Chapter 66 Clean Street!
In the pavilion of the Shen family, the two bored brothers were playing chess.

But ah, at this moment, their minds are not on the chessboard in front of them.

"so boring!"

Shen Xingshan yawned, stretched, and sighed depressingly.

"It's really boring!"

Fang Yanming agreed first, then changed the subject and asked seriously, "Old Shen, how is the news going?"

Hearing this, Shen Xing raised his eyebrows triumphantly, patted his chest, and said, "Brother, you don't have to worry about doing business! Under the operation of my father and those six sects, a large number of martial arts people are now rushing to Lin'an Mansion."

"I'm afraid that within five days, the gathering will be almost complete! But, there are still accidents!"

Hearing such words, Fang Yanming wrinkled his forehead, narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked coldly, "Is there something wrong with the Quanzhen Sect?"

As soon as the words finished, Shen Xingshan nodded with a serious face.

"The old naughty boy Zhou Botong went to the White Hump of the Western Regions again to find the bad luck of the Western Poisons! Ma Yu is the leader of the Quanzhen Seventh Son. He was invited by the Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin to preach in the Central Capital, but he couldn't come!"

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he grabbed his buddy's arm and said, "How is your side? The news has spread!"

Hearing such words, Fang Yanming nodded first, then shook his head and sighed again.

This made Shen Xingshan baffled, and hurriedly asked.

"Old Fang! What are you doing? You nod and shake your head! Give me a letter!"

"Old Shen, the news has spread! But my little uncle's side can't be counted on now! The news on Peach Blossom Island is blocked, and when we came out, a large amount of supplies had just been replenished on the island!"

I saw that Fang Yanming was full of sadness and looked helpless.

"I really have to wait until my little uncle gets the news. I'm afraid it will take at least half a year! I'm afraid the day lily will be cold by then!"


With a long sigh, Shen Xingshan patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "All the worst situations have happened, now, you can only rely on yourself!"

Hearing such words, Fang Yanming felt relieved.

Smiling slightly, he said, "Anyway, I have already expected it! No problem!"

After speaking, he beat the chessboard in front of him into a mess, put his hands in his sleeves, and Shi Shiran left.

Halfway through, Fang Yanming rolled his eyes when he realized that his buddies hadn't followed, and shouted, "Old Shen! What are you doing! Keep up!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Xingshan shook his head depressedly with a speechless expression on his face.

"Old Fang, I really don't want to go out with you now! It's too dangerous!"

Seeing this, Fang Yan came to his side happily, hugged his shoulder affectionately, and said, "Good brother, naturally we share the blessings and share the difficulties!"

"I regret being your brother now!" The tone was full of helplessness.

"It's late! Haha!"

Hearty laughter wafts through the air...

With their hands folded in their sleeves, the two young boys swaggered down the wide street.

The cries of selling were still coming and going, but they were less cheerful and more dull than in the past.

The tourists who come and go are in a hurry, buy what they need quickly, and return in a hurry.

Xu Shi noticed something strange, and Fang Yanming said in astonishment: "What's going on!"

"How strange is Lin'an today! Although there are still many pedestrians, there is a trace of desertion among them."

As soon as the words were finished, before Shen Xingshan could answer, a sudden change occurred.

thump thump!The sound of uniform footsteps sounded, followed by the ground seemed to start to tremble.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up, flying dust scattered, and everyone was ashamed for a while.

"Six doors handle the case!"

After a long howl, people's heads surged in an instant, and they quickly left a passage.

Taking a closer look, I saw Zhao Jiangyu with a serious expression, leading a group of green-clothed policemen rushing towards the two teenagers.

It was the first time I really met this god catcher of rain characters. Although he was a member of the imperial court, Fang Yanming had a very good impression.

The eyebrows are delicate, the edges and corners are sharp, the eyes are clear, and the person is personable.

If it weren't for the purple clothes he was wearing, which symbolized the identity of the god catcher, and the saber hanging from his waist.I'm afraid it will make people think that he is a bachelor who has read poetry and books.

On the opposite side, Zhao Jiangyu looked at the young man carefully, nodded without any trace, and said with a smile: "I think this is Dong Xie, Fang Yanming, Fang Shaoxia!"

Hearing this, Fang Yanming cupped his fists and saluted, and replied flatly: "I have seen Jiang Yu's arrest!"

"You don't need to be too polite! Fang Shaoxia, I know you are in trouble now, so I specially arranged for the six-door police to stand by around. If you offend me, don't blame me!"

Zhao Jiangyu finished speaking with a smile, and before he could express his opinion, Shen Xingshan beside him couldn't hold back.

I saw his eyes narrowed slightly, with a cold light in his eyes, and he shouted sharply: "Zhao Jiangyu, what do you mean? Are you going to watch my brother as a prisoner!"

"Hmph! Just wait for me, Six Doors needs to give me an explanation from the Shen family and my brother, and..."

Before he finished speaking, Fang Yan raised his hand with a smile, stopped the angry Shen Xingshan, and tried to persuade him with nice words.

"Old Shen, old Shen! What are you doing in such a hurry? I know you are good for my brother!"

"But now that the situation is urgent, Jiang Yu's arrest is also for the sake of my life, understandable, understandable!"

As soon as the words were finished, Shen Xing cast a cold glance at the people of the six doors, turned his head away, waved his sleeves and said coldly: "It's better to be like this!"

Hearing such words, Zhao Jiangyu didn't think he was disobedient, and he still looked like a spring breeze, agreeing: "Fang Shaoxia's words are true! Thank you for your understanding!"

After speaking, he quickly waved to the arresters.According to the previous instructions, they scattered in all directions and hid one after another.

"Fang Shaoxia, Mr. Shen, Zhao will leave!"

The purpose of this trip was achieved, Zhao Jiangyu didn't stay any longer, and left.

Seeing his back disappear, Fang Yanming curled his lips angrily, slapped the buddies around him twice, and teased: "Old Shen, turn around! Also, you just went too far!"

As soon as this remark came out, Shen Xingshan turned around in a hurry and asked anxiously, "Really? Really!"

Immediately, he pondered for a moment, as if he had come to his senses, he slapped his forehead and said, "I said, why did I feel something was wrong just now!"

"I guess I shouldn't threaten them like this! Just talk about the money directly! Just pinch it!"

Hearing such words, Fang Yanming rolled his eyes angrily and greeted him.

"Okay, don't think about those useless things! It's rare to come out for a while, let's take a good look at the excitement!"

As soon as the words were finished, a scornful smile appeared on the corner of Shen Xingshan's mouth, and he said coldly, "It's lively? I'm afraid you won't like it!"

"What do you mean, old Shen?" His tone was full of doubts.

"Looking good!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Xing took two steps forward, took a deep breath, mustered his inner strength, and shouted.

"People from Peach Blossom Island are here!"

As soon as this remark came out, the street that was still buzzing just now was suddenly silent.

Everyone looked at the direction of the sound without blinking their eyes.

"Run! The little demon from Peach Blossom Island is here!"

In the crowd, someone yelled, and the rest of the people fled in all directions, and countless shoes and sundries were scattered on the ground.

Crying and screaming, they got into the nearby Menju inn, and tremblingly peeked at the only two teenagers left on the street.

Seeing such a situation, Fang Yanming scratched his head depressedly, and came to his good friend.

Suddenly, he met a pair of blood red eyes.

"Cows, horses, pigs and sheep run in the Tao, but they are slaughtered by others! Hehe..."

Shen Xingshan looked stern, his eyes dimmed, and he muttered to himself.

An unreasonable heartache emerged, looking at the empty and desolate street, Fang Yanming also felt extremely desolate.

After a long time, he patted his brother on the shoulder and comforted him, "Old Shen..."

As soon as the words were finished, Shen Xingshan let out a miserable laugh, dragged his heavy body, and took a step forward.

"Old Fang, tell me, in Jingkang, Tokyo was the same as it is now!"

"Millions of soldiers and civilians are tied up, and none of them is a man!"

"Seeing this appearance, I wonder if such a scene will happen again in the future!"

"It's just a young man who can scare the entire capital into such a state!"

"This is the legendary Great Song Dynasty!"

His eyes were full of disappointment, and his barely audible voice was filled with despair.

"Why don't they do it, why don't they resist?"

"I guess they have forgotten it! They have forgotten the majesty and heroism of my Han family! They have discarded the bloody bravery of my Han family son Lang!"

"A century-old event is about to reappear!"

When she closed her lips, Shen Xingshan was really heartbroken!

After a long time, he straightened his back again, made a face, and turned back into the playful and troublesome second generation ancestor.

"Old Fang, let's go, brother will take you to have fun!"

With a long howl, Shen Xingshan seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and his steps were flimsy, and he staggered forward.

Seeing such a scene, Fang Yanming stretched out his hand and opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to persuade him. In the end, he had no choice but to keep up...

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(End of this chapter)

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