Chapter 162
Everyone's eyes couldn't help being attracted by the six holes, they looked closely, but they saw that they were six holes the size of bamboo tubes, inlaid on the iron array.

There are some patterns on the bottom of the hollow, but there is nothing special about it.

When everyone was thinking about the method of this thing, Master Peng Mu immediately said, "You don't need to think too much, this thing is very simple to use, as long as six masters with internal strength above the third level are facing six hollows the size of bamboo tubes at the same time. Just send the inner force."

Yu Songshan said, "Six people, that's exactly half on each side."

Upon hearing this, Duan Rui and the others exchanged glances and reluctantly nodded.

Duan Rui and the others originally asked Guo Jing and the other three to come over and open the array, but now that they have sent someone out, they might as well agree.

On one side of the Dali royal family, Master Kongyuan Ling Xiao Wanlanjian came out, and on the other side was a man in black plus Yu Songshan and people from the Five Poison Sect.

The six masters came out in unison, and after no one had any objections, Master Peng Mu found the positions according to the formation map, and placed the six masters in their positions.And clearly instruct the six masters what they should do one by one.

Everyone watched nervously.

Guo Jing was no exception, but while he was watching the array, he also used his peripheral vision to look at the master in black on the array. For some reason, Guo Jing always felt that this person's figure was somewhat familiar, as if he was somewhere Seen in general.

After making arrangements, Master Peng Mu returned to his seat and told Master Kong Yuan to put his palm on the hollow.

Seeing Master Peng Mu's action, the rest of the people also put their palms on the hollow as promised.


Master Kong Yuan shouted loudly, the internal force in the dantian suddenly surged, and the internal force was transmitted layer by layer to his hands, and the internal force in his palm surged secretly, and then poured into the bamboo tube under his hand like a rushing river.

Seeing this, the rest of the people did not hesitate to use their internal energy, and various internal energy surged up and surged out from their palms.Six powerful internal energies were injected into this array at the same time.

I only heard the rattling sound of the plates, and the lever trembled suddenly.

"Go and move the lever."

Duan Rui and Yu Songshan shouted to the people behind them at the same time.

Seeing this, Guo Jing had quick eyesight and quick hands, and he knew everything in a blink of an eye, so he suddenly moved forward and snatched the lever from my hand.

The strong man of Changchun sect followed behind a step late and did not snatch Guo Jing, so an angry look flashed across his face.

Guo Jing grabbed the lever and pulled it hard, but the lever only moved a little.Seeing this, Guo Jing didn't talk too much nonsense, the Quanzhen school's mental technique was in full swing, and at the same time, the powerful Nanshan palm technique was condensed on both palms.

Then Guo Jing pushed hard, only to see the lever click and suddenly deflect from one side to the other.

Afterwards, there was only the sound of iron chains turning, ear-piercing various friction sounds resounding from under the feet of the crowd, and all directions sounded at the same time, like thunder.

"The stone is receding!"

Huo Cheng, who had just subsided the swelling on his face, shouted suddenly.

Guo Jing raised his head when he heard the words, and saw that the big stone on the mountain wall blocking the entrance of the cave was moving with the sound of iron chains crackling.

After a stick of incense, the sound of the iron chain dragging disappeared, and the big stone on the mountain wall moved to nowhere, revealing a dark hole.

Seeing this, everyone cheered up and started running towards the entrance of the cave one after another.

The six masters who were in charge of the array also flickered, and suddenly rushed towards the entrance of the cave.

But at the same time as they moved away from the array plate, there was another sound of iron chains turning, and the lever that had been moved trembled and began to reverse backwards.

At the same time, there was a rumbling sound from inside the cave, as if something was moving towards the outside.

Master Peng Mu exclaimed,
"No, we can't leave that array, otherwise we don't know what will happen. The rest of the people can just go in, the six of us can't go in."

The other five outsiders all showed unwilling expressions on their faces when they heard the words, but seeing this, they had no choice but to come back separately and hold the formation again.

The rest of the people began to enter the hole.

Duan Rui first took out a wooden box from his body, and put one of the moths into the hole. After a while, seeing the moth flew over safely, he calmed down, indicating that at least the air inside was fine.

Only then did everyone enter the cave in large numbers.

Although the entrance of the cave was as tall as one person just entered, it got wider and wider as one walked in, and it was already as wide as a hall after walking to the back.

Not long after, outsiders had already entered the cave.

And the three masters from each of the two sides are guarding the array outside.

The entrance of this cave is small and the interior is wide, even if the entrance is opened, the sunlight from outside will not be able to penetrate very far.

After they walked for a short distance, they felt that it was pitch black and it was difficult to walk. Duan Rui took out the torch, blew on it a few times, and lit a torch brought into the cave.The same is true for Changchun Sect.

With the help of the firelight, everyone could see the appearance of this place clearly.

"It turns out that it is really just an ordinary cave. Judging from the traces around it, there are not many man-made chisels. It seems that the purpose of Master Minggui's construction of the manor is probably for this cave."

Guo Jing said slowly.

The people continued to walk with the help of the firelight for less than half a stick of incense, and suddenly they felt a chill in front of them, and a cold breath rushed towards their faces, everyone's expressions changed, they slowed down, and looked forward cautiously.

Not far away, there was a faint surface of water.

Everyone slowed down and walked a little more, then came to the water surface and stopped.At the same time, everyone also found that there were solidified oil lumps in several candlesticks dug out of the nearby wall, which had not yet dried completely.

Light up these candlesticks, and the scene in front of you gradually becomes clearer.

A mirror-like pool in between stood in front of everyone. This pool cut off everything on the road, divided the cave into two halves, and left a water surface about ten feet long in the middle.

Guo Jing looked at a stone tablet under the candlestick, and saw four large characters of Wanqian Youchi written on it.

"What an arrogant name, a small pool dares to be called Wanqian Youchi. Old man Changchun Zong Zhao, I want to see it."

Another old man surnamed Zhao with third-level internal strength in the Changchun School laughed wildly and said.

The palm of the old man surnamed Zhao condensed into a claw shape, grabbed a stone from the wall with a click, walked to the thousands of secluded pools, concentrated his internal force on his hand and smashed it down hard.

Hearing a thud, the stone sank into the bottom of the water with internal strength, and then the old man surnamed Zhao pricked up his ears to listen attentively, as if he was listening to the sinking sound of the stone to judge the depth of the pool.

(End of this chapter)

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