Chapter 75
"Everyone here is a martial arts master who was invited together with great difficulty. Although Xiao Wang is a young prince, he respects all the martial arts masters very much. Now that he is here, why not everyone show their hands and let Xiao Wang Wang opened his eyes."

"Xiao Wang promises everyone, every martial arts master who shows his unique skills, Xiao Wang will promise to do his best to give him a natural treasure. Whether it is century-old ginseng or natural snow lotus, my palace will give it to him for free. "

Wan Yankang raised his glass with a smile, drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and said.

All the masters present were all refreshed.

The Shenxian Liang Ziweng was the first to be energetic.

He has a blood python in his hand, which is his most important thing. It will grow soon, and the last good medicinal material is missing. He has visited the whole place recently and has not found one that matches his wishes. heartbeat.

"My lord, I don't know how long it has been the best ginseng in our palace." Sanxian Liang Ziweng asked hastily.

The little prince immediately called a servant over, and after asking a few words, with a satisfied smile on his face, he said loudly,
"Although there is nothing very good in the palace, but when it comes to ginseng that is about 900 years old and nearly a thousand years old, there are really one or two plants in my palace.

"This statement is true!" Liang Ziweng was overjoyed immediately.

Peng Lianhu also cheered up, and asked, "My lord, there is such a thing as a red fire toad in the palace. When I was young, I practiced qigong into obsession, and my body grew long instead of long. I was originally eight feet tall, but unexpectedly I finally became this Such a short stature, but also suffered a dark illness."

"If you can use the Scarlet Fire Toad, maybe you can dispel these hidden diseases."

The little prince's eyes once again fell on the servant in charge of the pharmacy, and the servant nodded and gave him affirmative glances.

"Hahahaha, Xiao Wang promises you, as long as there is something in Xiao Wang, Xiao Wang will definitely give it to you, Village Master Peng, just rest assured." Wanyan Kang said heartily.

Peng Lianhu was overjoyed immediately.

Seeing this, the rest of the people at the scene also started to cheer up, rushed up to ask things, and in the end, except for the Shenmu Wangding that Zhai Xingzi opened his mouth wide, the others agreed.

Guo Jing and Wang Chuyi glanced at it, and they couldn't help but feel agitated. ,

Wang Chuyi originally thought that the little prince Wanyankang would be afraid of his status as a master uncle, so he obediently brought the antidote to the Six Immortals of Peach Valley.

But now that he was deflated, he realized that Wanyan Kang was not afraid of him at all.

They mainly came to find the antidote, and the rest of them got angry, and the most important thing was to find a way to get the antidote for the Six Immortals of Peach Valley.

Guo Jing pondered for a moment, then stood up and said, "My lord, I don't know if I can ask for some medicine, is it possible?"

Wanyan Kang narrowed his eyes when he heard the words, and said,

"No problem, since they are all from my palace, my palace will definitely not treat you badly."

Wang Chu immediately stood up abruptly.

"Okay, then the poor will have to see and see."

When Wang Chuyi stood up, he only heard a burst of "click" and "click" coming from under his feet at the same time.

Everyone subconsciously heard the sound and lowered their heads to look at Wang Chuyi, only to see that Wang Chuyi's body was motionless, but a deep footprint appeared under his feet unknowingly.

The hard bluestone floor under his feet was crushed by him without realizing it!

All the masters present were shocked.

They all thought to themselves, the world-renowned Seven Masters of Quanzhen are indeed extraordinary, the title of Immortal Iron Feet is worthy of being given by friends in the world, and it is full of gold.

Seeing Wang Chuyi unconsciously showing his hands, the masters at Wangye's Mansion were under a lot of pressure.

Everyone looks at me and I look at you, they are all looking at who will make the first move.

Seeing that no one came out, Sha Tongtian turned his head and looked at Hou Tonghai, who was present at the scene with the lowest martial arts except Guo Jing, and said, "Junior Brother, since everyone didn't come out, then come and show off your kung fu of burying others in the snow." .”

When Hou Tonghai heard this, he repeatedly patted his chest, looking very confident.

Wang Chu couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words.

He has been around the world for more than ten years, and he has seen not only all the martial arts in the world, but he must know the most famous ones by heart.Why is it that people are buried in the snow, but he has never heard of it.

Seeing Wang Chuyi's astonishment, Hou Tonghai was even more proud.

He directly took a long step and jumped outside the door.

"Everyone is surprised, my kung fu can't be used in the house."

With that said, Hou Tonghai had already arrived outside the door.

At this time, it had already snowed all afternoon outside the door, and the snow on the ground was already as deep as a calf.Walking is inconvenient.

Everyone was puzzled, there is no performance in such a large space in the room, why must they choose to perform in such a deep snow outside the room, isn't this making it more difficult for themselves?
Only Hou Tonghai and Sha Tongtian are full of confidence.

When everyone walked outside the door, Hou Tonghai jumped into the snow all at once.Sweeping and swiping with both arms, he joined the snow on the ground together, forming a snow grave about three feet high.

Then he raised his leg and kicked dozens of times on the school grave, kicking the snowdrift firmly.

He took two steps back, flew out all of a sudden, and landed headlong in the snow.

"Ah! This is it!" Zhai Xingzi from the Western Regions had never seen such a fancy thing, this time he was the first to widen his eyes, and subconsciously said in surprise.

That Sha Tongtian was not nervous, he turned his head and said to the guards around Wanyankang, "Please everyone, go to those shovels and beat the snow near my junior brother tightly, it is best not to have any snow." A place to breathe."

Many guards of Wanyan Kang found it very interesting, like watching a trick.

They hurriedly picked up their shovels, and beat the snow around Hou Tonghai together, beating the snow like a city wall.

Seeing this, Wan Yankang couldn't help asking,

"Senior Sha Tongtian, your junior brother didn't even have the slightest chance to breathe. Wouldn't it be suffocating to death if this continues?"


When Sha Tongtian heard Wanyankang's question, he couldn't help laughing triumphantly, "Little prince, you really underestimate us."

He explained to those around him,
"Our brothers are from the Yellow River Gang, and our martial arts are slightly higher, so we are called the Dragon King of Ghost Gate. It sounds better than my junior brother. But we are all water kung fu. Let's talk about our water kung fu on the Yellow River." , but I am not as good as my senior brother, Three-headed Jiaohou Tonghai."

"Now, please eat normally, and come to see my junior brother when we are full."

Sha Tongtian said confidently.

The people present listened to Sha Tongtian's explanation, and then looked at the completely sealed and locked snow grave. They couldn't help being surprised and suspicious. After looking at each other, they reluctantly followed Sha Tongtian into the house to drink.

(End of this chapter)

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