Chapter 182 Beheading
Although Guo Jing had a lot of fractures, but because of the Kuva body penetrating through his body, all the internal forces on his body have returned to their peak state, and the power of the Northern God Claw in his hand is also fully displayed.

The old man surnamed Zhao didn't know how powerful he was, and when he stepped forward, he slapped the green palm print he was best at, and went straight to Guo Jing's face.

"Guo Jing! Don't you kid hide yourself and come out to die on your own initiative, don't blame the old man for sending you on the road first!"

However, Guo Jing's speed was also extremely fast, and the moves of the Northland God Claw in his hand were extremely fierce, and the old man surnamed Zhao who hit him directly retreated again and again.

The old man surnamed Zhao only felt countless sharp internal forces like the energy of swords flashing in front of his eyes. If the old man surnamed Zhao didn't pay attention, the corners of his clothes were torn to pieces by Guo Jing's internal force of the North Earth God Claw.

The old man surnamed Zhao took the initiative to attack several times, but he was still unable to gain any advantage in Guo Jing's hands.

He couldn't help being shocked and angry, countless expressions flickered on his face, and the indescribable expressions were ugly.

"You bastard is using the Northern God Claws of that old man from the Northland, and your skills are so deep! Seeing that you are not too old, how can you have the proficiency in these 30 to [-] years!"

"What is your relationship with that old man!"

After several moves, the old man surnamed Zhao couldn't help but retreat a few steps, staring straight at Guo Jing.

His eyes swept over Guo Jing's strange young face again, and he really couldn't imagine how much the old man in Beidi would value a disciple like Guo Jing, and even pass on his unique knowledge to Guo Jing.

The old man from the North had never confronted him, he had fought against him before, and his strength was comparable to that of the old man from the North.But the kid in front of him has the same skills as the old man from Beidi.

This made the old man surnamed Zhao a little embarrassed.

"The old man from Beidi is going to forget his old friends next time. Your Excellency is talking about a kid and an old man. You must be too ignorant of etiquette." Guo Jing's face darkened, and he heard the old man surnamed Zhao's mouth not clean, and said coldly.

The old man surnamed Zhao heard the words, but he smiled carelessly and said,
"This old man is the deputy suzerain of the Changchun Sect. You are an unknown person. The old man needs to be polite to you. Aren't you afraid that the wind will flash your tongue?"

"Then see the real chapter!"

Guo Jing let out a long roar, and immediately moved forward with both palms.

Guo Jing tried his best to recall the heroic sense of fighting spirit he had when he fought Sha Tongtian before, recalling the feeling at that time, in an instant, Qiao Feng's innate supernatural powers in his mind suddenly lit up, and Guo Jing's expression also lifted, his control over the internal force in his body The sense is greatly enhanced.

"Double front stabs the air!"

Guo Jing threw out both palms, his speed increased a lot, and he hit the shoulders of the old man surnamed Zhao opposite him in an instant.

Seeing this, the old man surnamed Zhao didn't dare to be careless, so he quickly stretched out his hands to resist, but he didn't expect that Guo Jing's palms had already reached his shoulders just as he stretched out his palms. Use your internal strength to resist this move.

The old man surnamed Zhao only felt a tightness in his chest, snorted and took two steps back.While Guo Jing's speed increased, his power also dropped a lot, but this move still caused the old man surnamed Zhao to suffer a lot.

"Come again!"

Before the old man surnamed Zhao could breathe a sigh of relief, Guo Jing rushed forward again.

I saw that Guo Jing's speed had been greatly improved compared to before, but the sharpness of the Northern God Claw in hand had also been shortened by more than half.Guo Jing's speed was extremely fast, but the few remaining fingers on both palms were like sharp blades, dancing into balls of sharp internal energy, striking wildly around the old man surnamed Zhao in all directions.

The old man surnamed Zhao felt like a violent storm in front of him. He could only see that Guo Jing's Northland God Claws were attacking all parts of his body.



Guo Jing's speed became faster and faster. After awakening Qiao Feng's talent, Guo Jing felt that he could even control every muscle in his body with precision. Do less.

Everything is just right.

Every intact finger was like a sharp sword light, dancing and spinning in Guo Jing's hands.After the fight, Guo Jing not only used his fingers, but even his elbows began to work the Northern Earth God Claw, which also had sharp internal force attached to it.

The old man surnamed Zhao was so oppressed that he couldn't lift his head and complained endlessly.

The old man surnamed Zhao fought harder and harder, and soon, after seventy or eighty strokes, he already had a lot of scars on his body.On the other hand, Guo Jing, who is facing him, is more courageous and spirited when he fights.

The countless sharp internal forces all over his body rolled like a hedgehog covered with blades, making the old man surnamed Zhao unable to move at all.

Duan Rui stared at him in a daze.

He opened his mouth wide, and looked at the scene before him in disbelief. The majestic Changchun Sect's deputy lord was actually being beaten by Guo Jing, who was with him all the way, and he had no power to fight back.

This made Duan Rui feel like he was dreaming.

One must know that even masters like Master Peng Mu and the golden armor guards would not be able to achieve such an effect. When did Guo Jing become so strong.

After Guo Jing and the old man surnamed Zhao fought for a long time, the old man surnamed Zhao counterattacked Guo Jing several times but failed. After being wounded by Guo Jing's Northland God Claw, a sense of fear finally rose in his heart.

It's not that the old man surnamed Zhao didn't hurt Guo Jing, but he found that after he hurt Guo Jing, Guo Jing wouldn't have any fear or retreat, but instead became more brave and braver as he fought.

This is why the old man surnamed Zhao became more and more frightened as he beat him, and he became more and more confused as he beat him.

After another attack to no avail, he finally couldn't bear it any longer. He hurriedly took half a step back, turned his head to look at Master Peng Mu who was almost defeated on the other side, and faced the elder of the Five Poison Sect who was fighting in tone. shouted,

"Come and help me, this kid has a ghost! Something is wrong with this kid!"

The elder of the Five Poison Sect on the other side didn't say too much when he heard the words, but opened his mouth and shouted, "You can't even take care of a kid, I'm going to end here soon, I'll go save you right away!"

The elder of the Five Poison Sect was in good spirits, and he was torturing his subordinate Master Peng Mu who was seriously injured.

And just when he was about to end the torture and kill Master Peng Mu.

But suddenly heard an earth-shattering scream from behind.

It was from the old man surnamed Zhao who had just called for help.

The elder of the Five Poison Sect couldn't help being startled, and quickly looked back, "What's going on!"

But he saw that the old man surnamed Zhao was retreating rapidly, his face was pale and he was covering his arm, that arm was already hanging down limply, and there was a large area of ​​blood on the shoulder of that arm, several lines deep. A deep wound appeared on it, as if it had been chopped several times.

(End of this chapter)

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