Chapter 156
"Old Fang, what are you doing?"

Fang Yanming suddenly pulled Shen Xingshan up and was about to leave.

"What else can you do? Where did you see Xiao Wuxiang Gong, take me there quickly! Quick!"

Clasping Shen Xingshan's arm tightly with both hands, Fang Yanming's eyes were red and his face was ferocious, looking extremely crazy.


Duan Siqi blurted out with a sharp drink, and the stage froze for a moment.

"Xiao Fang, let go of Xiao Shen first, we still need to think long-term, how can we find such a fool!"

As soon as these words came out, Fang Yanming's eyes returned to clarity, and when he turned around, he saw Shen Xingshan's face was pained, and he apologized, and quickly let go of his hand.

"I'll go, old Fang, you're too strong. Fortunately, brother has practiced, otherwise this arm will hurt for a long time!"

Rolling his eyes and rubbing his arms, Shen Xingshan pretended to be relaxed and said to comfort his buddies.

"Feel sorry…"

A forced smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Fang Yanming gave him a very guilty look.

"It's okay... we buddies, what are you talking about!"

Hugging Fang Yanming's shoulders, Shen Xing giggled and diverted the matter away.

Seeing this, Duan Siqi knew that he could no longer dwell on the previous accident.Immediately, with a serious face, he went straight to the point and asked, "Xiao Shen, are you sure that that person is using the Little Formless Kung Fu?"

The smile on Shen Xingshan's face froze.

Seeing such a scene, Fang Yanming looked gloomy and stared at him, probably asking for an explanation.

Twisting his lips and frowning, he hesitated for a long time before Shen Xingshan shook his head, and returned hesitantly: "I...I can't be sure! But that person used...Yingshan! And...Jiyu sword..."

As soon as this remark came out, things turned around, and Fang Yanming's eyes shot brightly, and he asked eagerly, "Old Shen, are you sure?"

Before the words finished, Shen Xingshan nodded his head heavily immediately, without hesitation before, his serious eyes met Fang Yanming's serious eyes, and he replied firmly: "I'm sure! That person used a Shan and Jiyu Sword! And definitely the real Yishan and Jiyu Sword!"

"It's not too late, let's set off to find Uncle Shen immediately!"

Duan Siqi made a decision directly, and rushed to the six doors in the first place.

"Eh? Xing'er, Ming'er, Mo'er, Siqi, it's time for dinner, where are you going to fool around!"

Unfortunately, as soon as he walked out of the martial arts arena, he ran into Zhao Yuan who came to greet them.

Hearing such words, Shen Xing rolled his eyes, and said very speechlessly: "Mother, what you said is really ugly! Can't we get down to business?"

"Hey...what's the matter? I feel like my wings are stiff!"

Hearing this, Zhao Yuan's beautiful eyes were bent into crescent moons, and she shot back and forth at the four of them, her pretty face was full of half-smiles.

Seeing this, the four of them took a step back as if they were facing a formidable enemy, shaking their heads and waving their hands again and again.


With a sweet smile, Zhao Yuan gave them a beautiful roll of eyes, and said softly: "Okay, the sky is big, and eating is the biggest! If there is anything, we can talk about it after eating..."

After speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave.Immediately, realizing that the four of them hadn't followed, she turned around, frowned slightly, and asked in surprise, " you really have something to do?"

The four heads tapped at the same time, like chickens pecking at rice.

Seeing such a scene, Zhao Yuan immediately became interested, and the fire of gossip burned in her heart.

Immediately, she stopped in front of the four of them, with a playful look on her face, as if she would not get out of the way unless you tell me, like a naughty girl, which made people dumbfounded.

"Let's talk about it! What's the matter that can make my family not even eat rice tomorrow..."

Just a joke, when you see four people, you still look at me and I look at you, and stay silent.Seeing this, Zhao Yuan rolled her eyes and came up with an idea.

Immediately, I saw her put on a big patriarchal airs, and she wanted to catch her and said, "I don't want to say it, okay! My wings are stiff, and I'm a mother and aunt when I don't want to say it. I don't want to say it. I don’t want to know anymore!”

After speaking, she turned around immediately, her beautiful eyes were full of slyness, a pair of jade fingers tapped on the palm of her hand, her red lips parted slightly, she should be counting the time.



Sure enough, she understood enough. Before she could read silently, she was stopped by the four brothers who were all smiling.

The goal was achieved, Zhao Yuan stopped teasing them, cut straight to the point, and said with a smile: "Okay, let's accept your appearance! Eh...look at it, my eyes hurt!"

"What's the matter, tell me quickly! You know, in Lin'an City, sometimes, my mother's words are more effective than the six doors."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone didn't hesitate any longer, and started talking in a hurry.

Originally, Zhao Yuan thought that nothing serious would happen to them, but the more she listened, her face became more serious, and her heart sank to the bottom.

Zhao Yuanqiao's face was full of gloom, as if she could drip water.The four of them didn't even dare to vent their anger, they just looked at her straight, waiting for her to speak.

"Eh? Sister Yuan, and you brats, didn't you talk about eating? Why are you still here?"

I don't know how long it took before Feng Heng came to find him.

Seeing this, Zhao Yuan quietly gave them a wink, turned around, her brows changed instantly, she greeted them with a smile, and said, "It's Sister Heng! I taught them a lesson just now, and I was a little angry." I'm dizzy, I forgot the time."

Hearing this, Feng Heng had no doubts, after all, it was a bit ridiculous for these four little buddies to get together.

"You guys... are so old, can't you save me some trouble?"

She gave a lesson angrily, and handled it lightly.The four of them also showed an attitude of bowing their heads and admitting their mistakes in a timely manner, and they finally covered it up.

After the meal, the four of them came to Zhao Yuan's room together.

After handing over a letter, Zhao Yuan instructed very seriously: "Give this letter to Zhao Jia! If he knows and can answer, he will naturally tell you. If he keeps silent, you don't need to ask any more questions."

After solemnly collecting the letter, Shen Xingshan frowned and asked, "Mother, is there anything you want to tell us?"

Boom!He was hit hard.Zhao Yuan curled her lips, gave him a blank stare, and said angrily, "What do you know, you brat? After all, my mother is a daughter's family, and she got married early, and she avoids me in many secret matters." What! You have to ask Zhao Jia and your uncle about this matter, they should know something."

Speaking of this, she paused for a moment, looked at Fang Yanming, as if she was guarding against the passing of time, and persuaded: "Ming'er, I advise you not to have too much hope. It's all a hundred years ago, and besides, Senior Xu Zhuzi has passed away, why should you dwell on the past..."

A forced smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, Fang Yanming nodded with a complicated expression, and returned: "Aunt Zhao, I see..."

A group of people were walking on the street, seeing Fang Yanming's silent and preoccupied appearance, hesitating again and again, Shen Xingshen opened his mouth.

"Old Fang, my mother is right, the dead are like this, and now that you have recovered from your injuries, why do you insist on dwelling on the past a hundred years ago?"


A long sigh was his answer.Fang Yanming actually doesn't know why he is obsessed with Xu Zhu's past, is it repayment?Are you unwilling?he does not know!I don't know, so naturally I can't answer.

boom!It seemed that he was too preoccupied, he didn't even know when they turned around and stopped, he and Duan Siqi bumped into each other head-on.


When he came back to his senses, Fang Yanming let out a light snort, and tilted his head slightly. His expression should be asking why they didn't leave.

"Xiao Fang, tell me..."

Li Yi spoke.

Seeing this, Fang Yanming let out a long sigh.Li Yi never talked much, but once he opened his mouth, he must come up with an answer.


Reluctantly, Fang Yanming sighed again, raised his head slightly, and stretched out his hand to block the glare of the sun, a look of memory appeared on his face.

"All of you have only seen my master's invincible cultivation base, his extraordinary and holy methods..."

"Have you ever seen him crying? Have you ever seen him mad?"

Fang Yanming was in a daze, his face was extremely flat, and his tone was also extremely flat.However, it is this plainness that makes people feel a sore nose, and a deep sadness lingers in their hearts, which cannot be summoned and lingered...

"Let's go..."

Li Yi spoke again without asking any more questions.Because if you continue to ask, there will be no results.Therefore, it is enough for them to support.

Striding their steps silently, they arrived at the destination of this trip not long after.

Everyone in Lin'an knows that Secret Service Agent No. [-] Tianzi likes beautiful women, so if you want to find him, you must go to Yihonglou.

The majestic palace is in front of you, the three-color glazed tiles are shining brightly, and the colorful flags and lights between the towers are really magnificent.

Before they reached the door, a group of Yingyingyanyans with graceful figures and light gauze and thin skirts came out in groups and surrounded the four of them.

"Aiya... how can I hear magpies calling on the branches so early in the morning! It turns out that it's Mr. Shen, Mr. Fang, Mr. Li and Mr. Duan who are here! Girls, hurry up..."

With big breasts and fat buttocks, the bustard still had a charming smile, her head trembling with a smile, and her chest was so white and greasy that it was a bit dazzling in the sun.

Waving his hand, Shen Xingshan smiled slightly, threw out his token, and said righteously: "My mother, we brothers have important things to do today, please leave the sisters! Is Mr. Zhao here? Lead us to see him..."

Seeing such a scene, the smile on my mother's face froze immediately, and a hint of impatience flashed in her eyes.Immediately, her brows were full of fake smiles, and she hurriedly greeted: "'s Mr. Zhao from the Secret Service Division! Here, here, some adults come with the servants."

Passing through thousands of flowers, the few people showed a serious attitude, and naturally no one who was not open-eyed would come to talk to them.

Came to the door of a luxurious room on the third floor, knocked, knocked... My mother knocked on the door three times.

"Who is it!"

There was a very impatient roar, Xu Shi was interrupted before he had enjoyed himself, and there was a bit of frustration in it.

"Oh... Mr. Zhao, I'm really sorry. Mr. Shen's little god came to you and said that he has business to do."


There was another roar, and immediately, there was a rustling sound of dressing in the room.

After a while, the door opened.

At this time, Zhao Jia's clothes were in a mess, his face was in disarray, and his lips were covered with red lips. Coupled with that look of shame and anger, people could not see his identity as the No. [-] secret agent of Tianzi, but more like a A rascal in the marketplace.

Blocking the door, sticking his head out, curling his lips and rolling his eyes, Zhao Jia said impatiently, "You guys! What do you want from me?"

I saw Shen Xing raised his eyebrows slightly, tilted his head, and had a smile that was not a smile.

"come in!"

Entering the room, there is a beautiful girl who is slowly washing up in front of the dressing table.Seeing a few people, she was not surprised, and provocatively gave Zhao Jia a sweet kiss, and Shi Shi ran away with lotus steps.

"Hehe... It's just past noon, Mr. Zhao is really in a good mood!"

The dialect made a sarcasm with a bright smile.

Hearing this, Zhao Jia, who was pouring tea, glanced at him sideways, and said flatly, "If you're fine, go out!"

Seeing this, Shen Xingshan quickly took out the letter and handed it to him.

After browsing, Zhao Jia remained calm, not as serious as imagined, but instead stretched himself, and said angrily: "That's it... What a disappointment!"

Hearing this, several people's eyes intertwined, and their faces were full of surprise.

"Uncle Zhao, do you know Senior Xu Zhuzi and the person who knows how to use the Blink and Ji Yu Sword!"

Shen Xing flashed his mouth hastily.Obviously, it is most appropriate for him to ask at this time.

Cursing his lips, Zhao Jia didn't give a shit, and went back directly: "The person who will flash the Ji Yu sword is in my secret spy department, how can I not know?"

"This statement is true!"

Fang Yanming screamed, stood up with a bang, and stared at him firmly.

Seeing this, Zhao Jia's face darkened instantly.

"Uncle Zhao, Lao Fang is a little emotional, I apologize to you on his behalf, don't be offended!"

His eyes signaled Fang Yanming to be safe and not to be impatient, Shen Xing cupped his hands flashingly, and said again: "Uncle Zhao, what you said is true?"

"Nonsense, why should I lie to you!"

Waving his hands impatiently, Zhao Jia pondered for a moment, and said, "That should have happened three or four years ago... I don't know that Da Yasi got a young man from Xunmo, and his practice is so good. Martial arts are a bit strange, as long as you know a martial art move, you can actually perform it, even compared to the original version, it is exactly the same!"

As soon as this remark came out, Fang Yanming's eyes froze immediately, and he thought to himself: It really is a small formless skill!

At this moment, he calmed down instead, and signaled Shen Xingshan to ask again with his eyes.

Understanding, Shen Xingshan said again: "Uncle Zhao, can you recommend something for us?"

Before the words fell, a strange smile appeared on Zhao Jia's face, he took a deep look at him, and said meaningfully: "It's not yet time, you will see..."

Immediately, he got up, waved his hands, and made a gesture of seeing off the guests.

"Hey... Uncle Zhao, don't worry! You haven't asked about Senior Xu Zhuzi yet..."

After pushing and shoving, Zhao Jia said impatiently: "It's been a hundred years, who would care about those old things? Besides, your uncle was the head of the family back then! Now that he's dead, where do you know?"

Squeak!The door is closed.There was a strange smile on the corner of Zhao Jia's mouth, his lips opened and closed silently, and then he said:

Oh, interesting...

(End of this chapter)

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