw a few people around Master Tianqiong quickly draw their bows and set up arrows, and three or four arrows flew out in a round, and shot towards the bird on the red mountain.

Hongling Asuka sensed the sound of the wind coming from below, and quickly flew high to dodge.

Three or four arrows in one round all fell to the ground.

On the contrary, Hongling Bird flew a little higher.

Master Tianqiong was annoyed and ordered to shoot arrows again.

But seeing another shower of arrows flying by, the Hongling bird seemed to be dexterously anointed with oil, dodging three or four showers of arrows in succession without receiving any damage.

Seeing that the Hongling bird is flying higher and higher, farther and farther, it is gradually getting away from the area where everyone is.

Master Tianqiong became more and more annoyed, and he himself went into battle and started shooting arrows.

The hard work paid off, and finally after a few bursts of arrow rain, the Hongling bird couldn't dodge in time, and was shot by one of the arrows, hitting the calf.

"Hit!" Master Tianqiong showed a bit of joy on his face.

Hongling Asuka let out a scream and fell down in pain.

"Come on!"

Master Tianqiong and others rushed to the place where the Hongling bird landed.

After half a stick of incense, everyone came to the place where the Hongling bird fell.

On a tall tree, the red bird was screaming and landed on the branch. At the same time, the leaves on several branches near the branch had suddenly become scorched and fell.

"Red Ridge Flying Bird really lives up to its reputation." Guo Jing nodded.

If such a good thing is resolved with the Poison Sutra, it must be able to gain a lot of internal energy.

Master Tianqiong and others were overjoyed, they quickly picked up big and small sacks, and went to get the Hongling bird.

Unexpectedly, just as everyone entered within four to five zhang of the Hongling bird, the Hongling bird glared at it immediately, opened its mouth, and a few drops of black venom flew out.

An old man couldn't dodge in time, and the venom was splashed on his face immediately.

Immediately there was only an earth-shattering scream, and the flesh and blood on the old man's face started to burst into many blisters as if blown by the venom.

The old man fell to the ground in pain, screaming and unable to regain consciousness.

Master Tianqiong quickly took out a pill, took out water from the skin bag on his body to dissolve it, went to the old man and applied it on the old man's face.

"This is a cold pill, specially for this kind of fire poison." Master Tianqiong shouted.

Sure enough, after the medicine was applied to the old man's face, the old man's screams suddenly became less, and the blisters on his face also eased, and no longer increased.But looking at the blisters on half of his face, he knew that the old man was seriously injured.

(End of this chapter)

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