Chapter 15
While the four ghosts of the Yellow River pressed the four bodyguards under them and beat them, the expressions of the other four bodyguards beside Genghis Khan couldn't help but change.

The four of them unanimously put their hands on the Mongolian sword hanging from their waists, and stood faintly in four important positions in front of Genghis Khan, protecting Genghis Khan behind him.

They smelled a hint of danger.

Many guests who participated in Genghis Khan's invitation also put down their wine glasses and stared at the subtle changes in the field.

While the Four Ghosts of the Yellow River were in a stalemate with the four bodyguards, a Mongolian soldier dressed as a bodyguard quietly came up outside the camp.

The Mongolian soldier was travel-stained and panting heavily, as if he had just rushed here.

He came to Genghis Khan's ear and said in a low voice, "Boss, the seven Jiangnan Seven Monsters and heroes you are looking for are all gone, and none of the troops we sent were found."

"Also, there seems to be a large number of soldiers ambushed outside our camp. I don't know who they are. But the leader can rest assured that his subordinates have sent someone to call for reinforcements."

Temujin frowned and said in a low voice.

"I see, go tell Guo Jing. Step back."


The Mongolian soldiers said respectfully.

Soon the Mongolian soldiers also passed the news to Guo Jing.

oh?Even my seven masters are not here anymore?And there are still a large number of soldiers surrounding here.That doesn't sound like a good sign.Guo Jing's heart skipped a beat.

He glanced at Sang Kun and his son Du Shi, but what he didn't expect was that Du Shi was also looking here.

When Du Shi saw Guo Jing's gaze, he couldn't help showing a bit of resentment on his face.

But besides resentment, Du Shi's expression also had a bit of complacency and anticipation.It seems to be waiting for something.

These people seem to have a big conspiracy today. They not only recruited martial arts masters, but also transferred army soldiers, and even tried to transfer all the seven Jiangnan monsters away.Just be a little more cautious later.Guo Jing thought silently.

He seemed to have seen the fire scene that would appear later.

On the other side, Sang Kun and Du are considering when to send out a signal to let the Four Ghosts of the Yellow River take action.

Genghis Khan suddenly interrupted their thinking with a loud laugh.

"Hahahaha, the performances of these Central Plains martial artists are really wonderful. My personal bodyguards are not your opponents. Everyone stop for a while, let me toast these strong men."

The Four Ghosts of the Yellow River did not wait for the signal, but instead waited for Genghis Khan's voice. They looked at Sang Kun and the envoy of the Kingdom of Jin next to Sang Kun.

The four ghosts of the Yellow River are the men of the envoy of the Kingdom of Jin who came with Sang Kun.It's just that in this operation, he temporarily obeyed Sang Kun.

Both Sang Kun and the envoy of the Kingdom of Jin nodded their heads, signaling to stop.

Only then did the four ghosts of the Yellow River stop.

The four guards who fought with the four ghosts of the Yellow River were already sweating profusely and out of breath.

After the Four Ghosts of the Yellow River and Genghis Khan each had a drink, they stood still and waited for orders.

Sang Kun, who hadn't spoken for a long time, finally spoke at this time.

"Great Khan, actually I brought my child here today, and there is one more important thing I want to propose to Khan. Please do it well."

"Brother is too polite, but it doesn't matter, as long as Temujin can help, there will be no problem." Genghis Khan said with a smile.

Seeing this, Sang Kun chuckled and continued.

"That's right. Xiao'er and Princess Huazheng studied together in the Kingdom of Jin for three years. I heard from Xiao'er that the two get along very well, and Princess Huazheng and Princess Huazheng have reached the right age."

"Today is such a good day, why not just finalize the matter, how about the two Rongrong?"

Sang Kun said kindly.

Du Shi was not stupid, he quickly followed and knelt down on one knee, bowed in front of Genghis Khan, and said loudly.

"Please sweat it out!"

"If the Khan is successful, I will still have stronger martial arts and respected martial arts people under my command. Wouldn't it be a good thing to invite these old Central Plains seniors to witness?"

Between the words, the meaning of threat could not be more obvious.

The four ghosts of the Yellow River also rubbed the weapons in their hands very cooperatively.

The smile that had always existed on Genghis Khan's face disappeared at this moment.

Genghis Khan knew that Du Shi had been interested in Huazheng for a long time, but he didn't expect him to bring it up now.

And with a bit of a threat.

In addition, the soldiers who reported the letter just now reported that there were a large number of ambushes outside, so whether Hua Zheng agrees or not, this has to make Genghis Khan think twice.

And thinking from the bottom of his heart, Temujin, who had always dreamed of unifying the entire grassland, even looked forward to this kind of political marriage.

"It's absolutely impossible, just because you are worthy of marrying my sister! Wishful thinking!"

Before Genghis Khan could speak, his son Tuo Lei jumped out immediately, pointing at Du Shi and cursing.

Huazheng was even more angry and stood up all of a sudden.

"Daddy, who said that I get along well with you? I don't like him at all."

"Daddy, I don't like Du Shi at all, so I don't want to marry him!"

As soon as the words of the two brothers and sisters came out, the scene suddenly exploded.

The leaders of many Mongolian tribes present began to whisper.

"It turned out to be an unrequited love!"

"I thought the children of the two largest tribal leaders were going to marry, but I didn't expect that the woman would not like it at all."

"That's not bad. Fortunately, there is no marriage. If we marry and unite the two families, we will not be able to live well."

"That's right."

Hearing that Huazheng rejected him directly without even thinking about it, and the rejection was so decisive and ruthless, Du Shi immediately felt embarrassment welling up.

Okay, you little girl, I have been with you in the Dajin Kingdom for three years and have not touched you. I have met so many martial arts people. Isn't it easy to understand you?I didn't expect that now I think Mingmei is marrying, you little girl is so ignorant!Du Shi gritted his teeth in his heart and thought.

Humiliated in front of so many people.

Du Shi even regretted that he didn't use it directly in the Dajin Kingdom. Maybe Hua Zheng would obediently obey him after the raw rice was cooked.

"Hua Zheng! Do you think you alone can make the final decision today?"

"The order of the parents, the words of the matchmaker, where did you put the sweat!"

Du Shi became angry from embarrassment, and shouted at Hua Zheng.

"Yes, yes, our young master is so handsome and handsome, how good it is to follow our young master!"

"Hey brother is right!"

"Everyone supports Mr. Du Shi. If anyone wants to stop him, we, the Four Ghosts of the Yellow River, will be the first to disagree."

The four ghosts of the Yellow River beside them quickly chimed in with a smile.

"I don't like you! Bah, you are still a son, you are not as good as Guo Jing's hair!"

"Daddy, reject them!" Hua Zheng ran to Genghis Khan and begged.

Genghis Khan's face sank like water.

"Hua Zheng! According to my opinion, Du Shi is right."

"You two have a chance to try!"


"Daddy, what are you talking about!"

Huazheng was struck by lightning all of a sudden.

"Can't hear you? I said you two can try." Genghis Khan reconfirmed.

(End of this chapter)

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